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Friendship Book
Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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2021 has been a rough year for me and my family. Lots of loss and sadness. As I‘ve been reflecting on the year and picking out bright spots, Litsy and the friends I‘ve made here keep popping up. When days were long and dark, I‘d browse through posts here and always find something to make me smile. So, friends, thank you for sharing your silliness, your kindness, your humor, and your friendship. It made a difference.

Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
JessClark78 ❤️❤️ 3y
EvieBee 🤗♥️ 3y
Bookzombie ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Hiya everyone, Would you please give a warm welcome to my friend @Lena4 who is brand new to Litsy? 😁 #litsywelcomewaggon

rockpools Hi @Lena4 - welcome to Litsy! 5y
Oryx Welcome @lena4 😁 5y
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Ms.Story 👋🏻👋🏻 @Lena4 5y
TrishB Hi 🙋‍♀️ @Lena4 5y
CarolynM Welcome @Lena4 🌼 5y
Birdsong28 Welcome to @Lena4 🎊🎉📚📖 5y
starlight97 Welcome @Lena4 ☺️ 5y
Amor4Libros Welcome to Litsy @Lena4 5y
Lcsmcat Welcome to Litsy @Lena4 ! I hope it becomes your happy place. 😀 5y
rretzler Welcome @Lena4! Enjoy! 5y
DivineDiana Glad you are joining us! @Lena4 👏🏻📚👏🏻 5y
TheSpineView Welcome to Litsy @Lena4 So happy to have you!💜📚 5y
cathysaid Welcome! @Lena4 5y
cobwebmoth @Lena4 Welcome to Litsy! 5y
julesG Welcome @Lena4 ! 5y
Gina Ello @Lena4 welcome to the world wide book party. May your beverage always be full and the laughs plentiful. 5y
Sarah83 Hello @Lena4 😎 5y
Jas16 Welcome to Litsy @Lena4 5y
SelfishGiant Oh, wow, overwhelmed by the book love already! Thank you!!! 5y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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@BethM I‘m home from work sick with an awful headache cough and sore throat! I just remembered the eye mask you made for the #witchpleaseswap and it is perfect for this moment. I had to say thank you again!
@aprilpohren I just realized I‘m using the blanket you sent in the book and blanket swap! So thankful for Litsy on this sickly day.

blank Feel better! ❤❤ 5y
PurpleyPumpkin Ugh, not fun. Hope you feel better soon! 5y
LeahBergen Oh no! 🙁 5y
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Mimi28 Hope you feel better!! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Laura317 That‘s the worst! I hope you‘re feeling better real soon! 5y
Cweeeevs That sounds awful! Mind yourself and hope you feel better soon! 5y
tracey38 Oh no. I hope you feel better soon. An eye mask aounds perfect for that, too. 5y
Jas16 I hope you feel better soon 5y
AmyG Feel better. I swear by Advil Cold & Sinus. Hope it helps. 5y
BethM Feel better soon my friend! You can heat that up in the microwave and lay it on your sinuses. 5y
TheSpineView Hope you get to feeling better soon! 5y
dragondrool Hope you're better soon! 5y
cobwebmoth Hope you feel better soon! 5y
Redwritinghood Yuck! I was also sick this weekend but am getting better now. I hope you feel better soon. 5y
aprilpohren Hope you feel better quickly! Stay warm and cozy!! 5y
Erofan Feel better soon! 💕 5y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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@Trashcanman Thanks for the postcard! I actually collect postcards and have a display of them in my house. #jb mail is the best! 📬💌

Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Thank you all so much for your messages! I feel so warm and fuzzy right now because of all your lovely comments - #Litsylove ❤️ So I‘m back after we‘ve settled most stuff for my father in law but may not be super active in the next few weeks. We‘re currently waiting for him to get a place in a hospice and as the hubs is at the hospital every day to be with him, all the everyday stuff has fallen to me obviously. But I‘m happy to be back here! 😍

