Traveling family book club round 2!!! It‘s not Jurassic Park and it‘s only 118 pages, so you‘re welcome. After this photo, Brunhilde started chewing on it.
Traveling family book club round 2!!! It‘s not Jurassic Park and it‘s only 118 pages, so you‘re welcome. After this photo, Brunhilde started chewing on it.
I think this is my second to last book in our traveling book club? Maybe the last? Someone help. @AnnieD included some cute items I‘m super excited about, but I did hear this book sucked- so we shall see. I‘ve already picked my book for our next traveling book club, and these hoes just ain‘t ready for it!
My first Persephone book with my chicken, Persephone! I really enjoyed this book, it reminded me a lot of Double Indemnity- there‘s something very simple and to the point with the older thrillers I‘ve read and it‘s a refreshing change!
#thankyouforthemusic and for the great time! This month was a lot of fun, and I am so grateful to have been a part of it! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 #ABBAinAugust
Yo Ed, #doesyourmotherknow why you are the way that you are? The things he did to her are unimaginable. This sort of thing makes me scared to have kids 🙀 maybe I‘ll just stick with cats... #ABBAinAugust
I bet Archer has a section covering the Honeypot (Espionage using sexual or romantic bait) in his book. #honeyhoney #ABBAinAugust
At the past couple book club meetings I ask that the group #takeachanceonme and agree to read Jurassic Park and every meeting I am quickly shot down 😹😹😹 it‘s all good though, one day I will read it! #ABBAinAugust
I found out there‘s a whole book dedicated to praising Lil Wayne‘s lyrics, and I am here for it! Google tells me this translates to “would you like to sleep with me tonight?” But I could be mistaken 🤭Just in case you want to listen to this verse yourself, you can find it in the song It‘s Me Bitches (remix) by Swiss beats ft. Lil Wayne. #voulezvous #ABBAinAugust #voulezvouscoucheravecmoibitches
This is about Emma‘s last summer at Camp Nightingale, where she tries to solve a mystery from a previous summer she spent there as a pre-teen. Super fun read for me, and made me reminisce about #ourlastsummer at Camp Sequoia. As you can see, I was ready to GTO of there, ya feel me?! #ABBAinAugust
Ed Gein was #headoverheels for repurposing human flesh and bones. I honestly wanted to post a pic of the human nipple belt he made but I figured that may just push my mom over the edge 🙀 #ABBAinAugust
Honestly, if you‘re not #teamstark or #teamjonsnow you have a #holeinyoursoul and I don‘t need that negativity in my life 🖕🏻♥️💁🏻♀️ #thenorthremembers
I don‘t know about the Roman Emperor Claudius, but my Claudius has #angeleyes. 😻 #ABBAinAugust
#summernightcity two girls go missing during the summer in Wind Gap, Missouri and Journalist Camille does her best to figure out who‘s responsible. Loved this book and have been enjoying the HBO series as well! #ABBAinAugust
I started this book probably 10 years ago and never finished it, but I have a feeling I should give it another go. Two couples stranded on an island and one couple ends up dead. Very mysterious! And Vince B is a bad ass MOFO.
