I read this in one sitting and it was truly inspiring!
I read this in one sitting and it was truly inspiring!
Wow. What a gut-punch of a book. This is exactly the story we need at this moment and I hope you all pre-order, request from the library etc.
I added these lovely picture books to my collection this week.
This book is hilarious and kids are going to LOVE it.
These are my top 5 YA books of 2017. Yesterday, three of the five collectively won the Printz Medal, Stonewall Award, Morris Award, Printz Honor, CSK Honor and Odyssey Award.
I‘ve had this ARC for over a year. I considered donating it a couple times but always thought that no, this one is special. I was right. #NewberyMedal
This book starts with a scene about American Girl dolls that I greatly appreciated.
I just read about six YA books in a row so time to switch it up with some middle grade fiction.
This is book is so good I went right past my bus stop reading it.
I feel like compressed timelines are more common in YA than in middle grade but Jennifer Torres uses the device really effectively in this new one, out in June.
Some great book mail yesterday—signed first editions of these beauties from Penguin!
What a beautiful, meditative, powerful look at family and memory. Make sure you pick this up when it comes out in March.
Ringing in the new year with a dragon‘s hoard of ARCs. Happy reading!
This is the stack I‘ve collected from the various Little Free Libraries on my block in 2017. Hope to start some of them in the new year!
One of my personal literary traditions is rereading the American Girl Christmas books on Christmas Eve every year. Tough choice between Addy, Molly and Samantha for which is my favorite.
This book is thought-provoking but also incredibly depressing. Not that I usually expect Anderson‘s work to be cheerful, but still.
This is a fantastic new puzzle mystery with great characters and dialogue.
I‘m really enjoying this audiobook. I learned that one of the centers of code-breaking work was a few blocks from where I grew up!
Finally getting to this. I‘ve read almost all the NBA nominated books this year but of course the one I haven‘t read wins.
Today was a very good ARC day but I‘m especially excited to read this one.
I love the fancy stamp on my package with this book! Highly recommend you put this on your must-buy list.
As if I didn‘t have enough on my TBR, this stack of ARCs showed up while I was in NYC last week.
Here are the month‘s book club picks for East City Bookshop, where I am the children‘s and YA buyer. #riotgrams
When I get asked by kids for “a really scary book!” these are my go-to titles. #riotgrams
I inhaled this in one day. If you have any interest in soccer, I highly recommend it!
My favorite fall book with apples fresh from the farmer‘s market. #riotgrams
I got this from Etsy so long ago that I can‘t remember the artist. #riotgrams
Book and a beverage (a water bottle counts, right?) Finally caught up on #riotgrams
Everyone at the store loves this cover. #riotgrams
Not all that much nature in the city but I did my best. #riotgrams
A phenomenal read, one I‘ll be thinking about for a long time. Make sure this is on your TBR, it comes out in April!
I‘m all out of order with #riotgrams now but oh, well! Here are two tees and a tote bag from the recent NAIBA conference.
Library card and book! My colleagues at the bookstore raved about this novel so I‘m glad DCPL had a copy. #riotgrams
Poetry collections and novels in verse by various authors. #riotgrams
A few of my favorite underrated YA titles. Read The Scorpion Rules if you want to be devastated, Pasadena if you love gritty noir-ish mysteries and Noteworthy if you want to laugh and sigh. #riotgrams
I‘m behind on #riotgrams. Here are some Native and Indigenous reads. I highly recommend asking for them at your local bookstore or library!
It always takes me a little while to get into a Holly Black book, but once I do I‘m HOOKED.
#riotgrams Someone else‘s books. Here‘s a shelf from the historic house where my brother is getting married tomorrow.
Today‘s prompt is big books so here is a look at my somewhat eclectic art book collection. #riotgrams
This book reminds me of a middle grade Zoraida Cordova story and I am loving it. Absolutely delightful!
Books with three word titles—some I‘ve read and some I haven‘t—for today‘s #riotgrams photo.