Bookzombie I‘m happy you are here too. Make sure you take care of yourself during this time too. 💗 6y
tpixie Hugs and prayers! Sounds like the family is working together! ♥️❤️♥️ 6y
mcipher Welcome back - glad it sounds like things are going as well as they can for you right now (deep breaths help a lot too!) 6y
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Megabooks Hugs 💜💜💜💜 6y
laurieluna Sending love and hugs to all of you! Xxx 6y
julesG Take care of yourself too. Hugs. 😘 6y
TrishB Take care 💕 6y
LiteraryinLawrence Sending love 💜💜 6y
Elizabeth2 Hospice can be a wonderful support system for the family. Take care of yourself, too. 6y
Lreads I'm happy to hear from you. Make sure you don't lose yourself to all the things that need to be done. Taking time for yourself is very restorative. 💕 6y
Blaire Sending you continued love and support. 💕 6y
JacqMac Lots of love to you all. 💕 6y
DGRachel {{hugs}} 6y
Jas16 ❤️ 6y
Dragon 🌈💐🤗 6y
LeahBergen Hugs! ❤️❤️ 6y
dragondrool We will keep your spot warm with all the hugs and best wishes we can muster. 6y
tracey38 💜💜 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Oooh, @Avanders , you‘re spoiling me so much. Thank you for these wonderful goodies. I was squeaking like a crazy person when I saw these. I‘ve been coveting Melmoth so much, and the rest looks awesome as well. Love the bag and the journals and the stickers. You are the best!!! ❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘

Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Glad you like it! 💖😘🤗💖😘🤗 6y
scripturient @Avanders The Pratchett calendar is already hanging on my office wall. ☺️ 6y
Avanders ☺️😁 6y
Moray_Reads Melmoth! 6y
ephemeralwaltz Neverworld Wake was fun! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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This week's fabulous #jb mail, thanks to @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tracey38 @JoScho @knittedgnome! Responses going out tomorrow, as well as tons of postcards #justbecause. 📬💌

JoScho 😘❤️ 6y
tracey38 ✉🧡✉ 6y
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Mimi28 Is the one in the bottom right corner the one that you are sending me? I‘m soooo sorry I left you out of my post!! I can‘t turn my light on right now to check because I am having a problem with the neighbors ( it‘s a long story about how she was treating a stray cat) - she‘s out there now still complaining about me watching her to make sure she didn‘t hurt it. I‘m absolutely horrified that I didn‘t tag you!! I‘m sorry!! 6y
CoffeeNBooks @Mimi28 I just dropped the postcard off at the post office today, so you'll get it later this week. You didn't miss tagging me in your post- no worries!! I just thought it was funny that I'm sending you the same postcard someone else sent to you a few weeks ago! I saw the postcard and thought you'd like it- someone else must have thought the same thing. 😁 6y
Mimi28 Okay, sorry again and sorry for the last 2 messages to you that were practically half my life story. It‘s okay, it‘s no problem, I probably wouldn‘t have noticed. Thanks for thinking of me, you‘re awesome!! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
CoffeeNBooks @Mimi28 You're fine! Sounds like you have a lot going on tonight with your neighbor- hope she's being nice to the cat. What kind of person is mean to an animal?! I'd be watching her, too! 6y
Mimi28 Thanks for understanding. It happened a couple of nights ago. There was a stray cat that kept coming to her and her back door and she threw water at it 3 times and it still kept bugging her. I made sure she SAW me watching her because I heard her say she HATES cats and now I‘m sure she is the one who scares my cats from the windows sometimes. She just sits out there talking and smoking all day so now I am afraid to have my light on. No matter 👇🏽 6y
Mimi28 How hot it gets, and it‘s supposed to hit 80 here tomorrow, I can NEVER open my windows again for the safety of my cats. These people in these neighborhoods have no souls sometimes, and I‘m talking about common sense and respect, not race. I‘ll do it again if I hear a cat out there. In a second. Poor little thing was just hungry and confused. If I hadn‘t been watching she may have done more than just throw water at it. I couldn‘t let that happen❤️ 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway @Sarah83 ! I love how supportive the Litsy community is. Everyone is so friendly and respectful, even when they disagree. It's such a breath of fresh air! #2000thpostofsarah83

Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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ShelleyBooksie Beautiful bookmarks! 6y
BookwormAHN 😺😺 6y
olivia.ferz 💚💚 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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saresmoore My favorite! 6y
Kalalalatja I love it 😄😄 6y
Cinfhen Yup!!! 6y
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BarbaraBB So good 😂😂 6y
Caroline2 Defo! 😂 6y
trazo Agreed!! 😂 6y
Reggie Lolol I hadn‘t seen this before. 6y
Tanisha_A THE BEST! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Hi all! Add me as a friend on Goodreads - I can't wait to make more friends and see what you're all reading!

