I made a video building Steven Universe characters in D&D!
I made a video building Steven Universe characters in D&D!
1. 🎼Let's get physical - physiaaal🎧
2. Ahh antihero 😅
3. Series, I never want it to end.
4. Into the Water by Paula Hawkins
5. Three D&D player guides 🤣
6. I'm down
7. Harry Potter duh. And any and all by SJ Maas
8. Hmm Hyperbole and A Half
9. Tower of Dawn by SJ Mass, so sooooon!!
10. The Princess Bride
11. I mean, I'll read a book with a bad cover if the synopsis sounds intriguing but a good cover is veeeery tempting 😏📚
Khaleesi wants you to play D&D.
▶️ https://youtu.be/twQx3ZDFF50
#gameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #dungeonsanddragons
So I've been making some D&D videos lately if that's up your alley.....
▶️ https://youtu.be/twQx3ZDFF50
#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #imanerd #gameofthrones #stevenuniverse #hamilton
This is a still from a costume video I made during last Halloween. I was the Girl on the Train. Ba dum bum cshhhhhhhhhhhhh 😐
▶️ https://youtu.be/_-ikfTlQNt8
Proud Slytherin since 1997. 🐍⚡️
#harrypotter #hogwarts #slytherin #hogwartshouses #jkrowling #wizardingworldofharrypotter
Happy 20 years Harry. ⚡️
#harrypotter #jkrowlig #reading #chapterone
Anyone else love the Wizarding World of Harry Potter?????
#harrypotter #summer #hollywood #potterhead
If you're a fan of Hamilton and/or D&D, you may be interested in a video I made about what D&D classes the Hamilton characters would fit.
You can find a link to it in my bio or below if you are intrigued! ⭐️
#hamilton #tea #coffee #dungeonsanddragons #coffeeshop #reading #summerreads
Books and planes and books and planes and books 📚 ✈️
#travel #travelreads #summer #summerreads
Jumping on that tag bandwagon 🙌🏻
1. I hail from Los Angeles, CA at the moment.🌞
2. I saw some people over in instagram mentioning it and thought I'd check it out. I'm amariebythesea over there as well. 🤓
3. The original Lord of The Rings trilogy. Some of my favorite movies of all time - extended edition of course. 💍
4. Nope! Only dogs and cats. But if I did I'd name it Norbert. 🐢 And they'd have a bow tie.
"I can't help it when people are frightened [... ] I always want to frighten them more."
Latest favorite read 🌟