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Il ritorno del re. Il signore degli anelli
Il ritorno del re. Il signore degli anelli | John R. R. Tolkien
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I‘ve #reread the series about five times. I‘ve also watched the movies several times. I wonder why? 🤔#aboutabook

ItsAnotherJen I'm convinced only a man can wear his hair half up/half down and look this good 🔥😂 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 1mo
Susanita @ItsAnotherJen Right?! I briefly tried that style in middle school and couldn‘t quite get it to work. (I‘m pretty sure Karl‘s is a wig but still…) 1mo
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 🤩 1mo
ItsAnotherJen @Susanita no matter what I do, I can never get that style to look good on me! Totally gave up 1mo
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Love this book and the narrator!!! Just love the characters and the plot so much!! I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

Shamzi Every book in this series is 5 on 5!!! 3mo
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So. Many. Franchises.

In that spirit, here are my “favorites.” My score was 49 out of 100.

1. The Return of the King
2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
3. Iron Man


Link to take the challenge: https://www.listchallenges.com/litsy-highest-grossing-films-of-the-2000s

dabbe You beat me by 1! 😂 Thanks for playing and sharing. 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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It seems like I do a reread of Lord of the Rings every few years. I always find something new to savor.

I will also reread a series sometimes if there‘s a new book and it‘s been a while since I read the last one.

This year I‘m not planning to reread anything so I can work on my TBR, but you never know!


BookmarkTavern What a great choice! Thanks for sharing! 5mo
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I got a new sword and scabbard. It was a gift from my husband. It is Éomer's sword Gúthwinë. I already have Éowyn's sword. They happen to be siblings. I like to pretend I am also a rider of Rohan. It is called fantasy after all. 😏

ravenlee So cool! 5mo
The_Book_Ninja Gonna slay some Orcs next time you pop to Publix? 5mo
bookishbitch @The_Book_Ninja I mean, if they can't behave they get what's coming to them! 😉 5mo
The_Book_Ninja @bookishbitch 🤣fair enough 🗡️ 5mo
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I won‘t add anything new to the discussion, so I won‘t try. It reminds me of the adventure novels popular w/ boys in the Victorian era, but fantasy. I want to thank Christopher Tolkien for taking his father to task about remembering the small details of his bedtime story so that we could all benefit from it. The original NPR broadcast was stellar & should get a listen, if you‘re so inclined. Know what Aragon‘s shirt is made of? Husband material.

tpixie lol husband material 😝 6mo
AshleyHoss820 @tpixie 🤭🤭🤭 It‘s just so true! ☺️😂 6mo
tpixie @AshleyHoss820 👏🏻 👏🏻 6mo
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It hurts a little to say goodbye to the Hobbits again. I really felt with Frodo and at the same time I was so proud of him. Loved the others, too. And there are even female characters! When I first read it six years ago, I didn't really pay attention to this. This is how we change as we grow older and this way we can find new things in old beloved books. ❤

AnnCrystal 👏Except for graphic novels, I have never reread a book, don't know why...this makes me wonder about some of the old ones I read years ago yet still love. One day, maybe 🤔. 😉👍💝. (edited) 7mo
Jari-chan @AnnCrystal Rereads come to you when the time is right 😊 No pressure. When I was younger I didn't used to read books again, either. That has changed now 🤭 7mo
AnnCrystal @Jari-chan 💕😉👍💝. 7mo
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Cintia J

This series is everything that is right with epic fantasy.

FULL REVIEW: https://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2021/09/review-return-of-king.html

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3.5✨ The face of Aragon and sleeping cats. This was a tough read for me because I watched the movie before I read it. There was so much more detail, battles, and history. It was a lot placed in one book. This isn‘t my favorite but I‘m glad I can say I finally read the Lord of the Rings series! Yay! #FellowshipofTolkien @Daisey @JazzFeathers

Daisey I get it. I love it, but I also completely agree that it‘s a lot. 9mo
dabbe I can just look at Viggo all day long. 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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Starting to catch up! Hopefully, I will finish Return of the King by Friday, and then Anne of Green Gables or #Naturalitsy Ultra Processed People. @Andrew65

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I‘m getting there! Just got to book 6 with Gandalf. 😸😻 #FellowshipofTolkien @Daisey @JazzFeathers

TheLudicReader You have a beautiful reading companion. 9mo
Roary47 @TheLudicReader Thank you 🥰 9mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 9mo
JazzFeathers Oh no! Now you shed if me! 😱😁 9mo
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Daisey Good luck finishing it up! 9mo
JazzFeathers You can do it! I read the first half. Just need to read the last leg of the journey. 9mo
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One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness, where they know they should actually go to sleep but even though they have read this story many times before somehow can‘t put the book down, bind them.

Reread done. Loved it as much as always.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

This may seem a transition chapter, yet - l believe - we find here the core of Tolkien's philosophy.
In the way the friends come together and slowly take stock of what happend and how they were change, with a hint that the change might bring good things.
And in the last debate, where Gandalf guides toward doing the right thing in the time assigned to us, as others will do in their time.
Loved it!

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I love this chapter!
After so many epic events, here we go back to a human/hobbit scale. The characters arc back to how they were at the beginning of the story.
It really feels like going home after the terror of the war.

The dialogue between Strider and Merry always makes me laugh 😂

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I got sick on Christmas so I realized I forgot to post the best gift I got. I love rubber duckies. My family gets me. 🥰😍 #FellowshipofTolkien #FrodoBaggins #WinterGames #GingerbreadGems @Daisey @JazzFeathers

Ruthiella So cute! 😂 9mo
JazzFeathers Oh, my goodness! That's adorable! And so nice that you have friends who know your passions 😁 9mo
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I have absolutely loved my midwinter lord of the rings reread! I‘m getting ready for a module on imagined medieval landscapes for my masters and I‘m hoping to submit an abstract to a conference about the Lord of the rings so I had to spend Christmas rereading it all 🥰

#wintergames #snowangels

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

This is one of those chapters you think, why does it have to go this way? It could go differently. And yet, this is at the core of Tolkien's majore themes: when we let despair get hold of us, it may do worse that any of our enemies.

That moment Gandalf hesitates on the gate, knowing that he has to choose and whatever choice he will make will be the end of someone... It just wrecked me.

Daisey I think the moment of Gandalf‘s consideration of the different consequences struck me more on this read than any previous ones. 10mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey It happened to me last time we read. I don't think l ever noticed that before since it felt like the first time l read it. So strange. 10mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I mean. How is it l didn't remember how packed full of... Everything this chapter is?
I always remember Theoden's death, that always, always gets me. And if course l remember Eowyn's reveal, which should be every woman's battlecry (in my opinion), but somehow l didn't remember the battle, the Denethor's tragedy, Eomer's rage and then hope, the release of Aragorn's arrival.
It's just incredible.

CatLass007 This is the first time I‘ve listened to/read this book, but you‘re right. This part is jam-packed with major events. 10mo
JazzFeathers @CatLass007 Very true. And it's kind of funny that l felt it, since I've read this book several times before. Still, in a way it's always like reading it the first time 😁 10mo
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I loved this reread with Andy Serkis as the narrator 🩶🗡
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRChapterADay
@Daisey @JazzFeathers

Texreader Me too!! He was great! 10mo
AnnR I agree, Andy Serkis is such an awesome narrator. I revisited all the #LOR books 2 years ago and immensely enjoyed the audiobooks. 10mo
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Catching up and possibly reading ahead in the Appendices tonight. I read some more carefully than others, and one of those is “The House of Eorl.” I always find the history of the Rohirrim especially fascinating, including the story of Felarof, the ancestor of Shadowfax.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

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I had a difficult time getting going with this for some reason. But I joined #LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien and I made considerably better progress. The narrator, Rob Inglis, is able to create a distinction between all the different characters, a tough enough job when there‘s a cast of thousands, but he sings every song.

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1 Oct-20 Nov 23 (audiobook)
I have loved sharing the LOTR trilogy with Trix and do think that given the length the audiobook worked really well for us. Andy Serkis is fantastic although I must admit I can‘t read or listen to the text now without imagining Peter Jackson‘s characters and settings. We are both looking forward to watching the third film as soon as the new TV arrives.
Such a great trilogy and a lovely, bittersweet ending.