#book #books #goodreads #bookworm #booklover

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Yes! Will do! 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Done! Hooray! 😀 6y
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BridgetteM Sent you a friend request! :) 6y
erank58 Just sent you a request! It's tough being the only reader in my friend circle, so I'm always looking for like-minded people to add on goodreads 😊 6y
corycatelyn Done! 🤗 6y
TheLibrarian Added!! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Thank you to my lovely Litsy #jb friends, who continue to fill my mailbox with notes! And even though I'm 44, I sure do love stickers! 🤩💌 Today's episode of #LitsyMail brought to you by @Kelican17, @Soubhiville, and @BookwormAHN.

tracey38 Stickers forever! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Do any of you have twitter? I‘m tentatively trying it out again! Follow me @ WeeziesBooks!

Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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This is great! Everything in my mailbox today was Litsy #jb mail!! Thanks @knittedgnome @Chrissyreadit @vkois88 @Mimi28! Notes will be going out to you all tomorrow. 💌

vkois88 ❤❤❤ 6y
knittedgnome Yay for litsy love! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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From comic “Jake Likes Onions” on Twitter 😉

Ddzmini I can relate 😝 6y
BookishClaire Oh my gosh YES 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Thank you so much @Kaye! I love all the pink!! #jb

Kaye Glad it arrived. I think those cards are pretty too. 💖 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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This is what a litter of Littens looks like (say that 3x fast).

One more showed up after the picture.

valeriegeary 👋👋👋 6y
TiredLibrarian A litter of Littens is a happy sight! 😺😸😻 6y
LibrarianRyan @EloisaJames I am sorry we missed you!!!! 6y
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JennyM Mwah to you all 💋 6y
SledgeReader @LibrarianRyan Good looking group! Makes me miss all my friends from ALA. ❤️ 6y
CareBear Hi everyone! 🤗 6y
Leftcoastzen Nice!Have to get to Book Expo again sometime. 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Guess who found ?
@MrBook and @FaeNoir

Can you guess who is who?


Bookzombie 🎉💗 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Everybody please give a shoutout to my bff Brittany who just joined Litsy! @Brittn8


Brittn8 Aw thanks! I‘m loving this so far. 6y
ElleSkel Welcome @Brittn8 !! 📚🤓 6y
SilversReviews Welcome!! 6y
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dsfisher @Brittn8 Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Tiyas7 @Brittn8 Welcome To Litsy!!!😀😁 (Although I Myself Is a Newcomer😅 Just Joined Yesterday ) 6y
LiterRohde @Brittn8 Welcome! 6y
JoRead Welcome @Brittn8 😉 6y
MicrobeMom @Brittn8 welcome to a great place! 6y
Bronte_Chintz Welcome to Litsy @Brittn8 🎉🎉 6y
BeansPage Welcome to Litsy @Brittn8 I know you'll love it here! Be sure to check out #LitsyHappenings and if you have any trouble check out #LitsyHowTo 6y
Jas16 Welcome to Litsy @Brittn8 6y
Mollyanna Welcome to Litsy! @Brittn8 6y
Brittn8 Thank you! 6y
Thndrstd Welcome! 6y
Ddzmini Welcome to Litsy happy reading 📖 😋 6y
cobwebmoth @Brittn8 Welcome to Litsy! 6y
GripLitGrl Welcome @Brittn8 👋 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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So this doesn't involve books... but I have been doing more stuff on Instagram lately and I love you guys so feel free to follow me over there too. https://www.instagram.com/bitterdymphna/

Alfoster Just followed you! I‘m arniefoster on Instagram. 6y
bitterbear @Alfoster ya!!! Friends! 6y
LauraJ I‘m evilgeniud on instagram (my pics are all books, cats, and ☕️) 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay

I just got a friend on litsy today her name is @Candy . she needs new friends so anyone interested please follow her

