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Adina | Henry James, Pilar Lafuente, Jorge Ordaz
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1. I like my name & haven‘t thought much about changing it. I have names I use online & when I need something easy to spell/pronounce, but if I were to actually change my name I‘d look for something gender neutral.
2. It turns out Henry James wrote a story w my name as the title character. Must track down a copy!
Thx for the tag @Eggs If you‘re reading this consider yourself tagged. I‘d love to know what name everyone would choose! #TwoForTuesday

Eggs YW 🙏🏻 3w
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The Spellshop | Sarah Beth Durst
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Thanks for hosting this fun giveaway! I saw reviews of the tagged book on Litsy and was intrigued by its comparison to Legends and Lattes, so I would love to check it out! 💗💗
@TheSpineView #twofortuesday #tuesdaygiveaway

TheSpineView Good luck 🤞 1mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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TheSpineView Good luck!🤞 1mo
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Prey | Michael Crichton
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1. I think I‘m average but slightly above average for my age group with the caveat of being that way with technology I enjoy like video editing and photo software.
2. Tagged + I love what I call techno thrillers (is that a real genre?). I read a lot of authors like Blake Crouch, James Rollins, and Michael Crichton that use technology in their stories. I find these kinds of books fun and exciting.

TheSpineView Great line up of books! Thanks for playing! 1mo
BethM Almost like a sci-fi thriller without the space opera. My fave! 1mo
Avanders Oooh I think I refer to those as techie sci fi — probably the same genre! Love them - right at the top of my list! 😍 1mo
MaleficentBookDragon Hi @Avanders ! Long time no talk. How are things with you? I have A LOT to tell you. I‘ll text you soon. 1mo
Avanders I knooooow - I can‘t believe how much time keeps on passing! 🫨 Things are better now, though, than they were last year, which was a brutal year! Definitely look forward to hearing from you soon! ♥️ 1mo
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#TwoforTuesday @TheSpineView

1. I‘ll always be impressed with how weird and creative Vassa in the Night was by Sarah Porter. I wish all fairytale retellings were that creative.

1. Vassa in the Night is the only one I‘ve read, but I hope to read more or that she writes more like it. 🦢

TheSpineView Great choice! Thanks for playing 2mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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1. The dirty car would have to be my choice. I once lived in a dirty house for so long, my boyfriend sent his cleaning lady over.
2. Rachel and James in The Rachel Incident.

#TwoforTuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView I wish I had a cleaning lady. In my next life! 🤞🤣 2mo
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1. I can sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame one word off. In other words, if “me” is the first word and it ends with “take.” It‘s not a useful talent, obviously 😄

2. In the tagged book, Sylvia is a paper magician.

Consider yourself tagged.

dabbe #1: 🤩😂🤗 3mo
TheSpineView I think it is a fun talent. Thanks for playing ❤️🎶 3mo
Suet624 That‘s kind of amazing. 3mo
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1) Resting in Uncertainty (alternate: That Was Fast. What Now?)

2) It's not specifically what I would do at this point in my life (biking solo 10,000+ miles), but I love the way Sara Dykman lives her values.

#TwoForTuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView "That Was Fast" so true! Thanks for playing! 3mo
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1) Fairy

2) Emily Wilde‘s Encyclopaedia of Faeries and Emily Wilde‘s Map of the Otherlands. Looking forward to Emily Wilde‘s Compendium of Lost Tales


Smoke Signals | Meredith Katz
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1. Dragon 🐉
2. “Smoke Signals“, by Meredith Katz. Not only has dragons but they can turn into a human form. My dream!


TheSpineView ❤️🐲 Thanks for playing 4mo
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