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Small Mercies | Dennis Lehane
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#BeachDay I actually forgot my physical book at home 🤦🏼‍♀️but luckily I I have this awesome audiobook on hand💜 I forgot how much I LOVE narration by Robin Miles. 🙌🏻 Shoutout to @Amiable who put this book on her #Top10Summer2023Reads #DoubleSpin

Simona Looks very calming ♥️ 12mo
Cinfhen Hi!!! How are you?!? Hope all is well 🩷 Beach is GORGEOUS today @Simona 12mo
Amiable It‘s so good, right? Have a great day at the beach! 12mo
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Cinfhen @Amiable Mary Pat is my hero🙌🏻I NEED to read more by Lehane (edited) 12mo
Amiable @Cinfhen He‘s fabulous! Definitely read this one 12mo
Cinfhen @Amiable 👍🏽I read and liked 12mo
CoffeeAndABook Hi Cindy, just wanted to make sure you and your family are ok after the shocking attacks on Israel tonight 😔 sending a hug!! 12mo
Simona I‘m well, thank you 😊 Slowly getting back to the reading … I hope that you and your family are well 🙏 12mo
Bklover Hi Cindy! Is your family ok? Just checking on you all. I‘m so sorry this happens. Sending you lots of love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 12mo
CBee Chiming in here to check on you 💚 12mo
Suet624 Cindy, my first thought was of you. 12mo
Graywacke Thinking of you and your family and community. 12mo
sarahbarnes Thinking of you Cindy and hoping you‘re safe. 12mo
Cinfhen Thank God my family and our area is safe (for now) but we are devastated by what is occurring in the southern cities. It‘s worse than what is being reported. And unfortunately because military service is mandatory for all citizens from the ages of 18-35 everyone we know has a child right now being called in. I‘m beyond gutted. My son was discharged last summer for medical reasons but his unit is really in the thick of things right now and my 👇🏽 12mo
Cinfhen heart is breaking for all the parents who are probably sick with worry. I appreciate your thoughts and ask that you continue to keep the people of Israel in your prayers @sarahbarnes @Graywacke @Suet624 @CBee @Bklover @CoffeeAndABook 12mo
CBee @Cinfhen thank goodness you and yours are safe 💚 12mo
Cinfhen And to think yesterday I was at the beach feeling so carefree @CBee but I‘m beyond grateful that my family is safe and hopefully out of harm‘s way. 12mo
kspenmoll I am praying for you & your family & country. I hope you stay safe.The news clips are devastating, shocking & heartbreaking. 12mo
Ruthiella Just woke up and heard the news. ❤️❤️❤️ 12mo
sarahbarnes I‘m so sorry and so glad to hear you‘re safe. Keeping you in my thoughts. ♥️ 12mo
JenReadsAlot Thinking of you and your family 12mo
Cinfhen It‘s a nightmare situation @kspenmoll @Ruthiella @JenReadsAlot the news we‘re receiving is devastating and heartbreaking. In the past few hours we‘ve experienced several rocket attacks. I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers 🩷🩷🩷 (edited) 12mo
Leftcoastzen Worried for you and your family ,holding you all in my heart ❤️ 12mo
Cinfhen It‘s been a terrible terrible day @Leftcoastzen I appreciate your kind thoughts. My heart is heavy 12mo
CoffeeAndABook I‘m so shocked by what I‘m hearing. This is terrifying. Reading about the young soldiers and hostages breaks my heart. Yes my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your country ❤️‍🩹 12mo
Bklover Thank you for the update, my friend. I have thought about you and your family and everyone in Israel today and I am just sorry. Sorry for the way the world is right now, sorry that all of the young people there that are risking their lives when this shouldn‘t be happening. I‘m sorry for the devastation you all are having to deal with (again and again). I‘m sorry I can‘t do more than pray for you. Please let me know if there anything I could do💔 12mo
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3 nonfiction
1 memoir
2 fiction
2 historical fiction
2 mysteries

Cinfhen Nice mix of genres!!!!! Thanks for tagging and sharing! I must try 13mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Jumping in a little late, but here‘s my #Top10Summer2023Reads

A little bit of everything, but I do notice that a lot of the nonfiction I read, made the list. Always reminds me to read more nonfiction.

Cinfhen Pretty photo! I forgot how much I liked this book too!! 13mo
Cinfhen I need to check out some of your other titles! Thanks for sharing and tagging ♥️ 13mo
BarbaraBB Great list!! 13mo
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The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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Thanks for the tag @CBee 💕

Gonna cheat and just do 5...