AmyG Welcome @Candy 🎉🎉🎉 6y
Jas16 Welcome to Litsy @Candy 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy @Candy! 🎉 6y
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jenniferw88 Welcome @Candy ! May I suggest you follow @LitsyWelcomeWagon , @RaimeyGallant (who has litsy #tips) & @Chelleo (who has created some litsy #howto #videos) 6y
RaimeyGallant Hi @candy! The Litsy videos are linked in @chelleo's bio and the Litsy tips are linked in mine. :) 6y
Samplergal Welcome ! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Look what I found in my postbox today!!! I couldn‘t make it to the Litsy meet-up in Hamburg on the weekend so @Heideschrampf @julesG (with her kids) @Maike @DuckOfDoom and @SaskiAh sent me this beautiful postcard as an early birthday greeting. Thank you so much, guys, you rock!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️

tammysue That‘s the sweetest gift! 💗 6y
julesG Glad it arrived so fast. 6y
Sarah83 Looks great 💖😍 6y
Heideschrampf Darn, we hoped it would be better timed... just act surprised when you wake up! 6y
Maike That was quite fast 😄 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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#bookmail part 2 of 2. A wonderful little surprise from @Cathythoughts 😄 Thank you!
I love the little cross stitch! My mums first initial is J and her birthday is coming up so I see being a card in this little bears future.
My toddler loves the bookmark, as do I! Pink is currently his favourite colour.

Sophoclessweetheart So pretty ! 6y
Cathythoughts Oh great. This is a thankyou card for the lovely book you sent me for my birthday 💕💕💕 6y
laurieluna @Cathythoughts you didn't need to, you're more than welcome, but thank you so much for such a kind gesture! 😄 ❤x 6y
Cathythoughts I remember you mentioning something about cross stitch... I‘d love to be able to do it 👍🏻❤️ 6y
laurieluna @Cathythoughts it's my favourite hobby! So I will love making the little bear. 😄🐻 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Congrats on your Milestone @parttimedomestic Thank you for the generous giveaway!!

Before joining Litsy I only had a couple friends who liked reading as much as I do. Now I have a whole community who shares my passion!!! Everyone here is so positive and supportive, it's such a great thing to be a part of. As an introvert, it's kind of Heaven on Earth. 😄📚💕


StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I was telling one of my book friends not too long ago that sometimes I just want to hug my bookcase. This picture reminds me of that. 😆 6y
parttimedomestic I love this! Thanks for entering! 6y
BiblioLitten Oh my gosh! That is so true about Litsy👏❤ 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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I got some very sweet #Litsymail today!! Thank you so much @Kaye for the thoughtful card and beautiful bookmark! Your kind words mean so much to me!! ❤️
@prettybooknerd thank you very much for the letter my awesome penpal!! I have loved seeing the pics of Abby!
I love being a part of this wonderful community!!

coffeewithbooks Aww your very welcome 😊❤️ I need get some printed out and send it to you 😊 6y
Kaye So glad you got the card. Still waiting on the postcards...that‘s weird. They were mailed long before this card was. Hhhmmmmm..... 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Kaye our mail is weird!!! 😩😂 they will turn up!! 6y
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LazyDays 💙 6y
BooksForEmpathy Hi there, just wanted to say a big thank you for my Easter card. So cute!! Thank you, Misty!! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay

I met a new friend who loves to read as much as i do!!!! Shes coming over to talk books and drink tea this afternoon! So excited!

TrishB Cool 👍🏻 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Just wanted to give a quick shoutout to everyone who participated in #TuesdayTidbits today. When I created today's questions, I honestly wasn't trying to make everyone sad with question number 3 (I had horror books and movies on the brain and I think I was thinking about those sorts of things when I came up with that question). Just wanted to say I love you all and you are a strong and awesome group of people, so happy to know you all! ❤️❤️❤️Hugs!

