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Write for Your Life | Anna Quindlen
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“Writing is the gift of your presence forever” This is so true. When I miss my mom, I don‘t look at her photos. I read her journals. She hated her handwriting. I always envied it. Her perfect slanted right hand versus my sloppy constantly corrected left hand. I‘m grateful for those books of recipes, shopping lists, Christmas lists, prayers…memories. #reading #writing #memories #journals

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☀️☀️☀️☀️ Great book that I will add to my library. There‘s no sunshine & rainbows, but there is beautiful prose. It‘s a love story. It‘s a survival story. It‘s a story about family, hatred, resolve, & acceptance. #bookworm #avidreader #2023reads

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If you can do it (writing) for joy; you can do it forever. #reread #booklove #king #writing #bookworm

KathyWheeler This is one of my favorite books about writing. 2y
quanners Mine too! This was my second reading 2y
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The Beautiful and the Damned | F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Things are sweeter when they're lost. I know--because once I wanted something and got it. It was the only thing I ever wanted badly, Dot, and when I got it it turned to dust in my hand.#Fitzgerald #bookworm #words #avidreader #booknerd #bookgeek #read

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The great shadow descended from above the clouds…down down it came.. upon it sat a shape with a silver crown upon its head…. Merry crawled upon all fours… he dared not open his eyes or look up. #Tolkein #bookwoorm #audiobook #avidreader #librarybooks

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The Hobbit | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I spent that last year and 1/2 in illness, but I never stopped reading. Recently, I decided to listen to Tolkein‘ books. The audiobook is very enjoyable and well done. I highly recommend it. #reread #bookworm #fantasy

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Sooo the lies we tell ourselves… such as I‘m not buying anymore books! I‘m just going to shop my shelves. And then 42 books later- which includes this Ruta Sepetys book- I‘m trying to imagine reconfiguring my bookshelves which will now contain the majority of my 2210 books! Sigh! Does anyone else have this problem? #bookaddict #bookworm #bookaholic

Reggie In the month of July I think I purchased 11 books and only read four and of those four none of them were one of the 11, so yes. Lol 3y
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Purple Hibiscus: A Novel | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Excellent book! Deceptively simplistic but there are so many layers. The story is told from the perspective of a 15 yo Nigerian girl-Kambili. And it‘s this that‘s deceiving because she‘s so young and innocent but thru her eyes Adichie exposes life in her part of Nigeria. It‘s a beautiful story about family, religion, corrupt colonialism, traditions, revenge and hope. This is my fave Adichie book. #adichie#booknerd #booklover

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I really enjoyed this book. It‘s well written and can be enjoyed by kids and adults. Now if only I can convince my niece to read it as I “read”it with her in mind. I will order the hard copy. The audio voice was not one of my favorites. The book is inspiring and the cupcake recipes sound yummy.

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Poppy Wyatt is simply stupid! She‘s annoyingly “naive?” Or just plain stupid. What grown woman puts stickers on her phone? She‘s not at all endearing and yet I‘m sucked in and that‘s the Kinsella talent. I find myself listening to this more than Kinsella‘s The Wedding Night.

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Undercover Bromance | Lyssa Kay Adams

This is the 2nd book in the series. There was a 6 MONTH WAIT FOR THE 1st book. It‘s not necessary to read them in order. After reading this one I will complete the series. #whattoreadnext #lyssakayadams

Undercover Bromance | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I for one am a purist when it comes to language and I don‘t care to read or listen to books where every other word is an expletive, but I have admit that I loved this story! There was a plot! It was romance within a romance meaning the tropes were all present. It was also hilarious. My favorite character is the lactose intolerant Russian, who nearly exposed their “heist” with a fart. My 11 year old nephew‘s favorite word.

CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 I read the first book in this series. 4y
quanners Thank you! Do you recommend the first book? 4y
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The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 | Charles M. Schulz
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How can one not love the Peanuts-a collection of wisdom from pint sized humans and a doghouse flying beagle. So I‘m adding them all (at some point) to my collection. My problem is space. I need #creative #feedback on packing bookshelves and keeping them neat. BTW the only rooms without bookshelves are the bathrooms.

Nute I have the same concern. Although, I want to be known as a purchaser of many books and a collector of particular books, I no longer have the room to store the addition of any more books. I double stack my bookshelves. I stack on top of the bookshelves. I stack on the floor in front of the bookshelves. I have books in places where other things should be!🥴 I haven‘t mastered any willingness to part with any of my books which I think👇🏽 4y
Nute might be the only real answer to this dilemma. Pass on books that I have already read. Get rid of books that I didn‘t really care for. Establish more of a revolving (or evolving) collection of owned books. In short, I don‘t really have a “good” answer. If you come up with a solution, please let me know. I‘m in need of assistance as well!☺️ 4y
quanners @nute thanks for the comment! So far I‘ve only managed to rid of some paperbacks that are duplicates of hardcovers. I do have books stacked on each other. I removed magazines from baskets and put paperbacks there because I‘ve learned that they are inevitable. I‘m a hardcover snob! I‘m currently working on rearranging one of the bookshelves. #booklover 4y
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The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook | Kate Macdonald, Barbara DiLella
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I‘ve heard so many people exclaim how great Ann with an E is. She is one of their favorite characters. Maybe she‘s better on paper than audio. Diarrhea of the mouth! Dramatic! Annoying but endearing. I want to scream each time she says tragical. I just want her to shut up at times. I do love the story though and intend to listen to the series.

