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“Very little time in a priest‘s life is spent on ‘holy‘ things. Most of it is conflict management and resolution.”
Or, as a woman priest said in a sermon on ordination, “There are times when the church is like a swimming pool: all the noise comes from the shallow end.”

My church is in the middle of a pastoral transition, and I can‘t tell you how true this is right now. I texted this pic to my former pastor and her response was “Spot on!”

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I bought this faded copy of Practicing Resurrection from the outdoor shelves at Bart‘s Books in Ojai either on my honeymoon or a year later on our first anniversary—nearly 10 years ago. It was fascinating to read it now and see connections that have emerged in the intervening years that made it far more meaningful now than it would have been if I‘d read it back when I originally bought it. It‘s a quiet reflective book, focusing on Gallagher‘s ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d)… journey discerning a call to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church, interspersed with meditations on grief in the wake of her brother‘s illness and death. It‘s a lovely book, and connected with a lot of my own musings on vocation and calling, as well as grief. 12mo
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“Yesterday he was snowballing the Snow Man in the garden and pushed him over the edge of the cliff so that he fell into my sleigh at the bottom and broke lots of things—one of them was himself. I used some of what was left of him to paint my white picture. We shall have to make ourselves a new gardener when we are less busy” #winterwonderland #snowball

Cinfhen Perfect 6y
TrishB I hadn‘t heard of this one until a couple of weeks ago! 6y
DivineDiana @TrishB Neither had I! #blameitonlitsy (edited) 6y
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Snowballs | Lois Ehlert
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#WinterWonderland #Snowball

Haven‘t read it, but the cover was too cute!

Cinfhen Soooooo cute 💙❄️☃️ 6y
TrishB Very cute ⛄️ 6y
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#winterwonderland #snowball

Listened to Jenny discuss this book on her podcast @ReadingEnvy and it sounded perfect for my Dad. (Also for me after he‘s read it 😂😂) So onto Book Depository I go. However there‘s a #snowball in hell‘s chance of it getting here for Christmas. ⛄️❄️🌫 Early birthday present shopping then!

PS is everybody else getting dozens and dozens of new followers? Somebody mentioned there‘s suggestions now of who to follow?

Centique So hello and welcome if you‘re one of the newbies 👍👋😊 6y
Ruthiella Yup! Book Depository is notoriously slow! Love the fact that Reading Envy turned you on to the book! Bookish podcast are fabulous!😀 6y
Centique @Ruthiella I love the Reading Envy one. 😍Are you the same Ruthiella I heard on there? 6y
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Melissa_J I‘ve been getting a whole bunch of new followers, too. I think the new feature is called fun people to follow or something like that. 6y
Ruthiella @Centique That‘s me! I remember your episode too! I hope you become a regular guest! 😀 6y
Centique @Ruthiella thank you! It was fun and I loved listening to yours 😍 6y
Centique @Melissa_J wow, I hope I can live up to the fun tag then! 😂 6y
Dragon I‘ve been getting a lot of new followers and I was wondering why. 6y
Cinfhen I need to listen to both of your podcasts!!! @Centique @Ruthiella #LitsyCelebrities 💕🙌🏻😁and book sounds interesting 6y
Reggie That last episode was soo good. Her guest made me want to read Foe, Bridge of Sighs, and Silent Companions. And that YA they discussed about being adopted. 6y
TrishB Yes- they changed how suggestions come up for new followers! 6y
ReadingEnvy I think this one will end up as one of my top reads for the year. I hope you and your dad like it? 6y
Centique @Dragon it‘s because we‘re fun! 😂😂 6y
Centique @Reggie that‘s brilliant. I was just listening to them discuss Silent Companions and I‘m thinking “this sounds perfect for Reggie” 🙌😂 Foe is the sci fi one with Hen and Junior? - I cant get that one out of my head! 6y
Dragon Thanks @Centique 👍😀🐉🎄 6y
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Ashley has just moved into a new home where she and her mother rent the top floor from a crotchety old lady. Ashley ends up finding an antique, worn doll buried in the backyard, and comes to discover its owner, a young girl dying of tuberculosis, after a ghost cat named #snowball leads her through a hedge into the past. Sounds like a wild ride, yes? I was thrilled to rediscover this one after falling in love with it as a child. #winterwonderland

AlaMich Hmmm...that doll, though...a little creepy. 😱 6y
Ruthiella That sounds exactly like the kind of book I would have loved as a child! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m getting nightmares xx Nope!!! What the hell did you let her read as a kid @Mdargusch 😂😂😂 6y
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Reggie Lol, my grandma used to collect dolls like this one and we hated staying in the room where she kept them. You couldn‘t sleep comfortably. 6y
TrishB Creepy dolls! 6y
Kalalalatja After listening to this book, I find dolls even more creepy than before, and this pic is seriously terrifying! 😱 6y
Cathythoughts These dolls I find very freaky 😱 6y
Mdargusch They definitely got a few things by me @Cinfhen 😁. I refused to let them watch Unsolved Mysteries though. That‘s where I put my foot down. 😂 6y
Cinfhen Yay, mom!! You showed them who‘s boss @Mdargusch 😘😘 6y
Reviewsbylola Ummmmm I definitely watched Unsolved Mysteries on the reg. Must have done it secretly. 😂😂 @Cinfhen @Mdargusch 6y
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#WinterWonderland #snowball
@TrishB @Cinfhen
A yummy festive holiday drink 🍸

Reviewsbylola 🤤🤤🤤 6y
Ruthiella Nice one! 😀 6y
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Cinfhen Perfection 💙 6y
TrishB Looks gorgeous 💜 6y
Centique Ok this is my favourite response to this prompt! 🙌😂😂 6y
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Snowball the Pony | Enid Blyton
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#WinterWonderland #Snowball

Can‘t beat Enid Blyton.

Velvetfur Enid books are the first books I can actually remember reading as a child! I devoured them, loved them so much ❤️ 6y
rwmg That looks like Sean on the cover 6y
Cinfhen I love that snowball has black fur 😂😂 6y
TrishB Love Enid 💕 6y
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#winterwonderland #snowball
I don't read much on my kindle but here is a book of short stories i enjoyed although only one story features life on the ada doom farm and from recollection only one other was a Christmas tale. Still the cover picture is apt with a young child rolloing a snowball.. Im tempted to reread cold comfort farm soon.

robinb I have never read Cold Comfort Farm but have always meant to...🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😄 6y
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Calvin and Hobbes | Bill Watterson
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Calvin waxing poetic about a #snowball.
#winterwonderland @TrishB @Cinfhen

Tanisha_A He is THE BEST! 💟 6y
TrishB He is 💕⛄️ 6y
Cinfhen I used to love reading them in the actual Sunday newspaper #GoodOleDays 6y
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AlaMich That Calvin!! Such a poet he was! ❤️ 6y
AlaMich @Cinfhen Me too!! Sunday funnies! 6y
merelybookish @Tanisha_A Yes! I checked first to see if you had already posted Calvin for this, because I know you are a fan. 6y
Tanisha_A @merelybookish Haha! How sweet of you to remember! 💌 6y
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