Eggs Love you too♥️ 6y
BiblioLitten That's a lovely message. Hugs💕 6y
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cobwebmoth 6y
ofclumsywords Aw love you too!!! 😊 6y
CatLass007 😘 6y
tpixie ♥️📚♥️ 6y
PenguinInFlight ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
robinb 😘🤗🤗💕 6y
GarthRanzz 💙 6y
Jen_Reads ❤️ 6y
melyndarae 💜💜💜 6y
TheWordJar Aww! ❤️❤️ I think what was fantastic was all the support people got for sharing their experiences. Another example of our awesome community! 6y
Lizpixie Love you too!❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
JessClark78 ❤️❤️ 6y
JenlovesJT47 @TheWordJar I agree! Such an awesome group of people. 🤗❤️☺️ 6y
KrystleTheBookSlayer No worries! I think you're pretty awesome yourself! 😘❤💞 6y
TheDaysGoBy We have an awesome group of people on here! Your questions were just fine - don't sweat it! 6y
Texreader Am I wrong to say I really enjoyed reading all the answers? I thought they were fascinating and spooky!! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Texreader not at all! As sad as some of the answers were for number 3, I feel like I learned a lot about everyone and it's great to see how supportive everyone is. ❤️ 6y
Texreader @JenlovesJT47 I haven‘t reached the sad posts yet. But you are so right! We are the most supportive group ever and I always feel Litsy has my back. ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
melyndarae I was thinking like spooky scary at first but what I put was honestly the scariest thing to happen to me. I'm sorry it was so sad 😟. I love how supportive everyone is though. 6y
JenlovesJT47 @melyndarae don't be sorry!! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
RohitSawant 💜💜💜 6y
haileybean I loved it! Thank you so much for creating it! 💜 6y
Bostonmomx2 You‘re fine girl. I know you wouldn‘t do anything to make people sad. @Debiw781 and I know each somewhat personally and have been thru our tragedies together so that‘s how we got onto that subject. 😘 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Bostonmomx2 ❤️😘🤗 6y
thereadingowlvina Ah no worries! Thanks for today's prompt! We got to know one another so much better today and I definitely felt the love of this community! Hugs 💕💕💕 6y
Ddzmini Garfield 😍❤️❣️ 6y
mabell ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
CatLass007 Don‘t feel bad about asking the question. I really felt the Litsy love. 6y
Christine11 It made everyone be extra kind and feel the love in this community which is always a good thing ! 😊💜❤️💗 6y
Debiw781 What @Bostonmomx2 said. One of the great things about Litsy is that it‘s a safe place, even for the bad things in life. 😘 6y
DGRachel I‘m sorry if I made you feel bad. That wasn‘t my intention and I know you didn‘t intend for all the sad today. You‘re one of the kindest people I‘ve met on here. It‘s just that all the sad experiences made me hurt for everyone I couldn‘t actually hug. ❤️ and hugs to you! 6y
dariazeoli I was reminded today of how strong we all are, so thank you for that ❤️ 6y
AngelErin There are a lot of strong people here that‘s for sure. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 6y
FantasyChick Awww you're the best ❤❤ As sad as a lot of the posts were, which I know wasn't you're intention, I really feel it was good! Sometimes it's nice to know that you aren't alone or that someone else has experienced something you have. So intentional or not, I think those sad posts really opened some eyes and brought people together more 😘 6y
JenlovesJT47 @DGRachel no worries! Just wanted to make sure everyone understood my intentions and I thought we could all use a virtual hug too! 🤗❤️☺️ 6y
laundry_piles ❤️❤️❤️ don't worry, I knew that want your intention with that question, just the only experience I had that was "scary" I feel bad making it 'gloomy'. Big hugs! ? 6y
Schlinkles @JenlovesJT47 I‘m sorry my answers were all sad, but it‘s nice to see other‘s answers and not feel so alone in the sad stuff. The questions were just fine, no worries! 6y
LitsyOwl Thank you for this. I love my fellow littens 💕 6y
AshleyHoss820 @JenlovesJT47 I thought I commented back to you, but it must not have posted! Anyway, I love Tuesday Tidbits and this particular week really made me think and be introspective! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
JenlovesJT47 @AshleyHoss820 ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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#newlitsyfriends @Bookworm83 a fellow book & basset hound lover and I happened to find each other on Litsy through a swap and have since become friends. I am proud to say that our adorable basset hounds are now long distance internet sweethearts. I‘m so happy to have met both Erin and Lulu 🐾. Only another basset owner can truly understand a basset‘s stubborn and goofy antics. @squirrelbrain #litsygiveaways