- The Secret History: the dark academia OG: spellbinding

- Woman in Cabin 10: most gripping setup I've read in a long time

- Priestdaddy: laughed out loud

- Bunny: b@tsh*t genius

- The Bandit Queens: dark humour and satire done well

I have just read another AMAZING book, but I have to keep it secret - it's my #blinddatewithabook pick for #gladstonerds trip 🤫

CBee I‘ll just be sitting over here crying in my cornflakes #gladstonerdenvy 13mo
RaeLovesToRead @CBee I'm so excited... only a few weeks to go! 😁 You're in the US, right? 13mo
sarahbarnes So many good ones on this list!! 13mo
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CBee @RaeLovesToRead I ammmmmm 😭😭😭 One day I‘ll get there!! 13mo
batsy Haven't read the Lockwood and Ware but totally agree on the other three! 🙌🏾 13mo
RaeLovesToRead @sarahbarnes Thank you!! 😁😁 13mo
RaeLovesToRead @CBee Speak to @squirrelbrain if you want to know more about the trips! Which state are you in? 13mo
RaeLovesToRead @batsy I have decided I want to read everything by Ruth Ware! It was so gripping 😁 And Lockwood is one of my poetic idols 🥰 13mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead I‘m in Alabama. I definitely hope to do it at some point! 13mo
Branwen Such great picks! 🤩📚 13mo
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Thanks!! 😁 13mo
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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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Here‘s my #top10summer2023reads. I‘ve had a lot of bails but some really good books too. 👍

youneverarrived Plainsong is one of my favourite books. A few here on my tbr 👍 13mo
Amiable @youneverarrived Agreed—“Plainsong” is wonderful 13mo
sarahbarnes I reread Secret History this summer - so good! 13mo
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Cinfhen Loved some of these as well 😁 13mo
steph_phanie I love Plainsong! ❤️ 13mo
squirrelbrain I‘m glad Mary Jane made your list! ❤️ 13mo
quietlycuriouskate Plainsong ❤️ 13mo
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Late Night Top Ten Lists | David Letterman
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Thanks for the tag, @CSeydel — it was fun to look at what I‘ve read this summer! Here are my #Top10summer2023reads. An interesting mix!

Summertime | Raffaella Barker
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#top10summer2023reads Thanks @youneverarrived for the tag. I've limited it to 5 because I can't work out how to do 10 but these were 5 really good reads over the summer of which 3 are by favourite writers whose bks are always anticipated (Moss, Ashworth, Levy) + the other 2 were new exciting novels (firerush+ spell of good things). Photo of me during a uni reunion in Cardiff + a bit of book browsing in the market.

LeahBergen It looks like you‘ve had a great summer, Andrew! 13mo
andrew61 @LeahBergen Thanks, leah, I'm not sure where the 40 years went since I left uni went, but as soon as I sat in pub with my friends, the years disappeared, if not the grey hairs. 13mo
sarahbarnes The new Levy made my list, too. Love her. 13mo
youneverarrived All of these I really want to read, besides the Levy which was on my list too. 13mo
BarbaraBB Great choices and so great when that happens, the tears disappearing! 13mo
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Tagging my first fav read of the summer, but i think I had a pretty good reading season ( thanks in part to #camplitsy, it seems! ).
If you want to play, consider yourself tagged! I'm enjoying adding to my tbr 🙂

Cinfhen So happy to see your picks!!! We have a few crossovers which means I MUST add some of your other favorites 💗😁 13mo
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I had to go back into May a bit to get 10 picks since August was kind of slow for me. I loved all of these even though I only reviewed a few. 🙂

Cinfhen So glad you shared and posted!!! A few titles have really caught my attention 🤩 13mo
Bookzombie @Cinfhen Thanks! Which ones? There are a few horror, lol. 13mo
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Bookzombie @Cinfhen Peel My Love was a #Reggimendation and I loved it. :) 13mo
Bookzombie @Cinfhen Ordinary Monsters was a recommendation from @wanderinglynn. I also loved it. It's the first in a trilogy and it's the only one out. It's a Victorian fantasy with some horror elements. It's also a chunkster. 13mo
Bookzombie @Cinfhen Ordinary Monsters was a recommendation from @wanderinglynn. I also loved it. It's the first in a trilogy and it's the only one out. It's a Victorian fantasy with some horror elements. It's also a chunkster. 13mo
Cinfhen Well now im VERY intrigued!! Two awesome Littens 😁❣️ 13mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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BarbaraBB Thanks for posting! Taking a screenshot 💕 13mo
Chelsea.Poole I thought about adding this one to my list, it was a good thriller! 13mo
Tiffiney @Chelsea.Poole I felt like the concept was fairly original. Different from other thrillers I‘ve read lately. I really enjoyed it. 13mo
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