#WinterGames #FestivePhotoChallenge #SantaHatorElfshoes
This pic is Christmas Day 2014…Dizzy was not amused in her Santa hat.
11 pts
#WinterGames #FestivePhotoChallenge #SantaHatorElfshoes
This pic is Christmas Day 2014…Dizzy was not amused in her Santa hat.
11 pts
#FestivePhotoChallenge Day 7 #SantaHatOrElfShoes
I have fond childhood memories of this story. I‘m hoping my library hold comes in early enough that I can actually reread it this holiday season, but for today I‘ll have to settle for a cover shot. @StayCurious
#WinterGames2021 #FestivePhotoChallenge #SantaHatorElfShoes #santahat
I do have a Santa hat somewhere but decided to post a throwback to a 2014 photo collage from my blog with Max🐱& his Kermit toy which does have a Santa hat. As does Kermit on the cover of this book.🐸🎅🏼😹
Who wins? You decide.
#wintergames2021 #FestivePhotoChallenge
Today‘s entry for the #festivephotochallenge!
16 pts