So yeah #SOS #ABBAinAugust
Just started this and so far Miryem is all about the #moneymoneymoney and home girl is #gettinit ! #ABBAinAugust
Harry Potter came out around 1997 I believe, but it‘ll always be #asgoodasnew #ABBAinAugust
#mylovemylife #yolo #attemptedmurderforlove Amy gave zero f***** and was even ready to kill her much older bf‘s wife just so she could be with him. Thank God she‘s a terrible shot. Unfortunately, she and Joey couldn‘t make their love last and his wife was like uhh yeah I‘m out of here ✌🏻 Love stinks sometimes 🤷🏻♀️ #ABBAinAugust
John Wayne Gacy‘s victims were waiting to be discovered in the crawl space of his house and their loved ones were waiting for justice to be served! #ivebeenwaitingforyou #ABBAinAugust
When I was a pre-teen I was like #gimmegimmegimme all the Dear America books. #ABBAinAugust
Do we really ever truly know everything about anyone? This book has me thinking hell no! I‘m about half way through and really enjoying all the secrets and mystery! Thanks for letting me borrow it, mom♥️ ps high schoolers are nuts, huh? 😹! #knowingmeknowingyou #ABBAinAugust
In Our Kind of Cruelty #thenameofthegame is The Crave. That game is kinda fucking crazy and so is Mike. He is giving me some major Old Gregg vibes and I DIG IT. Both are creepy and scary, yet just want to be loved! And in the end, isn‘t that what we all want? #ABBAinAugust
Look, I don‘t know how- but @emilyhaldi ‘s post inspired me to pick this book. I recently heard this crazy story about an Amish Ohioan Man who murdered a couple of people, and it sure feels like it was partly because the Amish religion wouldn‘t let him #layallyourloveonme (if I were a guy) because they weren‘t/aren‘t? so accepting of homosexual people. So he ended up leaving the Amish community but not before SHIT WENT DOWN 🔥 #ABBAinAugust
#Ihaveadream that when I die I get to find out the truth behind every unsolved murder and disappearance. #yeahithinkadnanisinnocent 🖕🏻 jk, but for real I wanna know. #ABBAinAugust
The kidnappings of Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus were so horrifying that I‘m sure each of them thought constantly #whydidithavetobeme ? I‘ve visited the site of the house where they were held captive for a decade, but it was torn down shortly after The girls escaped so now looks like the image from google maps- a small park of sorts. #ABBAinAugust
#idoidoido hope I finish this book before 2019 or at least before I die 🙏🏻💀 #ABBAinAugust #page88outof1135
#IWonder what happened to Maura Murray. If you‘re into a good unsolved mystery, I highly recommend checking this book out. #ABBAinAugust
Hey, remember that weird relationship between dickbag college student, Henry and his Classics Professor, Julian? Yeah I‘m pretty sure they kissed and then some, you feel me? 🍆 I know this is Emily‘s favorite book so hopefully she can refresh my memory! #whenikissedtheteacher #ABBAinAugust
#mammamia talk about having baby fever! I‘m a little worried if @emilyhaldi or myself get pregnant @Reviewsbylola might do some baby snatching 😬. Jkjk but for real 😹 #ABBAinAugust
Hi there! Tomorrow is August so let‘s do this ABBA/August Book challenge thing! #ABBA @Cinfhen @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi and for shits and giggles @AnnieD 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻#ABBAinaugust
Morning reading with my little chick 🐤 💛
The weirdness that is the Heaven's Gate Cult I #feelitstill initially I thought today's prompt was #feellitstill 🔥 I think that's just as fitting. At the start it did sound pretty lit, we're just hanging out on Earth until our spaceship picks us up to take us into outer space, seems pretty chill until Marshall tells you to put on your Nikes, eat the laced apple sauce, and put the plastic bag over your head.. 👽 it's been fun, bitches! ✌🏻#aprella
#spicegirls that are a little too spicy. Maybe need to tone it down a bit if you know what I mean 🙄😳 #toospicyforschool #aprella
Diane Downs took #selfishlove to the next level when she thought she could catch a man she was having an affair with (who didn't want kids) by murdering her own children. She unfortunately managed to kill one of them, and amazingly the other two survived- although they suffered terrible injuries. #ythoforreal #annrulerules #aprella #spoileralerthelostinterestrealquick
When two high school girls can‘t #crawlouttalove with a fuckboy, you got problems- someone dies, someone goes to prison, and someone lives happily ever after 😒 #aprella #bestepisodeofsnappedever #nothinggoodhappensinpinellascountyfl
#werise for cat food. Ody is probably already waiting at his bowl for breakfast in 10 hours... 🐱🐱🐱🐱 #aprella
Murder made Jodi Arias #famous #bestmugshotever #goals #jkrelax #aprella
Yo, what do you do when your #excalling happens to be a smart mysterious older man that you‘re still kinda into, but you‘re married? Kill your husband, that‘s what 💁🏻♀️ #aprella
Omg everyone has written a book these days! It appears Eminem‘s Mom was inspired by #cleaninoutmycloset and decided to clean out hers too! #aprella
Joan and her young son were some of the #lasttoleave the zoo right around the time when shit got REAL- Real effed up. The time frame of this book is only a couple hours and it is NUTS. Totes thrilling. #aprella
Beginning my book club book with my snuggly little lovey! #ssdgm
The Red Wedding definitely #keptmecrying #thenorthremembers #teamstark #aprella
Lil Wayne was #busyearning street cred while incarcerated. #weezyfthefisforforensics #aprella