Bookworm83 Thank you so much for such a lovely post! Lulu and I are both so happy to have found you and Dexter on Litsy and we are grateful for your friendship 😘 🐾🐾🐾 (edited) 6y
GondorGirl @ReadingRover @bookworm83 I totally 'ship Dexter and Lulu. 😍😍 6y
ReadingRover @GondorGirl Hahaha They‘re so hot right now!!! 🐶😘🐶 amiright?!?! 6y
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Bookworm83 @GondorGirl LOL!!! Oh wow...I had to good “ship” 😂😂😂 I‘m a middle school teacher...how have I never heard this term? But yes, they are perfect for each other ❤️ 6y
squirrelbrain Aww what a lovely post @ReadingRover and thanks for recommending @Bookworm83. Love that Dexter and Lulu are Litsy friends too! You were the last to enter so you‘re both on the list.... winners to be drawn shortly! 6y
ReadingRover @squirrelbrain yay!!! Thanks. What a great idea for a giveaway! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Let‘s be goodreads friends😊 my handle there is @ Juno 😊

#Litsytogoodreads @chelreads

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Yes! You can find me - Ericka Seidemann - 👍. (edited) 6y
ju.ca.no @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I‘ve sent a request😊 6y
ReadingEnvy I can't find you in a search but my Goodreads link is in my listy profile! 6y
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JoRead Hey, friend me! My link is on my profile and be ready to receive a request from JoRead 😄 6y
CocoReads cocoreads70 pretty sure. My link is in my profile. 😄 6y
MelAnn I searched for Juno and it returned a ton of users by that name. Here is my link. Http://www.goodreads.com/MelAnnFSS 6y
Dulcinella Indeed, lots of Juno. You can find me? https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7973311-claire 6y
Jess7 Yay! Let‘s connect: I‘m @ thegreeneyedreader on instagram and Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/thegreeneyedreader 6y
MelAnn ✅ got it! 6y
CocoReads My insta is coco7095, although I‘m not on it as much. 6y
JoRead @ju.ca.no yay! Thanks 😉 6y
JoRead @MelAnn @Jess7 @Dulcinella I've sent you request and/or accepted your request. I love making new friends 😊 6y
Jess7 Great! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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I am always on Goodreads I would like too connect with you all on Goodreads as well. Please post your Goodreads links down below in the comments section so I can follow you all too.

My Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/6553210-katiria

My Goodreads User Name: Katiria


Mariposa_Bookworm Mariposa75me.com is my GoodReads username.🤓 6y
Ubookquitous https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/8629669-sheryl-at-ubookquitous username Sheryl-at-ubookquitous. Did you know there is a Litsy group on Goodreads? Check it out But we‘re already friends! But for any one else who wants to be a GR friend (edited) 6y
BookwormAHN Added 6y
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Bookzombie I just sent you a request. 🙂 6y
Librarybelle Sent a request! 6y
Jess7 Yay! I‘d love to connect with you! I‘m @ thegreeneyedreader on instagram and Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/thegreeneyedreader (edited) 6y
Dulcinella Sent a request too! 6y
corycatelyn www.goodreads.com/corycatelyn 6y
vlwelser Added! ☺ 6y
Purrfectpages Just added you! 6y
Kati15 Thank you so much I accepted everybody on my goodreads acct. 6y
Samplergal I sent a request. Thanks! 6y
Maria514626 Just sent you a request! My GR name is the same as my Litsy name. (edited) 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Came home to this lovely package from @neet_reads that made my month. thank you so much for the thoughtfulness ❤️❤️


neet_reads I figured everything is better with chocolate 😀 6y
tif @neet_reads agreed! Thank you so much x 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks you are so thoughtful! This was a delightful surprise, and I love the idea of keeping up with my swap buddies through postcards. Thank you thank you!

Cinfhen ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re welcome!!! I love to send bookish mail!! 💕 Happy Valentine‘s Day!! 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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It was nice to come home today and find mail from Littens! Thanks for the Valentines wishes! Y‘all are the best! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CrowCAH it definitely brightened my day!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💕💕💕 Happy Valentine‘s Day!! 6y
CrowCAH You‘re welcome Litsy #PenPal!!! ❤️ 6y
SilversReviews Such a pretty card. 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Last night, our writing community #romanceclass had a Prom themed event. 🤗 This is me, the self-proclaimed Prom King, and my constituent(?) @Chachic being extra gorgeous in her haute couture ensemble! ❤️ labyu bes! 😘#bookishfriends #romantsy

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️ 6y
Chachic HUGS, BES!!❤ Haute couture talaga hahaha 6y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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This is a week overdue, but, I would like you all to help me welcome @MattieH to Litsy! She‘s a great friend of mine, and a fellow book lover. Please go check out her Litsy! 💜

underthebelljar Welcome to Litsy, @MattieH! 😁 7y
Librarybelle Welcome to Litsy, @MattieH ! Such a great place to be! 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Trying my hand at this #LitsyWelcomeWagon thing... so everyone give @hordner a warm welcome and be sure to give her a follow! @hordner, some great people to follow are @cinfhen @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @cobwebmoth @GripLitGrl @abbsinwonderland @Tiffy_Reads @MrBook @bookbabe @swishandflick @avanders @BookishMarginalia ... and many more!

GripLitGrl Thanks for the tag @vkois88 Welcome @hordner 👋 7y
cobwebmoth Thanks for the tag @vkois88 Hi @hordner !☺ 7y
MrBook Thank you for tagging me, @vkois88 😁! Welcome to the #LitsyFamily, @hordner ! 7y
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the-flashley @hordner Welcome to Litsy!! 7y
Cinfhen And check out @LitsyHappenings for all the 411 around Litsy😉 7y
hordner Thank you! Pretty excited to become a Litten! 😄@GripLitGrl @cobwebmoth @MrBook @the-flashley @Cinfhen 7y
TrishB Hi @hordner 🙋 thanks @Cinfhen 7y
SamHeartCoffee Welcome @hordner! Also check out @Avanders ! 😁😁 7y
SamHeartCoffee Lol, she was already there, oops😉 7y
Cathythoughts Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! 💕 @hordner & thankyou for the tag @Cinfhen 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome @hordner !!!!! You will love it!!!! 📚❤️📚❤️ 7y
JenlovesJT47 Welcome @hordner !! Hope you enjoy it here! Thanks for the tag @Avanders 😘 7y
ElishaLovesBooks Thanks for the tag @Cinfhen !!❣️ Welcome to litsy @hordner !! It‘s the best!📚📚 7y
JenP Thanks for the tag @Cinfhen and welcome @hordner 7y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen Thanks, lady! 💚 Welcome @hordner - Litsy is the best! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Welcome @hordner and thanks @Cinfhen for the shout out! 7y
Carolyn11215 Welcome @hordner ! I‘m sure you are going to love it here!!! 7y
robinb Thanks for your tag @BarbaraBB , and if they haven‘t been tagged I‘ll add @Andrew65 , @eanderson , @ForeverNerdy and @BookNAround ! We‘re glad you‘re here @hordner ! 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Thank you @robinb so much! Welcome @hordner to Litsy! Some great Littens to follow @batsy @Tamra & @LauraBrook 7y
Tamra Hello @hordner 👋🏾👋🏾 Thank you @ForeverNerdy ! 7y
TricksyTails Welcome to Litsy @hordner ! 😊♥️📚 Thank you for the tag @Avanders ! 😘 7y
Andrew65 Welcome to Litsy @hordner 😊 Thanks for the tag @robinb 👍 7y
batsy Thank you @ForeverNerdy 😊 Welcome to Litsy, @hordner ! 📚📚 7y
hordner @RyanM tons of great accounts to follow here! 7y
hordner @RyanM I'm so sorry! I have been tagging the wrong Ryan Miller 😂😂😂 same info applies though! 😅 @ryanmiller 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Thank you Christine!!! I love it!!! I needed this today 💗

TheBookHippie Woe that took a month 🤣🤣🤣 7y
TheBookHippie And 💕💕 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheBookHippie wow!!! It got here though!!! Yay!!! 👏🏻👏🏻😘😘😘 7y
TheBookHippie Phew!!!! Glad it is one piece !!! 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Lets be friends!!! www.goodreads.com/user/show/7758779-jessica-t

Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Look at this beautiful card and bookmark from one of my favorite book buddies!!! I love it Sher!! Thank you!! ❤️😘 Such a nice surprise after a long day!!

