I enjoyed most of this book but found the end quarter to be fairly disappointing. I just wanted something more.
I enjoyed most of this book but found the end quarter to be fairly disappointing. I just wanted something more.
“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.....After he praised her, her grandfather surprised her by reciting a prayer in a strange language: Modeh ani lefanecha, melech chai vikayam shehecgezarta bi nishmati bchemla raba emunatecha. ..........Blessed are you lord our God King of the Universe who has sanctified us with his commandments...They have the same meaning, she said
Finally had time to finish. Really enjoyed this one thought it was definitely a little odd.
This feels like the right place to be reading this. Lol. Loving it.
Weird, but page turning! Not sure if the Netflix show will appeal to me it doesn‘t sound anything like the book and I so wish it were!
What a marvelously bizarre, thought provoking, moving book. A perfect start to my 2019. What a journey to read.
Fell asleep at some point, have about a third of the book left, but no better way to enter a new year than reading!
Trying to choose which to start for my next read... hesitating on Children of Blood and Bone because it‘s big but I hear it‘s a really quick read/page turner. Any thoughts appreciated!
For too many reasons to even list, I Loved it. Lillian‘s story doesn‘t exactly “go” anywhere but she walks 10 miles in her tale both physically and figuratively
Felt a little fluffy chick-lit for my taste but enjoyed it nonetheless. A good palate cleanser book between others! And cheers to my first winter break book!
Oy, the #bestbooks2018 hashtag is booming and my TBR is exploding! I‘m going to need to just hibernate with books for the winter break. Send food.
At first I wasn‘t so sure but by halfway through this book really got me. I‘m adding it to my list of favorites. I laughed, I cried, I was frustrated and shocked, but most of all it took my breath away! What a story!
Trying to find the time to finish this (so far fabulous) book for book club AND need to choose a favorite book to put in for the grab bag and I can‘t decide!! I love so many! We do our grab bag books as our January read so I want to put something great in! Considering the following listed in the comments
Just about half way through! Really enjoying the subtle little ways the stories are intertwining. Like when you realize Cyril is in the very same apartment in Chatham that his mother gave birth to him. And even the homosexuality piece coming full circle.
Real talk: I took a personal day tomorrow... also known as a “reading day”.
Another winning quote: “...with all the warmth of Lizzie Borden saying goodnight to her parents” HA!
Favorite literary insult? This one is my new one: “What you know about women...could be written in large font on the back of a postage stamp and there‘d still be room for the Lord‘s prayer” I literally laughed out loud.
Definitely feeling a bit stressed and like I just wanna read. Debating taking a personal day on Friday... aka a “reading day”.
How many books is too many books to be reading at one time? What‘s the most you‘ve done. I‘m in the middle of 2 at the moment and starting a third— I‘ve got book clubs to participate in (2 for them, and 1 I started before thinking the others wouldn‘t come in time!).
GAH! My TBR is already soooo long! Oh well! I‘ve seen a few of you on here reading The Friend so that‘s definitely going on, but lots of other great ones listed too! Check it out! https://www.oprah.com/inspiration/these-books-just-won-americas-biggest-book-pri...
Really enjoying this odd tale thus far! Just the right book to cleanse my palate after a bailed out book. I HATE bailing on a book, and I stuck it out and stayed hopeful with LESS for a tad too long.
I so wanted to like this one.... just couldn‘t get into it. I t just didn‘t feel like it was really moving and I didn‘t feel invested in the protagonist.
50 pages in and not totally feeling it just yet... not quite willing to bail yet either though.... stay tuned
Great conversation at book club—always makes me rethink my perspective a bit! Made lots of nice new friends too! Big turn out! This was half of one table, there were about 30 of us I think!
Early to book club, first here! I am kind of obsessed with my book club— it‘s a 20s and 30s group and it‘s super fun! We meet at a pub in midtown!
Finished just in time for book club tomorrow and absolutely loved this one. My only complaint was the very end... I just felt like it could have been something more maybe. But I loved that this was a sibling story, my brother is one of my favorite people in the world.
Someone should buy the movie rights to The Immortalists, I feel like that could totally work.
Just made it through the 2nd section of the book, the life and death of Klara. Was kind of surprised and disappointed that she ends up taking her own life. Loving the book so far but really felt like there was more to her story and suicide wasn‘t a fulfillment of the prophecy. I also kind of hope we get to see what comes of Ruby and her life. Though a minor piece of the story I find it interesting to see how the prophecy affected those around them
Just finished Simon‘s section. Felt like it started slow but really picked up and felt so in it with the characters. Looking forward to Starting Klara‘s section. Definitely excited to talk about this book at book club— it raises so many existential questions.
CONTINUED... — the book itself tell the story of a character of another story (The Odyssey), Circe the witch of Aiaia who gets very little mention in the original tale. And therefore the book is a different perspective on a familiar story. And then this same turn of perspective on a story is used within the book itself too. We hear the stories of Odysseus from his perspective, his son & wife‘s and later Circe. Fascinating!
Just finished Circe.... not sure I loved the plot really and this is not really my genre BUT the character development in this book was solid and fodder for a great book club meeting I‘m sure. I look forward to the upcoming #BOTMbuddyread conversations. One thing I loved about the book beyond the characters themselves was the use of perspective— the book itself tell the story of a character of another story (The Odyssey) ... continued in post 2
Ellie feels that Circe is finally starting to grow into herself and own her feminine power! We‘re digging it.
It‘s been a crazy week and weekend. I‘m a Jewish educator at a large synagogue and this week was filled with processing recent tragedy followed by uplifting my students on our annual Fall retreat (which in true bookworm fashion, had an epic and extensive Harry Potter theme). And I am EXHAUSTED. Looking forward to some nice #BOTMbuddyread discussion and curling up to delve further into Circe back home on the couch with the pup!
Had to share this popsugar article/list: 50 things only Book Lovers will understand... this just really got me on an intrinsic level. https://www.popsugar.com/love/Signs-Youre-Book-Lover-45426399?utm_medium=faceboo...
Running a youth retreat this weekend for work and made it up to camp early enough to catch up on my #BOTMbuddyread . I‘m 5 chapters in, the first few didn‘t exactly captivate me— this isn‘t really my usual genre but it feels like it‘s starting to get interesting...
Finally finished it. Towards the end things felt a bit slow and I wished the end were more exciting than I found it to be. That said it was in keeping with a good Robert Langdon adventure latent with great historical references and some thought provoking questions and suggestions.
Loving it so far! Loved the first few Of Brown‘s Langdon books but wasn‘t a huge fan of Inferno and have therefore been skeptical about Origin but I‘m about a third of the way in and really enjoying it! The pup doesn‘t mind extra snuggly book time either!