I am really enjoying this series so far.. Started #theassassinsblade today and it is really good! 😊
I am really enjoying this series so far.. Started #theassassinsblade today and it is really good! 😊
Better late than never! Here is my March wrap up. I ended up reading 5 books which is awesome for me. :)
#harrypotter #birdbox #awrinkleintime #shadowandbone #theassassinsblade #wrapup
My book pal from Facebook sent me thee best box! I've been so anxious to start this series. She is absolutely the best! Super happy and super excited! I'll be MIA from reality for a bit now.
#throneofglass #crownofmidnight #theassassinsblade #sarahjmaas #idefinitelyreadpastmybedtime
This is a public service announcement to anyone who may have started reading #towerofdawn without first reading #theassassinsblade ( I'm not the only one right 😬) READ THE ASSASSIN AND THE HEALER FIRST!
You are now being returned back to your regularly scheduled programming...
My next three reads. Well two and one novella. (Seriously I didn't read anything, but Max the Brave, Skippy Jon Jones and Night Night Little Pookie over vacation). I'm mad at myself for not reading Empire of Storms, but I do plan on buying it in paperback tomorrow because the paper is tissue thin and I'm scared of tearing it.
#tbr #chaolwestfall #empireofstorms #theassassinsblade #towerofdawn #sjmaas
Currently reading this novella before tomorrow's release of Tower Of Dawn. From what I read so far I'm excited to learn more about Yrene Towers.
It's the last day of vacation and seeing my family. Tomorrow I have a 7 hour drive to take my sister and nephew to Boston (which has my anxious) and then me to Worcester. I'm always sad when my time up home comes to an end.
#currentlyreading #sjmaas #theassassinsblade #yrenetowers #chaolwestfall
Just noticed my randomly selected bookmark matches the cover.
#books #theassassinsblade #sjmaas
Multitasking and also reading #theassassinsblade because I need to know about #yrenetowers before the Chaol book comes out in a few weeks!! I think I'm past needing to read Empire of Storms before I read Tower of Dawn considering that it takes place at the same time.
#sjmaas #chaolwestfall
I cannot figure what to read next. It'll definitely be one of these or Six of Crows which is on my nook.
Suggestions are welcome.
#books #whattoreadnext #sjmaas #empireofstorms #theassassinsblade #thesharkclub #onceandforall #rainbowrowell #agathachristie #ya #romance