““Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim.” -Sii forte e paziente, un giorno questo dolore ti sarà utile- Ovidio
-Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you- Ovid
I watched the movie and now I want to read this book.
““Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim.” -Sii forte e paziente, un giorno questo dolore ti sarà utile- Ovidio
-Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you- Ovid
I watched the movie and now I want to read this book.
tipycal cake of #11thNovember for the Day of Saint Martin in North Italy #Venice .
It was made with shortcrust pastry and #candy specially for children.
Photo from Libreria del Viaggiatore in Rome !
Welcome to new and all my friends!
I wish you a beautiful and sunny day ☉☉💐💐
#friends #bookfriends #bookerslove
#autumnbook #november
it's a Funny reading about a Story of a man & woman But The description is written by a man.
you Can Read in one day especially in Summer.
"un romanzo luminoso che resterà a lungo nella mente dei lettori"
'Ehi Papà, Can You Read for me?"
I remember when I was baby The Story of #Pollyanna reading by My father.
I Think it's a very good book And I need To Read some Story like this one
It's the difference between "taking a shower" and "teaching your monkey butler how to shampoo your hair." It's the difference between being "sane" and being "furiously happy."
maybe I want try To Read.
what do You Think about this Book ?
la ragazza senza ricordi di C.L. Taylor
Valentina D'Urbano
non aspettare la notte
I start To Read a new Book Today Very Very good
ci proviamo!