This is my first book of February. I don‘t love his recent stuff as much as I like his older works, but he still crafts a good read. I‘m on track to have a strong reading year. Maybe going back to work full time makes me a more efficient reader?
This is my first book of February. I don‘t love his recent stuff as much as I like his older works, but he still crafts a good read. I‘m on track to have a strong reading year. Maybe going back to work full time makes me a more efficient reader?
What‘s wrong with this sentence?
I‘m in the mood for a good story. I Have ben in a major reading slump lately. I‘m 5 books behind schedule on my Goodreads challenge! found this at an indie bookstore in NH and it sounds good.
“...his allergy is not life-threatening...”. This just makes me angry that they are downplaying a food allergy. You cannot be a little allergic and you don‘t know which exposure will send you into anaphylaxis. 😡
I‘m trying to like this one better than The Wife Between Us. It‘s not working
I grew up in New England, so when I saw that this book involves candlepin bowling, I was intrigued. It‘s only a 7-day loan from the library so I‘m busy this weekend...
Swyler‘s first novel was so charming, it‘s among my all-time favorites. This new one is mind-bending and heartbreaking and original. It gets published on May 7. Put it on your list now! #netgalley
My first-in-a-long-time 5 star read. It was so well written, equal parts horrifying and hopeful and heartbreaking. Not an easy breezy read but an important one.
This is the third book in a row that has mentioned the fall of the Twin Towers.
My current read happens to match my sofa! Guess I should spend the day here with them both. #RiotGrams #Riotgramsday9 #currentread
Don‘t you sometimes wish you could just sleep away the troubles you are having? I‘m glad this book gave me hope at the end. I rated it a solid 3 stars on Goodreads.
So far it‘s a pretty rich girl who decides to check out of her reality by way of drugged sleep. I‘m hoping that the reason for her doing this redeems the book.
Anyone else playing along with #riotgrams this month? Here is the Day 8 prompt: nonfiction reads
This was a refreshingly different book for me. The characters are all good and there are no vicious twists or backstabbing plots. Read if you want a happy story. @StMartinsPress #thegirlheusedtoknow
I‘m trying this one out. My last read took too long and I need a good read!! #thegirlheusedtoknow @StMartinsPress
I have to say I‘m disappointed that I didn‘t love this one! Her other novels captivated me but this one left me cold.
Wow! Surprise book mail! Guess what I will be doing during my few kid-free hours tomorrow! @StMartinsPress
I don‘t know how I missed this book, since The Thirteenth Tale is one of my all-time favorite books!
If you take out all the soft porn passages, this was a sweet love story. I just got tired of hearing about “her softness against his hardness”...
2 for 2 with fabulous books this year! My only gripe about this is the Americanization of the title. The tree is a Wych Elm, which is the original title. The change to Witch Elm does nothing but make it more accessible to American readers...
I am loving this rich family mystery. The feeling I have while reading it reminds me of The Secret History.
Don‘t you love starting the new reading year with a winner? This book was definitely a winner. Are people bad just because they have done bad things? There is a lot to ponder after finishing this book...
This is what I feel like doing. Leave me with a stack of books and come find me in Spring.
I squeezed in one last book for 2018. After entertaining the in-laws for the past 5 days, I spent today reading on the couch between cat naps. This was a fun romp of a book, another e-galley from #netgalley. It was funny to me since I grew up in small-town New Hampshire and found the characters rather relatable.
I got a copy of the e-galley from #netgalley and finally got around to reading it. Overall it was a good suspenseful story with a few unpredictable twists amid the usual predictable ones.
Littens! I‘m not going to make my reading challenge! My in-laws are here and are staying til the 31st. I almost changed my goal do I could show completion, but have decided to stay true. I‘m so sad that this is the first time I won‘t get that great “challenge completed” badge ☹️📚📚📚☹️. What would you do?
Another week, another audio book. I am becoming a bigger fan of audios with each one I listen to!
Sufficiently creepy and this book made me so anxious! Maybe because I listened at 1.5 speed? I can‘t decide if I liked it or am just disturbed.
Do you read the Litsy postings about your current read? Do they influence your opinion if the book? I‘ve been listening to this in the car and need to get it finished by the end of this week. I drive about 30 minutes each way so it should be doable. However, after reading some posts I‘m not too hopeful about the ending 😬
This is interesting. I always wonder how prize winners are really chosen. I feel like I should be bowled over by the book but I‘m not yet...
I need a break from these books in which people treat each other so horridly!!
I‘m confused about halfway through this one. Anyone else? Does it redeem itself?
I wanted a fast paced thriller but got a flat predictable story. I‘m quite bothered about the storyline, but don‘t want to give any spoilers.
I should be running errands, but this is the first day in two months that I‘ve been home alone. Therefore, I feel the need to curl up here and catch up on reading. It‘s the better choice, right?
This was a great listen on my drive to work the past few weeks. Today I finished it and feel the ending is just a tad too neat and clean. I read that the author wrote this with a movie in mind and it would make a good film. The atrocities of The Holocaust always tear my heart apart.
The only issue with a good historical fiction story is the need to investigate the events further. I‘m curious to read more about Mary Treat and Vineland, NJ.
I wish I was reading a hard copy of this instead of the ebook, but I missed my hold at the library and the e copy came up again first. It‘s getting really good halfway in
Sometimes you just need a good, messy, real YA novel. My favorite thing about YA books is the issues that are taboo elsewhere are faced straight on.
Just began listening to this on the way home. It‘s well read so far.
An Eye opening view of flavor and how the manufacturing of such is a slippery slope. We have been misled by the food factories of today. Take a stand and eat real food.
I began this audio on my drive to work today. I feel already like it is going to make me triple-guess every food choice I make for a while...