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Surprise Me | Sophie Kinsella
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A long marriage is still a desire of my heart. It‘s not a life sentence unless you are Sophie and Dan! Healthy middle class couple with a possible 68 years of marital what!!?? The idea makes them panic. The audio is enjoyable. #2021readingchallenge

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Remember Me: Relief Society Personal Study Guide 1 | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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I needed a laugh! So I decided on this Sophie book. Lol: what does my husband look like? Did I marry him for his great personality? Per her sister he has a hump. Who also tells Lexi -You adopted a Vietnamese baby. He calls you muma! 😂then they hear the parents yelling in the hall.

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Lightning Thief | Rick Riordan
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I finished before my time ran out. I enjoyed the plot. #Percy Jackson is an interesting character inspired by Riordan‘s child who also has dyslexia and ADHD. Interesting plot with LOL moments. Charon: how did you die? We drowned in the bathtub. All three of you together?

Lightning Thief | Rick Riordan
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Listening on audiobook. When I was younger I loved Greek mythology. I could name all of the Greek and Roman Gods. I‘ve heard so much about this series so I listened to determine if my nephew is ready. The story line is intriguing and does not dumb down the information like a lot of middle grade books. No profanity which is also a bonus. There is the evil step parent trope but it‘s explained. I have an hour left. We shall see.

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My new guilty audio pleasure! Any fans? I‘ve listened to them in order: skipping Tripwire because my library does not have it. Is it necessary to remain in order or can I skip up to the new ones? What is your favorite Reacher book. #fun

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Rosie Dunne | Cecelia Ahern
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This is both her second novel and the second book I‘ve read by Cecilia Ahern. Initially I was annoyed with the style of conversations via emails and text because the messages were choppy. It was a little difficult to become engaged in the story. But I did enjoy this book and I really loved how she portrayed friendships and loyalty. I will reread this next year. #funread #ceciliaahern

Love, Rosie | Cecelia Ahern
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Sorry it‘s a bit of a spoiler from the book Love Rosie by Cecilia Ahern but this scene made me LOL. I can‘t believe that this was only her second book and that she was only 23 when she wrote it. #Irishbooks #romanticnovels #booklove

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I gave this book 3 stars. I struggled giving it that much but hey she wrote a book and the family was well written. If you like Liane Moriarty‘s Book Husband‘s Secret (I got that wrong I think) then you will like this one. To reveal my dislikes is to spoil this for someone so I simply won‘t. I will read Little Fires Everywhere but I doubt that I will reread this book.

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Sitting at B&N contemplating buying this book which will likely cause anxiety in my life as I realize that I may not read all of these. I was hoping to have read 100 plus but I‘ve only read 92/1000! Sigh. To buy or not to buy that is the question. Any advise? #booklover #bibliophile #reading

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Echo | Pam Munoz Ryan

Chopin, Bach, and Brahms played throughout the narrative. I can‘t imagine reading this and not having the music playing. This is a story about the love of humanity and music hopefully triumphing (I‘m only in Part 2) over the hate and poverty ridden era during WW2. #music#middle-grade

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Here I sit; a 44 years young southern black woman who had never heard of Ron Stallworth prior to the Spike Lee film press. I am listening to the audiobook, which is a challenge for aesthetic reasons. I simply don‘t like his voice, but thus far this book is interesting. #blackklansman #knowledge

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Whiskey in a Teacup | Reese Witherspoon

This is a great audiobook! I will add it to my physical library. I‘m proud of her pride as a fellow lady southerner. I‘m a North Carolinian and she hails from Tennessee. We had very different upbringings but there are so many similarities that bind us together as southern girls. I highly recommend this book and I will write another review when I read the cookbook.

NatalieR I ❤️ NC! I lived in Raleigh for about 6 years. I sure miss it. 6y
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Honest and interesting! I listened to this via my audio library account and it was so interesting. As a Christian I am always intrigued about the different sects of believers. Ira‘s struggle within the faith and his battle to break free was interesting. I love that he did not bash the faith and other members. At times his narrative was a little distant but that may have to do with his upbringing. I recommend it.


This was my second “read” via audio. I‘m learning that I‘m a visual learner. Listening to books is not as engaging because I day dream often in between chapters. I will study the third time. It‘s a great book and I recommend it for any Christian battling fear and low self worth and daily nonsense that life brings.

