I put all the entries from the #KostovaGiveaway giveaway into the random name generator and @dariazeoli and @saresmoore won! Thanks to everyone who participated. 🎉📚😘
I put all the entries from the #KostovaGiveaway giveaway into the random name generator and @dariazeoli and @saresmoore won! Thanks to everyone who participated. 🎉📚😘
Sarah Dessen is the only living author whose books I immediately buy when they come out no matter what they're about. Her novels helped me through some issues when I first read them, and I've loved them all ever since. The tagged book is the new one she has coming out soon for which I am SO EXCITED! Her first adult novel! And the picture is of my neighbors' rose bush...because it's pretty. #KostovaGiveaway
I've wanted to meet Manda Scott (aka M.C. Scott) for years. I love the way she writes, and the subject matter she tackles using the past. She wrote one of my favourite books ever, and I don't generally like young squaddie stories, and even less when they are Roman historical fiction. So, if an author turns me like that...I'd like to meet them and ask how they managed it. #KostovaGiveaway
Definitely would love to meet Jeannette Walls. How she came out of that childhood somewhat normal amazes me.
#KostovaGiveaway @Liberty
#KostovaGiveaway @Liberty I would love to meet Maggie O'Farrell. I still have a couple more of hers to read, but am spreading them out to prolong the enjoyment. Pic is The Paperback Writer used #bookstore in Mt. Clemens, MI where the owner suggested I might like Esme Lennox. She was so right! I've been hooked ever since. Loved this newest tagged one, too.
My post for this has to be Mr King. I have been a huge fan of his books for such a long time. I am sure that I would be completely speechless if I would ever meet him, however! 😊#KostovaGiveaway @Liberty
For the #KostovaGiveaway, though if I were to actually get to meet her I'm sure I would be too terrified with awe to speak a single word. I wish I could answer a question with the confidence and clarity that Ms Atwood conveys in her interviews. I'm quite sure I sound like a chimpanzee on speed when I speak about anything I find interesting 🙉 @Liberty
I would love to have the opportunity to meet Laura Hillenbrand. Her ability to publish blockbusters while also living with chronic fatigue syndrome inspires me. #KostovaGiveaway
For @Liberty 's #KostovaGiveaway - I've been lucky to have met some of my literary idols, but the one living author I'd most love meet is Isabel Allende. Her work is varied, passionate, and she has led an interesting life.
Louise Penny is an autobuy for me. Ever since I first read Still Life, I am attracted to the character of CI Gamache and am charmed by the town of Three Pines. Slowly but surely I am collecting her books and I would love to meet her in person. I follow her on Facebook and she really connects with her followers.