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Ending my day with the pets and a few pages of the Appendices at the end of The Lord of the Rings. This information can definitely be overwhelming if it‘s a first time read, but it makes me want to dive into The Silmarillion again. The depth of the history gets a little easier with each read and continues to fascinate me.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Texreader I can just feel the love from your fur babies!! 11mo
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CatLass007 Cats and books, and I know you also have a dog who seems to be playing book rest, but goodness! What a great way to unwind. Do you have another cat who‘s not in this picture, or who I‘m overlooking? Or am I remembering things wrong? I‘m listening to the appendices and they‘re all in one three-hour-long chapter. It‘s hard to follow the sections that we‘re supposed to get through each day. Actually, they‘re just hard to follow. I think (cont) ⬇️ 11mo
CatLass007 I may get a print copy of Return of the King so I can follow what‘s going on more easily. But not this year. I am looking forward to continuing JRR Tolkien‘s other works with this group. 11mo
dabbe Hello there, sleepy & precious ones! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 10mo
Daisey @CatLass007 Yes, there‘s another cat, but she‘s been with me for a shorter period of time and more selective about when she decides to snuggle. 10mo
CatLass007 Gray tabby? 10mo
Jinjer Look at that sweet little kitty head!!!! 10mo
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I finished the final chapter of Return of the King last night and loved this story as much as ever. The friendship between Sam and Frodo as well as Merry and Pippin is amazing. I also appreciate what Tolkien has to say about war and the consequences afterwards more each time I read it.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

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😂😂 I couldn‘t resist…

#LOTRchapteraday #FellowshipofTolkien

Amiable Ok, this really did make me LOL 😆 11mo
TheQuietQuill Oh this made me laugh 😂 11mo
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I think gloaming is a lovely word for twilight or dusk, but it‘s not at all I word I hear or use.

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday #LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

CatLass007 There‘s a line in a song from Brigadoon that uses the word “gloaming.” I never thought to look it up I just inferred the meaning from the context in the song. 11mo
CBee I love this word 💚 11mo
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“I have been too deeply hurt, Sam. I tried to save the Shire, and it has been saved, but not for me. It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: some one has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them.”

😭 The beauty of the writing and the emotion in this last chapter put a lump in my throat. Sam and Frodo are my favorites, and their goodbye is both beautiful and heartbreaking. ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) And so this #LOTRchapteraday re-read draws to a close, with this gorgeous ending to what will always be one of my favorite stories. Thank you to @Daisey and @JazzFeathers for hosting such a wonderful buddy read. I have loved walking Middle-Earth with these characters and with you lovely Littens in the #FellowshipofTolkien these past few months! 11mo
Daisey I‘m so glad you joined us again! I hope to finish in the next day or so. I still have this last chapter to read. 11mo
BarbaraJean @Daisey I‘m glad, too—it was a delight. I look forward to seeing your posts on this last chapter! I was wondering: I think I remember Tom Bombadil being in the original plan—are you thinking of continuing on or are we finishing up with ROTK? 11mo
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Daisey @BarbaraJean We‘ll be continuing! @JazzFeathers is supposed to be posting a schedule for the appendices soon and then we thought we might read the Father Christmas letters in December because that‘s perfect timing. Then we‘ll go on with Tom Bombadil in the new year I believe. 11mo
BarbaraJean @Daisey Oh yay! The Father Christmas letters in December is perfect! Looking forward to it. 11mo
JazzFeathers @BarbaraJean l know I'm so very late (l haven't finished Return of the King yet 😶) but I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed the readaling and that you plan to keep travelling Middle-earth with us 😁 10mo
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“I will not have him slain. It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing.”

I put off reading The Scouring of the Shire until today, because it always makes me so angry—the petty, mean injustice of what has been done to the Shire. But this time I got caught up in the setting-right of those injustices, and it felt empowering. The way the four hobbits rouse (almost) everyone to stand up to the “ruffians,”paired with Frodo‘s ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) …repeated pleas against killing and his insistence on mercy instead of revenge—it was inspiring! It‘s such a vindication against everyone along the way who‘s underestimated what hobbits are capable of. It‘s another reminder of why I love this series so much, as well as why this is my favorite book in the series. #FellowshipofTolkien #LOTRchapteraday 11mo
Daisey You summed this up perfectly! It is so inspiring to see what they have learned and what they accomplish! 11mo
JazzFeathers That's beautifully said @BarbaraJean So many readers say the Scoring of the Shire is a useless chapter because the story has already ended. I agree with you that this is actually the very point of the story! 10mo
BarbaraJean @JazzFeathers YES--the Scouring of the Shire is SO important! It not only shows how the hobbits have grown, and that there's valor & value in the Shire, it also shows that all of Middle-Earth is interconnected--the Shire is not insulated from the problems of the “big people.“ Removing it (as the film does) diminishes the story, implying that the Shire is separate from the concerns of the larger world, and the evil of the Ring is not universal. 10mo
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Finished this ahead of schedule last week. Soooo good. I‘m not sure I‘d ever read the ending shire chapters. Excited to continue on the #fellowshipoftolkien journey as we will now be reading stuff I‘ve NEVER read!