Wildflower | Drew Barrymore

I love the characters that Drew has portrayed. I love that we were born the same year and our lives are so very different (she‘s rich I‘m not; she‘s a celebrity I‘m not...) so I just knew that I would love this book. Ummm no. Maybe if I read it instead of listening to her scream and over dramatize every chapter (yeah yeah she‘s an actress) I may have given it a so-so. Good effort ( she‘s written a book I haven‘t). # audiobooks


My “Quishon” was called Tara! That chapter was hilarious! The lost virginity chapter too vulgar! The rape chapter heartbreaking and inspirational.

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This book motivates on so many levels and I really enjoyed listening to it on audio book. I‘ve told my oldest nephew about it. Like Caitlin he is a privileged American youth who takes eduction for granted. Even though I was an honor student throughout high school I too took education for granted and here is this boy Martin who knew that eduction was the only ticket for his family to have a better life. I‘m also motivated to be a better pen pal!

The President Is Missing | James Patterson, Bill Clinton
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It is finished. As you can see the thumb is downwards. This book had potential but lacked sufficient editing.
—it‘s a book
—the political speech (that Hilary may have given if...) that speaks to the political disarray and lack of proper governing in this day.

—the book and its lack of editing
—italicized conversations?!
—repetition of first and last names of every character
—predictable plot
Time is precious people!

Reggie I had to let go of my love for conversations in quotes. The breakdown started with Cormac but a lot of the cool kids are doing weird no quotation conversation things nowadays. Lol 7y
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1Q84 | Haruki Murakami
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This is my 2nd Murakami book. I‘m only 2 chapters into the book. I must admit that I‘ve thought about abandoning it as I‘m not interested in reading about sexcapades (according to Goodreads reviews). I‘m gonna forge ahead. Any words of encouragement from people who have completed it? #murakami

Shamzi It is much more than sexcapades, it's magical with a high dose of human emotion, it's about salvation, things you are willing to do for love. This I think is the essence of this book but need to invest time on it!!! 7y
quanners Thank you for the comment. I will continue... 7y
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The President Is Missing | James Patterson, Bill Clinton
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Reading poolside at the beach happens to be the best thing about this book. Another round of editing would have been beneficial. I‘m on chapter 47 and it has only become engaging in chapter 34. So far it feels more like a political apology and public service announcement. This is my first read with James Patterson‘s name on it courtesy of book club. A man at the pool said it‘s the worst one he‘s read out of 50+ Patterson books!


In order to really appreciate this book I need to read it again. This is my intro to Murakami.

alimabean Yeah, I don‘t think this is the best intro to his work! Have you read ‘Sputnik Sweetheart‘? 6y
quanners No I haven‘t but I‘ve attempted to read 1Q84 and the new one Killing... and I couldn‘t finish either of those. The only book that I‘ve enjoyed is his memoir. 6y
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Yes Please | Amy Poehler

Amy makes me laugh and if you are a die hard fan then you will enjoy this audio book. If you‘ve only seen her in Baby Mama and the Sisters movie-like yours truly then forgo it.


Listen to this on audio! It‘s fun!


It is “inconceivable” that anyone would not enjoy listening to this book! I enjoyed this as much as the book and the movie. To hear the narrative from the cast was a bonus.

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When I was younger I read many Stephen King books and even though he is a brilliant writer; I always wondered what was going on in his head! Alcohol and drugs! At least for the ones that I read. I really enjoyed this book and his transparency. There is no magic formula. Read many books and write often. #stephenking #writing #books #avidreader #booknerd #bookworm

Poor people | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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This was the 1st book written (in epistolary style) by #Dostoevsky (age 24), yet it has the same complexity as his later works. It‘s a story of love, despair, poverty social economy and books as told thru the correspondence between Makar and Barbara. I recommend it for FD fans. For those who have not read his work start with Crime & Punishment. This will need a reread. Does any one have a fave FD book they recommend? Brother Karamazov is mine.

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This is one of the greatest books that I‘ve ever read. Every word, sentence, paragraph and page of this book was beautifully constructed. I will reread it now that I‘m in my 40s. I can give any details in this review because it‘s been so long since I read it. I read this after reading Anna Karenina which I strongly disliked. Everyone should read this at least once in their lifetime. #greatbooks #tolstoy #russianlit

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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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“Ove is fifty-nine years old.” He is man who made me laugh with his narrow-minded-stuck-in-his-ways ideas about life. KBackman writes him in such a way that like Parveneh you still love him. He reminds me of so many older people and in that respect he transcends gender, color and culture. My only criticism after my first read is the quickly wrapped up Hollywoodesque ending. I would love to read a book about Parveneh.

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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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I‘m reading this for book club & I‘m in the honeymoon phase. My favorite line today...” CLAAUUWN,” the toddler howls jumping up and down on the bench in a way that finally convinces Ove that the kid is on drugs...they have that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and get to take amphetamines...this was my experience this morning at work! Little does Ove know that kid was tame in comparison to my 3 yo patient who stepped on my foot 4 times.

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