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Shoeless Joe & Me | Dan Gutman
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Stosh is off an another adventure back to 1919 to see if he just might be able to prevent the infamous Black Sox Scandal from ever taking place.

#20in4Readathon Day 1
#MarchMadnessReadathon Day24

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1y
Eggs @DieAReader ❤️ 1y
Andrew65 Another interesting looking one. Well done 👏👏👏 1y
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Eggs @Andrew65 I 💗 baseball stories/HF 1y
TheSpineView Awesome! 1y
Eggs @TheSpineView 🤗🤗 1y
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Shoeless Joe & Me | Dan Gutman
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Over the holiday weekend my husband & I watched the Field of Dreams movie. Come to find out its based on a book!

TEArificbooks What?! blow me over with a feather! 4y
rather_be_reading @mdm139 Right!! I had no idea! 4y
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Shoeless Joe & Me | Dan Gutman
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Starting this middle-grade adventure tonight. It should be a piece of 🎂 to finish quickly, satisfying one of my remaining reading challenge categories (because even though he's now in his twenties, my brother claims only this series as his favorite). #EmojiNov

Andrew65 Reminds me of one of my favourite films. Field of Dreams. 7y
Gezemice Which category? I'd love to know what you think of it. I feel like I should no more of sports history since it is such a huge part of the US culture. 7y
hes7 @Gezemice One of the challenges I'm doing has a category for a book that reminds you of a relative. It's an interesting book, for sure. The story is pretty simple, but with the time travel and history and baseball, it's fun. 7y
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Shoeless Joe | W. P. Kinsella
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Iowa holds a special place in my heart. My parents grew up there, my sister went to college there and met her husband there and now her family has settled there. To me, Heaven is Iowa. #currentlyreading #shoelessjoejackson #wpkinsella #fieldofdreams

Chelsey That's one of my all time favorite movies. I didn't realize it was based on a book! Must read! Stacked! 7y
Aims42 @Chelsey Nice!! I've been meaning to read it for years and then my local used bookstore had it for $1 - SOLD! I love the movie as well ❤️ 7y
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