After crying through #thelightbetweenoceans I thought I‘d continue the heartbreak and give this a shot....
After crying through #thelightbetweenoceans I thought I‘d continue the heartbreak and give this a shot....
This was a very good read right from the start and was a page-turner all the way through. I enjoyed the author's writing and will definitely read another book written by her. The characters were well-developed and the plot was excellent and kept me riveted to the story. The book had a great moral lesson of right and wrong and was beautifully delivered. I cried at the ending which had very tender moments and I didn't want the book to end.
Read this on holiday last week. Was the perfect book to read by the pool. So heart wrenching and thought provoking! Love love love #thelightbetweenoceans
Some of my june reads that I'm hoping to get done with before university opens 🙄
CR: #TheLightBetweenOceans by #MLStedman (this is such a good but depressing book so far )
#TheRoad by #CormacMcCarthy
#SophiesWorld by #JosteinGaarder
#WhiteTeeth by #ZadieSmith
#AllTheLightsWeCannotSee by #Anthonydoerr
4/5 ✨
I really enjoyed The Light Between Oceans, I'd heard some rather damning reviews, people being really quite nasty about certain characters and such, but I felt I could relate and see through the eyes of every character, experience the pain and joys of them all. It's a very thought provoking novel, and I'm not sure who I'd act like if I was put into the same situation these characters were...
#Lighthouse #TheLightBetweenOceans
• feb 2017 botm for book ? snails ? book group •
{ any thoughts? }
this will be the 2nd title I have going right now with the word "light" in it. when getting this picture ready for this post, I almost accidentally posted a photo of the other book "All the Light We Cannot See!"
#thelightbetweenoceans #groupread #novel #botm #booksnailsbookgroup #goodreads #feb2017
Never be sorry for smiling
#thelightbetweenoceans #quote #nightreading
“There are still more days to travel in this life. And he knows that the man who makes the journey has been shaped by every day and every person along the way. Scars are just another kind of memory....Soon enough the days will close over their lives, the grass will grow over their graves, until their story is just an unvisited headstone.”
#book #booktober #thelightbetweenoceans #booklove #booklover