Daisey Yay! So glad you enjoyed finishing it up! I‘m hoping to still fit in some pages tonight, but I don‘t think I‘ll quite finish yet. (edited) 11mo
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Sunday morning book and breakfast with Tolkien!

I read Book 6 Chapter 7 “Homeward Bound” with breakfast this morning. After several reads, this chapter actually makes me a bit anxious as I just want them to keep moving and get to the Shire. At the same time, I love their visit to Bree and Butterbur‘s reaction to Strider as king.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien #BookAndBreakfast #BreakfastWithTolkien

BarbaraJean I felt similarly anxious reading “Many Partings” last night, especially when they encounter Saruman on the road. It‘s foreshadowing, guys! Get a move on! 11mo
Daisey @BarbaraJean Exactly! Saruman talking about the Shire is not a good sign. 11mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Nobody moves! This is one of my favourite chapters!

First off: Rohirrim! I won't say more!

Then l love the way the 'other' is integrated in the story. The way the Rohirrim shows acceptance even of what they don't understand is one of the things l most love about them.

And after the desperation of the siege of Gondor, the soaring hope in this chapter is something almost aching.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Sorry chba dense, emotional chapter. I was sucked right in
Denethor's battle for his sanity and the desperation of what appears to be reality is perfectly mirror by the fighting city, falling piece by piece, without - so it seams - hope of help.
It gave me the chills. So absorbing. So outstandingly good.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Noire is helping me catching up 😏

Jari-chan Best help ever! 11mo
JazzFeathers @Jari-chan True 😻 11mo
dabbe Hello there, sweet Noire! 🖤🐾🖤 11mo
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I‘ve only managed to read a few pages each day this week, so I‘m starting Chapter 3 “Mount Doom” with supper tonight and planning to catch up this weekend. This is a tough section as Sam and Frodo struggle on their journey, but it‘s also so descriptive.

#ReadAndEat #FellowshipOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay

JazzFeathers I'm still on the battlefield of Gondor. But I'm slowly moving. Yet, these chapters seems to hit home hard than usual. They are really sucking me in. 11mo
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…to Sam‘s final and complete satisfaction and joy, a minstrel of Gondor stood forth, and knelt, and begged leave to sing. And behold! he said:

“…now listen to my lay. For I will sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers and the Ring of Doom.”

And when Sam heard that he laughed aloud for sheer delight, and he stood up and cried: “O great glory and splendour! And all my wishes have come true!”

#LOTRchapteraday #FellowshipofTolkien

JazzFeathers You're almost finished! 11mo
Daisey You are so close to done. I‘m behind but hoping to get in some good reading time this weekend! 11mo
BarbaraJean @Daisey @JazzFeathers I've actually been able to keep up with the schedule for this book - some days reading ahead and having to stop myself! 😄 And the third book is deceptive, because of the appendices - it looks like I'm only halfway through. 11mo
Daisey The third book is deceptive due to its he appendices. I managed to catch up to hear last night and hope to skim through my companion book today to see if I find any notes I want to share. 11mo
JazzFeathers @BarbaraJean @Daisey l won't be able to read tida, but I'm hoping you in tomorrow and in next week's commute journeys 😜 11mo
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“Is everything sad going to come untrue? What‘s happened to the world?”
“A great Shadow has departed,” said Gandalf, and then he laughed, and the sound was like music, or like water in a parched land; and as he listened the thought came to Sam that he had not heard laughter, the pure sound of merriment, for days upon days without count. It fell upon his ears like the echo of all the joys he had ever known.

#LOTRchapteraday #FellowshipofTolkien

JazzFeathers It reminds me of something similar happening to Frodo and Sam while climbing Cirith Ungol. Frodo laughs and the shadow receides. Never made the connection before. 11mo
BarbaraJean @JazzFeathers I hadn't made that connection - but yes! Those two scenes really do parallel each other. I love that. Fighting the Shadow happens not just through bravery and heroism and sacrifice, although of course those scenes are there as well. But it is also overcome through beauty, laughter, love, and joy. 11mo
JazzFeathers @BarbaraJean That really is the heart of Tolkien's story, l'd say. 11mo
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There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.


