I started back in grad school. This time with a baby who doesn‘t approve of all this reading mommy needs to do.
I started back in grad school. This time with a baby who doesn‘t approve of all this reading mommy needs to do.
“...that what he lacked as a man He found in me...”
This book is powerful and its resonance with my own journey to self love left me with chills. After reading it, I want more. More guidance, more feelings that our journeys are often similar in this life. Self love is the hardest love to give.
I am almost done with this book, and don't want to say goodbye. It's beautiful.
I thought I would absolutely love it, but I am pretty disappointed. And he chose the wrong woman.
I am currently doing this as an audio book. It's taking awhile to get into. Does it get better?
I am so excited to finally read this! This cover kind of creeps me out, but it's a great read so far.
Already want to cry...
Loved it ❤️ I don't know what to do with my life now that I am done with it. Yes I do, read more Ayn Rand.
It was hard to get into. But I just finished it and I am in tears. This is one of my favorite books now.
I am almost done with it and my world will be so sad. I've fallen in love with a book.
I love this book. And red lipstick.
Currently reading. It's taking awhile to get into it.
I am only 1/8 of the way through but I am loving it so far.
Finally getting around to reading these books
My current "listen to." I have heard good things about this one! And that I should be prepared to cry...
I am loving this one! A nineteenth century ghost story.
I am currently doing this as an audiobook. This is the one time I may like the movie more than the book....
This was an easy read and totally worth it. I loved it.
Quiet night in with a needy cat and re-reading this.
This was really hard to get into but I am glad I stuck with it. Loved it!
It's embarrassing to admit I've never read this! I have been working on it these past two days. It's a slow start so far.
I am glad I read it to get a little more insight into Hemingway, but it was only so so. I already dislike him for being a cheater on his first wife, and this book didn't help! I am putting my western views on a book set in African tribal culture though.
Starting off my summer vacation with a pedicure and finishing up this book.
"Re-reading" this as an audio book. I read it in high school and loved it!
I did enjoy the book; however, after Devil in the White City, I had really high expectations. I appreciate the research he did for the book and the information it contained, it just was not fully engaging.
I am starting this today for a class and the last sentence on this page already made me love it, "I make that apology only halfheartedly."
This is a cultural on Budapest at the end of the nineteenth century. The writer gives an impressionistic account of it. The only interesting part was the end about World War II. It was miserable to get through.
I am working a double today and need to get through this so I can write a paper on it by Tuesday.
I found this and thought I would share. I love these books!!!!
I am trying really hard to make it through this audiobook, but it's pretty painful.
I am not sure from which book this quote is, but I love it! She's a smart, hot mess of a girl like me.
I am reading this for a class I am taking and it is not at all like Hemingway's Moveable Feast yet. I am only on page 50, hopefully it gets better!
I finally have some time to spend on this book again. I started on it over a month ago!
It obviously isn't great literature, which she admits. It is entertaining and a light read. I did it as an audiobook.
This was amazing. Yes it was tragic, but I was completely enthralled and affected by this book.
This tells the story of the 1889 Paris World Fair and tries to portray the Eiffel Tower as the center of activity. It is an interesting book and I learned neat facts about the time period.
A great fictional account of Marguerite de Navarre. She was used as a pawn and unable to find true love because of it. It made me research her more.
Scarily close to the way the world is today!
This book examines how the concept of human rights emerged during the Cold War. It credits Carter and Reagan for much of the success and emerging world view of human rights.
I decided to start reading this devotional again. I finished the whole year a few years ago and then put it aside. It is very inspirational and tells the story of some amazing women from all time periods and all cultures.
This was a different type of book for me to read, written by someone from a different cultural background and about a topic I don't know much about. It's set in Palestine in the 1940s and follows the individual lives of people and individuals involved in the conflicts.
This book was eye opening. It examines how the British Empire legalized and policed prostitution within their colonies in order to protect British men from disease. It also shows the hypocrisy of the British Empire.
This book made me appreciate what I have. The things people went through during the Holocaust are unimaginable. He does a great job of capturing the pain and feelings of the characters, especially since he is one of them.