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Chasing Vengeance | Drea Damara
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When #bookbloggers send you awesome sparkly #bookshelfies of your books.
#feelingloved #thriller #strongfemale #spynovels

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My upcoming release is currently on #NetGalley It is book 2 in my espionage series. If anyone would like to review it and/or book 1, just let me know & I will have my publisher send you a digital copy. It's about a tough female operative and a reclusive mercenary who are enemies.
#newbooks #espionage #spynovels #femalespies #johnlecarre #bookblogger #bookreviewer #librarian #reviewcopies #freebooks #thriller #romance

A Divided Spy: A Novel | Charles Cumming
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I really enjoyed this only the third in the Thomas Kell series. I hope he writes more in this series. #books #bookcovers #spynovels #booklovers #lovetoread #bookmad #booknerd

The Sympathizer | Viet Thanh Nguyen
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#currentlyreading and just realized one of my current reads qualifies under #spynovels :)
Almost feel like bailing out on Pale Fire 😔 I'll give it a few more pages... The Sympathizer is really good, don't think I will finish it by tomorrow

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Have 2 #diversereads #spynovels. Both are great.

The Secrets of Mary Bowser, based on the true story of a freed slave who returns to the South during the Civil War as a Union spy.
A Spy in the House, the first in a YA historical series featuring a biracial protagonist. Hey, did you know there was an established Chinese community in Victorian England? Neither did I.


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The only spy novel I've read recently. What I remember most clearly is the horrible smell of the Thames. This book was a fun escape, but it didn't make me want to go back in time. I'm glad I live in a now, when we don't just dump our sewage in the nearest river. #spynovels #photoadaynov16

Nebklvr I very much agree. Yech 8y
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I don't gravitate toward spy novels, but realized when I finished this today that it counts! Forrest-Gump-Like centenarian accidentally becomes a spy, sorta murders 2 people, becomes a millionaire, and befriends an elephant. And also accidentally teaches Stalin how to make an atomic bomb. Whoops. #spynovels #photoadaynov16

RealLifeReading Haha I like your description of it! Added! 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @RealLifeReading It's a fun, smart book. I liked it - very clever. 8y
Blueberry This sounds wonderful. :) 8y
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The Spymistress: A Novel | Jennifer Chiaverini
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I don't read a lot of #spynovels so I'm counting this. Elizabeth van Lew was a Union spy in Richmond, Virginia during the Civil War, and this book is a fictional interpretation of her difficulties and bravery. I read this a couple of years ago and was really intrigued by van Lew's story. It dragged from time to time, but I felt that Chiaverini showed me something I wouldn't have seen otherwise, and it was an easy read. #photoadaynov16

silentrequiem Lois Leveen wrote a novel a few years back called The Secrets of Mary Bowser, about one of Bet Van Lew's freed slave spies. It was really good. 8y
readinginthedark @silentrequiem Interesting! I'll look it up, thanks! 8y
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The Key to Rebecca | Ken Follett
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This is from my father's collection of #spynovels in Spanish. He had lots of them from the 60's, 70's and 80's, those were his favorite kind of novels. The James Bond copy is actually from 1965 and belonged to my grandfather. My favorite is The Key to Rebeca, it was the first spy novel I ever read. #photoadaynov16

LeahBergen Cool!! 😍 8y
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Now, I have no #spynovels of my own so I'm trusting y'all to keep a secret. This is going to be my father's Christmas present. He has been a John le Caré fan for as long as I can remember, and one of my goals in life (when I'm financially stable enough) is to buy him a first edition some day. Until that day comes, this will have to do. Don't worry. He doesn't have a Litsy account. #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading