I‘m not saying this is the right book for every parent and child at all times, but it has made a world of difference for me with my toddler. Real life: parenting is hard, my kitchen is messy, and sometimes books can help one of those problems.
I‘m not saying this is the right book for every parent and child at all times, but it has made a world of difference for me with my toddler. Real life: parenting is hard, my kitchen is messy, and sometimes books can help one of those problems.
A million glowing things have been said about this book and they‘re all true. I don‘t think I‘ve read anything in a long time that felt this new and fresh and important. Not a book written for me, but I found so much in it that I loved/related to/inspired me. Wish I had read this in high school.
What a thrill to read masterfully woven fantasy with compelling characters. I sometimes didn‘t understand character motivations, but I also trust Jemisin has her reasons — or I missed something in my fevered first listen. Will reread with my partner as I do with all my favorite stuff. Photo by דקי.
To all the teachers lighting fires: of self-kindness, of revelation, of revolution. 🔥❤️🔥 #thepoetx #elizabethacevedo
Intricate world-building, compelling characters, plot developments that were wild-but-not-too-wild. This book did not disappoint despite the hype and I can‘t wait to read the next. #thefifthseason #nkjemisin
I liked “My Brilliant Friend” a lot. I loved this second installment in the series and can‘t wait to find out what happens to Lenù next. #audiobook #elenaferrante #neopolitannovels #thestoryofanewname
“If I was her kid, Medusa would tell me her secrets: / how it is that her looks stop men / in their tracks why they still keep on coming. / How she outmaneuvers them when they do.” Maybe the 10th time #ElizabethAcevedo pierced my heart in the first 50 pages of #ThePoetX #poetry #narrativepoetry #YA
Five seconds into this book and I‘ve already cried. I read this as I‘m breastfeeding my own warrior daughter who faced several big hurdles getting safely to this world, and has a name to match. Obviously, it‘s not just that I see a little bit of my family reflected here, but Acevedo‘s skill in bringing Xiomara, her surroundings, her voice to life with such force, almost instantly.
Rather meh book club read. It was engrossing and entertaining at times, but I was disappointed by the plot for the last third of it, and I cannot get on the Joe Goldberg bandwagon... but I‘m a Blythe who fell for an Ethan, so it figures.
I‘m still basking in the afterglow of these stories and have nothing intelligible to say except they‘re breathtaking and I need to read a lot more #AliceMunro, especially if these aren‘t her best, as I‘ve heard. 💗 #DearLife #shortstories #nobelprize
Listened to this #audiobook while i waited for the book I wanted at the library to be returned because it was available and universally beloved. I found the writing cliché and the plot contrived. I kept getting grumpy thinking that it sounded like the novelization of a made-for-TV movie... but once I realized that‘s what it was, I relaxed and enjoyed it as cozy background noise to doing the dishes.
“If you live long enough as a parent nowadays, you discover that you have made mistakes you didn‘t bother to know about along with the ones you do know about all too well. You are somewhat humbled at heart, sometimes disgusted with yourself.” - #AliceMunro, #DearLife #parenting
A friend recommended this #audiobook and I picked it up not knowing anything. The world is immersive and I love the titular relationship. However, I did not know this was a series so the cliffhanger was a real bummer. HOODWINKED.
Alice Munro and this sunny, simple reading spot are giving me life right now. #AliceMunro #shortstories #whereiread #rooibos
Poetry meets prayer meets self-help meets a walk in the woods. Mostly read to the baby while the toddler napped.
What it was like for me to read Mary Oliver‘s poetry for the first time (and countless times since). I‘m sad to know there will be no more words and thankful for all she gave us. #MaryOliver
Immediately engaging, The Thirteenth Tale has a lot going for it: creepy-cozy gothic, spooky setting, and a set-up that had me hooked. It‘s a Brontë-lover‘s dream. I was fine overlooking the over-the-top elements, but the character and plot development in the latter half left me feeling half-satisfied. Upside: Olivia Colman stars in the BBC adaptation so I‘m gonna have to track that down. Photo by Tom Murphy VII
I‘m a sucker for books with characters I fall in love with, in one way or another. This book is not that. Oyeyemi‘s rich language and twisting narrative compelled me to read on, regardless. In fact, her prose has possibly ruined lesser writing for me for a while.