JazzFeathers One of my absolute favourite quotes 🤩 l always think that star must be Earendil. 11mo
BarbaraJean @JazzFeathers I love the idea of that star being Earendil! This is one of my absolute favorite quotes as well. It's beautifully written, and it always “smites my heart“ much like the beauty of the star touches Sam. “Light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach“--oh, I love it! 11mo
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ghyll: a deep ravine; especially a wooded one (noun)

I‘ve always noticed a few unfamiliar words in my Tolkien reading, but I‘ve generally figured out the gist and just kept reading. This is the first LotR read where I‘ve taken quite a bit more time to consider and look up words. So it coordinates perfectly with sharing weird words.

#WeirdWordWednesday #WeirdWords #LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

CatLass007 I definitely want you to continue to tag me. I love learning new words. I rarely stop to look up a new word, especially since I mostly listen to audiobooks. So, you go girl! (Do people still say that? 11mo
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Daisey @CatLass007 I will absolutely keep you on my Tolkien tag list! If you‘re interested in more posts for #WeirdWords in general, follow that tag or comment to @CBee to be added to her tag list. 11mo
CBee Really love that you‘re sharing all of these words from Tolkien 💚 11mo
BarbaraJean I usually do the same: just assume the meaning from the context and keep going. So I love seeing these definitions! 11mo
Clare-Dragonfly I was just trying to look this one up and my Kindle‘s dictionary didn‘t have it! Thanks for helping out 😄 I wonder if it‘s related to “gully.” 11mo
Daisey @CBee @BarbaraJean @Clare-Dragonfly Glad to share! It also helps many of the words I think are interesting also show up in my new LotR Companion book. 11mo
JazzFeathers And you're doing an awesome job 😁 11mo
Lucy_books_are_beyond_words Just started the hobbit and what a book omg. The books I choose to read just seem to get better and better! 11mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Clare-Dragonfly Yes, I thought gully too 11mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I loved this more intimate chapter. I found Merry's anxiety to help so endearing.
It's more of a transition chapter, and still there's so much investment in all the characters.

BethM I may enjoy Merry and Pippin more than Sam and Frodo. 11mo
JazzFeathers @BethM They are very different story and character arcs, but l love both 😁 11mo
Vansa Yes, very relatable. Phew I'm finally caught up and reading at the same pace as this read along! I read an interesting annotation that compared Merry pledging allegiance to Theoden with Pippin and Denethor,and the very different tones to both. Excellent characterisations 11mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

First, don't you find they this chapter is very different in tone from the rest of the book (apart, maybe, from the Berrow-down episode). There's something almos surreal, like the existence of the Stone of Erech. And anyway, Dunarrow is one of the most incredible places Tolkien created.
Secondly, what about that fantastic dialogue between Eowyn and Aragorn? 🤩

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

What can l say about this chapter? It's a long one and outstanding. Denethor - who is a phenomenal character - is introduced, and l love his fiery dynamics with Gandalf. I love Pippin's almost leisure day in contrast with the last stages of the preparation of the siege.
It's such a contrast with the end of the previous book.

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I finished Book 5 and really just want to keep reading, but I also love the chapter by chapter pace that makes me consider each chapter, or a few chapters at a time when I get a bit behind and catch up. My heart still breaks a bit for Pippin each time I read it and experience him learning Sauron knows of Frodo.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

BethM Totally! I cried when King Theoden died and then got sad about pippin. 11mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just caught up myself this morning and almost kept going too. 11mo
BarbaraJean Ugh... yes, it's very hard to stop reading!! I forgot about the catch-up days and went right into Book Six, and it was even harder to stop after that one chapter!

I always feel so bad that Merry has to stay behind, but then he's spared the pain of that scene at the Black Gate. So heartbreaking for Pippin. I always love Gandalf's response, though. The contrast between the Mouth of Sauron and Aragorn and Gandalf is so striking, too.
Lucy_books_are_beyond_words Just got the books. Can‘t wait to read them! 11mo
Daisey @Lucy_books_are_beyond_words They‘re some of my absolute favorites. I hope you enjoy! 11mo
JazzFeathers I'm still on chapter three... 11mo
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Time to myself this am and I‘m all caught up but don‘t want to stop! #lotrchapteraday #fellowshipoftolkien

JazzFeathers I'm so behind instead! 😭 11mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I'm so behind it's not even funny 🙄
Stuck at the passage of the Grey Company, but I'm planning to dedicate the weekend to reading and writing for a change (l'm behind with #NaNoWriMo too).
Let's see how it will go.
I can't bring this book with me on commute because it's so bulky...

