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The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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3.75/5 🌕🌕🌕🌖🌑

“Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”

#fantasy #classics #thelordoftherings

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I‘ve #reread the series about five times. I‘ve also watched the movies several times. I wonder why? 🤔#aboutabook

ItsAnotherJen I'm convinced only a man can wear his hair half up/half down and look this good 🔥😂 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 1mo
Susanita @ItsAnotherJen Right?! I briefly tried that style in middle school and couldn‘t quite get it to work. (I‘m pretty sure Karl‘s is a wig but still…) 1mo
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 🤩 1mo
ItsAnotherJen @Susanita no matter what I do, I can never get that style to look good on me! Totally gave up 1mo
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So, before we start our new reads with the #FellowshipOfTolkien l want to try and finish at least the Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings. With both books, I'm not so far from the end, so...

And soon, the #DraculaDaily will pick up again where l left off last year, and I'd like to finish that too.

It's disgracefully hot here in Italy. Let's see what l manage.

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Here we are!!! 😁

@Daisey and l have been thinking what to read next with the #FellowshipOfTolkien.

There are a few option we'd like to explore.
Here is what we have come up with for a Fall reading.
1. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
2. The Fall of Numenor
3. Tolkien and the Great War

These are really three different path we might thread.
1. Tolkien's medieval work (so much to read!)
2. New publications
3. Books about Tolkien

What you fancy?😁

Daisey @Larkken @curiouserandcurioser @tdrosebud @Liatrek @Desha @slategreyskies @AmyK1 @wisherwishinguponastar @gossamerchild @CatLass007 @AllDebooks @Bigcountry15

*Tagging everyone on my previous list! Please let me know if you want to stay or be removed as we start something new.

@LitsyEvents Please share!
AllDebooks Count me in for the buddyreads. As for the type of reads, I'm happy with any or all of the 3 you've chosen. 2mo
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CatLass007 Please continue to tag me with these buddy reads. I don‘t have any opinion on what to read next. 2mo
wordslinger42 I‘m not interested in The Fall of Numenor, but will happily join in for the others whenever you read them! 2mo
BethM I‘m in. I def want to read sir gwain but that‘s specific to the story lol 2mo
BookwormAHN I'm good with any of them 😺 2mo
Daisey I am happy to read any of these, but my first pick would be reread Sir Gawain, which is usually published with translations of The Pearl & Sir Orfeo, with the group followed by some other translations that have been out a while that I‘ve yet to read. 2mo
Desha I‘m interested in Tolkien and the Great War…I‘ve been wanting to read it for a long while! Thank you for organizing this read along!! 💗 2mo
Roary47 I‘m game for whatever. The first selection looks the most interesting. 2mo
BarbaraJean I‘d be interested in any of these! I‘m less interested in Sir Gawain, since I finally got around to reading it (along with The Pearl and Sir Orfeo) not that long ago, but it would also be hard to resist reading it with the group 😁 2mo
TheAromaofBooks This fall is looking crazy busy for me, but let me know what the group decides and I will see if I can work it in!! 2mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey It looks like Sir Gawain is taking the table 😂 2mo
Daisey @JazzFeathers @TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean @Roary47 @Desha @BookwormAHN @BethM @wordslinger42 @CatLass007 @AllDebooks I‘m working on a schedule for Sir Gawain, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo with the plan to start September 1. 2mo
wordslinger42 @Daisey That sounds great to me! I‘m looking forward to reading with all of you! 😊 2mo
BethM Awesome I‘ll make sure to pack it on vacay! 2mo
CatLass007 Excellent! 2mo
BookwormAHN Sounds great 😺 2mo
AllDebooks @Daisey great, I'll get my copies sorted 😊 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Daisey - Thank you for the update!! I'll see where I can jump in!! 2mo
BarbaraJean @Daisey Sounds good! I may not re-read but I‘d really like to discuss! I may just skim/review to refresh my memory as we go 😊 2mo
curiouserandcurioser @Daisey will you please tag me for this-im interested!:) 2mo
Daisey @curiouserandcurioser Yes! I‘ll add you to the list! 2mo
curiouserandcurioser @Daisey thank you!:) 2mo
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Love this book and the narrator!!! Just love the characters and the plot so much!! I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

Shamzi Every book in this series is 5 on 5!!! 3mo
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So. Many. Franchises.

In that spirit, here are my “favorites.” My score was 49 out of 100.

1. The Return of the King
2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
3. Iron Man


Link to take the challenge: https://www.listchallenges.com/litsy-highest-grossing-films-of-the-2000s

dabbe You beat me by 1! 😂 Thanks for playing and sharing. 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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It seems like I do a reread of Lord of the Rings every few years. I always find something new to savor.

I will also reread a series sometimes if there‘s a new book and it‘s been a while since I read the last one.

This year I‘m not planning to reread anything so I can work on my TBR, but you never know!


BookmarkTavern What a great choice! Thanks for sharing! 5mo
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I got a new sword and scabbard. It was a gift from my husband. It is Éomer's sword Gúthwinë. I already have Éowyn's sword. They happen to be siblings. I like to pretend I am also a rider of Rohan. It is called fantasy after all. 😏

ravenlee So cool! 5mo
The_Book_Ninja Gonna slay some Orcs next time you pop to Publix? 5mo
bookishbitch @The_Book_Ninja I mean, if they can't behave they get what's coming to them! 😉 5mo
The_Book_Ninja @bookishbitch 🤣fair enough 🗡️ 5mo
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