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King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo
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My noodle supervisor, Linguini, says it‘s time for cuddles and reading. #kingofscars #leighbardugo #hardcover #library #cat #orangecat #bookcat

Darklunarose And how could you refuse any request that face makes! 4mo
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King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo
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King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo
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Currently reading King of scars by Leigh Bardugo.
I have read all her books including the latest Hellbent and Ninth House. Nikolai‘s duology were the only ones not read yet. And since Shadow and Bone season 2 releases 16th March, i thought I might as well update myself on Nikolai‘s story.

Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo
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When you visit the Malta Book Festival and €3 for a book is just too good of a deal to walk away with one. 😅🙈🤷🏼‍♀️
#bookaholic #bookworm #fantasy #shadowandbone #siegeandstorm #ruinandrising #sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #kingofscars #betweenthebladeandtheheart #nest #stealingsnow #thecourtofbrokenknives #thesilveredheart #killingthedead

BookmarkTavern Those editions of Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom look gorgeous! 😍 3y
jessjess Your stack looks amazing! 3y
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Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo
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Barnes and Noble haul today was 👌🏼

#shadowandbone #siegeandstorm #ruinandrising #kingofscars #forthewolf

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Excited to keep living in the GrishaVerse! Also, this book is gorgeous! #fantasy #ya #grishaverse #kingofscars #bookclub

Ninth House | Leigh Bardugo
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
I loved Ninth House!! The writing was amazing and the story overwhelming at times but wow. Just wow. I need more Adult books written by YA authors because this was incredible.
I met Leigh Bardugo 😍😍📚
@Waterstones held a Q&A and signing with her and I‘m honestly so happy ♥️

#leighbardugo #ninthhouse #grishaverse #sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #kingofscars #bookstagram #authormeetngreet

wisherwishinguponastar I haven‘t read any of her Teen/YA novels, but I loved “Ninth House.” Do you have a suggestion of where to start? 4y
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“Eat, your highness.“
“Everything tastes like doom,“ he whispered.
“Then add salt.“
#kingofscars #leighbardugo #ya #youngadult

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"There had been a time when words had been the only place he could find solace. No book ever lost patience with him or told him to sit still. When his tutors had thrown up their hands in frustration, it was the library that had taught Nikolai military history, strategy, chemistry, astronomy. Each spine had been an open door away whispering, Come in, come in."
#leighbardugo #kingofscars #ya #youngadult

King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo
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"Stop punishing yourself for being someone with a heart. You cannot protect yourself from suffering. To live is to grieve. You are not protecting yourself by shutting yourself off from the world. You are limiting yourself."

In case you couldn't tell, I really loved this book and I need the sequel, like, NOW. ?

#KingOfScars #LeighBardugo #quote #Grishaverse #coverlove #fantasyreads #bookishcandles

That-Bookish-Hiker The ending! 😭😱 5y
SmartSassery I've recently found this author and I'm hooked. 5y
LauraWeasley @That-Bookish-Hiker I know, right? How are we expected to wait so long for the next book? 😱 5y
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LauraWeasley @SmartSassery I know how you feel! I didn't start reading Leigh's books til about one and a half years ago but she's one of my absolute favorite authors now. ❤️ 5y
SmartSassery She's quickly becoming one of mine as well. Wonder Woman Warbringer was my introduction. Plus her first name is my last! 😍 5y
LauraWeasley @SmartSassery Haha, that's awesome! I loved Wonder Woman so much - I wish there was more than just that one book... 😖 5y
ofclumsywords That quote is one of my absolute favorites of this book! 😍 Zoya is such a incredible character, I loved her from the original trilogy but now its beyond words how much I adore her 5y
LauraWeasley @Ofclumsywords You know what, I didn't care for her at all in the beginning, she just annoyed me. 😂 She grew on me over the course of the trilogy, though. But it wasn't til KoS that she became one of my favorites - I love that we get to see the story from her perspective and get to know her better. 5y
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