Clare-Dragonfly I wish you good reading and writing! I‘m doing NaNoWriMo too! And I‘m thinking a chapter a day might be too fast for this book… 11mo
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BethM @Clare-Dragonfly I‘m with you- these are long weighty chapters! 11mo
JazzFeathers @Clare-Dragonfly We did a chapter a day multiple times since the group was born in 2017, and it was never a problem for me to keep up. But this year it's simply too busy for me. Hey! How is your NaNo going? I'm keep up at the mo, but let's see how it goes... 11mo
JazzFeathers @BethM Yes, they are though chapters and longish. But also so good! 11mo
Clare-Dragonfly It occurred to me that if I weren‘t trying to read so many other books at the same time it would be just fine 😂 My NaNo is going okay! I caught up on Saturday, but now I‘m behind again—I thought I‘d be able to take a chunk of time out in the afternoon to write, but couldn‘t manage it, so I just did a frantic couple hundred before bed. 11mo
JazzFeathers @Clare-Dragonfly 😂 Re: NaNo, l'm falling behind. But I'm still trying to write at least a bit every day. 11mo
Clare-Dragonfly That‘s good! Even if you don‘t make it to 50k, you‘ll have more words than you started out with! 11mo
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1. TheOneRing.net
2. Tom and Lorenzo
3. Facebook

dabbe I've never heard of #s 1 and 2; I'll definitely be checking them out! Thanks for sharing! 💜🖤🧡 11mo
merelybookish I enjoy checking in with Tom and Lorenzo as well! 11mo
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My thought for the day: Tolkien does such a good job ending each book and internal book with cliffhangers. And making you wait through another whole internal book until you get back to that cliffhanger and those characters as he shifts focus back & forth. I couldn‘t help but think of a few authors now, who have left series uncompleted because they got busy with TV show adaptions or prequel series or real life. ⤵️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ Just imagine if Tolkien had gotten busy and never wrote Return of the King, left Frodo where he lay…. or just left it hanging at the Black Gate. And he wrote through some very trying times too: World Wars, not to mention paper shortages, to name a few. In many ways we are very lucky that he persevered to finish this trilogy, so we can still be reading & enjoying it today. 11mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa #FellowshipOfTheRing #LOTRChapterADay @Daisey @JazzFeathers @wordslinger42 @BookwormAHN @tdrosebud and sorry, I know I‘m missing one of our original group from way back…sorry 11mo
BookwormAHN If you have ever watched the cartoon version of the Lord of The Rings, it ends around the Two Towers so I can imagine and I agree how persistent he was and how lucky we are. 11mo
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JazzFeathers Cliffhanger is an art, in my opinion. I've seen it done very badly, where you think, 'Oh, come on! You really want to sell me the next book!' But Tolkien is different. He really built the story that way. I once heard that this is not the way to organise a story. I bag to dissent 😁 11mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers I was thinking of the big epics today, like Game of Thrones… which if left where it is and unfinished will basically cement it here forever, no carry over to future reading, etc. By leaving them unfinished, you are basically dooming them to be a one time read, and stuck. Whereas a great epic well done, a Tolkien, even a Harry Potter can be reread over generations. ↩️ (edited) 11mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa …a cliffhanger well done is a treasure and statement… it could go either way after that really, how can “even an author” get them out of that. And in some cases, I think their authors don‘t know either so don‘t finish. 🤷‍♀️ (edited) 11mo
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I considered a couple words this week and settled on this one. It‘s a more specific definition than I expected just from context.

doggerel: comic verse composed in irregular rhythm; verse or words that are badly written or expressed (noun)

From Book 5 Chapter 8 “The Houses of Healing”

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien #WeirdWorda #WeirdWordWednesday

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#lotrchapteraday #fellowshipoftolkien. Is anyone else listening to the audiobook? I know there are new editions narrated by Andy Serkis but I have been listening to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings as narrated by Rob Inglis since before the new editions were released. My favorite part of Mr. Inglis‘s narration is that he sings all the songs beautifully. 🎼🎶 I‘d like to know if Andy Serkis sings also, if anyone is listening to his edition.

Daisey I‘m mostly reading in print, but this weekend I also listened to the early chapters on audio as well. I‘ve got the Rob Inglis versions. 11mo
CatLass007 @Daisey Cool. 11mo
JazzFeathers I've heard a lot of good things about this version too. So much so that I'm considering getting both 😁 11mo
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I couldn‘t help but laugh at the contrast between the first words spoken by Faramir, Eowyn, and Merry upon awakening from the shadow.

“I am hungry. What is the time?”
😂 Good old Merry!

#LOTRchapteraday #FellowshipofTolkien

JazzFeathers Hobbits will be hobbits and we love them for that 😂😜 11mo
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