I should be doing laundry but my plan is not to move from this spot at all.
I was hoping to mail out my #totebookswap this weekend but the books I ordered haven‘t come in yet. 😫
#currentlyreading #whodunnitbymail
I should be doing laundry but my plan is not to move from this spot at all.
I was hoping to mail out my #totebookswap this weekend but the books I ordered haven‘t come in yet. 😫
#currentlyreading #whodunnitbymail
Under my circumstances I had to cancel a book swap #totebookswap and book club #LMCP #litsymarkupbookswap both I love very much. ☹️💔
I might have ordered a book, or two, or eight!!! Totally #blameitonlitsy
But I can now send off my #jryulebookswap and my #totebookswap - just need to gift wrap all the goodies.
My daughter and I went shopping (yes, books, for #jryulebookswap, #totebookswap) and then visited the library before sharing a large Fish'n'Chips.
Pictured: part of the children's department