Just read this sweet ebook from cloudLibrary. Highly recommend for kiddos!
Just read this sweet ebook from cloudLibrary. Highly recommend for kiddos!
3.5 ⭐This is a wonderful book. It‘s meant more for about second grade than for reading nightly at bed. It is a little long, but it needs to be long for the purpose of the story. I really like how in the very end, not only does the author give her recipes for sauce and for chutney there‘s also information about tomatoes, information about farmworkers and a note from the author themselves. I can picture Padma in my head while I‘m waiting this.
I am sooo excited. I have my litsy package, thanks to @Meshell1313 & my family, immediate & extended, participate in a Jólabókaflóðið swap as well. Excited for Books & chocolate & hot chocolate tonight !!!!
Happy Christmas Eve & Happy Jólabókaflóðið everyone!
Image from Insta: annesnowra.
Getting in some Après Ski yesterday at the Sans Sabots Spa in Mont Tremblant, Québéc.
This is (from bottom up): hot tub, infinity pool, Lac Tremblant.
Very excited for #jolabokaflod tonight!!!
My #JolabokaflodSwap gift arrived yesterday! I‘m so excited and so thankful to @KadaGul and the amazing @MaleficentBookDragon 💗🎄
1. Andrew (@tiedyedude) and I have celebrated Jólabókaflóð every Christmas Eve since we started dating in 2018. And Krampus started visiting us last year, so that's sure to be a fun tradition as well. 😁
2. I don't know yet; I'm waiting to see what I get for Jólabókaflóð, in my #stuffedstockingswap / #sss package on the 15th, and in my #naughtylistholidayswap / #nlhs on the 28th. 😄
Thank you for the tag, @TheSpineView! #Two4Tuesday
Getting ready to drop some bookish and holiday mail off at the post this afternoon. 🎄❄️📚✨