#AuldLangReads #NewtoYouAuthor #BookClub #Februarypick
This is my book club‘s read for February. I‘d like to pair it with Catherine Kerrison‘s Jeffersons Daughters: Three Sisters, White and Black in a Young America. The authors are new to me.
#AuldLangReads #NewtoYouAuthor #BookClub #Februarypick
This is my book club‘s read for February. I‘d like to pair it with Catherine Kerrison‘s Jeffersons Daughters: Three Sisters, White and Black in a Young America. The authors are new to me.
This year‘s goal is set:
I‘m going into my fourth year of setting goals to intentionally read more diverse books, and I‘m not the same person I was before. I often come back to the idea of books as windows and mirrors. I need both. We need both. Books and stories build empathy, and we could use more of that in this world.
This book makes a coherent argument about the benefits of a wide-ranging education based on rigorous study of the liberal arts and sciences. Instead of professionalization and early specialization, Zakaria argues for the pleasures of learning to read, write, communicate, and cooperate effectively. None of this is novel, but it is well documented and explained. Common sense just when we need it most. #preachingtothechoir
Reading as a powerful "path to knowledge": "There are few substitutes to understanding an issue in depth than reading a book about it." #preachingtothechoir
Read a great review by Simon Savidge of The Readers podcast and Savidge Reads blog. I was immediately hooked on Pleasantville. Added to my list. This doesn't include my physical TBR and Kindle books on hold. Lol 🤗 📚📚📖 #PreachingToTheChoir