Eggs You're most welcome ! Glad you like it 💕💕 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay

I don't think I've done a Litsy shout out for my good friend @bentchbites 🙌 He reads and writes Filipino fiction, both romance and fantasy. And he's been loving Litsy so far. Hope you can drop by his feed to say hello!👋 Or maybe even follow him if you like what you see.

julesG Welcome to Litsy @bentchbites. 7y
Jess_Read_This 📖Welcome to Litsy @bentchbites 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hello @bentchbites 👏🏻📚😘 7y
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ElishaLovesBooks Welcome!!😊📚 7y
bentchbites Aw, Bes!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you! My Litsy experience has been amazing bec of you! Haha! Thanks for introducing this wonderful community to me! 😘 7y
bentchbites @julesG @Jess_Read_This @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @ElishaLovesBooks @Jas16 @LeahBergen Hello, Hello!!! 👋🏻 Thank you and Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉 cheers! 🥂 7y
bentchbites And, @Chachic , Francis Gay talaga!?! 😂😂😂 you know me so well! 🤣 7y
Chachic @bentchbites Glad you're having fun here! Haha I hope you plan to stay. And I hope we can encourage more of our friends to also join.🙌🖤 7y
Chachic @bentchbites Tawang tawa nga ako nung pinili ko which book to tag 😂 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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I couldn‘t copy and paste 🤔😫 Anyway I‘m sharing her post! This is a wonderful idea to help new littens feel welcome and promote friendship!! ❤️💞

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just screenshot and then use that as my photo. Litsy doesn‘t have an actual copy and paste. 🤷‍♀️ Yours is beautiful though! But yes, I‘m trying to pull in more new or newish Littens, it‘s so hard to tell when people actually joined, but people I talk to who don‘t seem to get tons of traffic on their posts, connect them into this lovely community even more. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa yes!! It would be cool to “feature “ a new one a day! I wish we could easily know when new ones join 🤔🤔 7y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m going to go through my friend list and try to figure out who is relatively new! We could go through ours and each of ours and “feature” someone daily. Use your hash tag and tag each other... What do you think? 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks fine by me. I was aiming to do one each day between Christmas and New Years for the holidays, but feel free carry on as long as you want. 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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We are family, here for everyone!!!#joinin

Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Were you able to make any new Litsy Friends today?

I found a few new Littens to follow. :)

The Crash was a good way to “bond.”

Would love to find more Littens...what about you?


Lcsmcat I found new people to follow, and discovered the Facebook page. 7y
SilversReviews @Lcsmcat Great on new people. I followed you. :). Please tell me the Facebook page. I found a page that looks like the Litsy graphic, but not sure it is the one I should be on. THANKS. 7y
Lcsmcat @SilversReviews You‘re one of the new-to-Me Littens, too. The Facebook page is called Literary Circle. Now I have 2 places to check to make sure it‘s not just me. 😀 7y
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Bloomingjen I made a couple of friends. The GR thread was fun 7y
emily_m_tubb There's also a Facebook group called "Litsy Friends" if you wanted to join/ haven't seen it ??? 7y
SilversReviews @emily_m_tubb ohhh. Didn‘t know that. I will check. Thanks. 7y
SilversReviews @Bloomingjen the thread was fun. 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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I can not express how grateful I am for this community and finding such wonderful people like @aprilpohren look at my #bookmarkswap Love it all.

LeahBergen Lovely! 7y
aprilpohren Yay! So glad it made it to you safe and sound! Enjoy! 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Yay!! One of my best friends of ever has joined Litsy! Welcome @BrynnFlynn to the fold (my first in real life friend I‘ve trusted with this community!!)!

MinDea Welcome @BrynnFlynn !!! 7y
BrynnFlynn Haha thank you! I'm looking forward to being surrounded by book geeks and all the tales that brings! 7y
Cinfhen Welcome @BrynnFlynn 💚 7y
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Nikki15 Hi @BrynnFlynn you‘ll love it here hopefully!! 7y
cobwebmoth @BrynnFlynn Welcome to Litsy! 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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Thank you so much for the beautiful mug and sweet card!!! I love it!! ❤️🦉 it came on a great day too! I got sick at work and came home to this surprise!!! You are the best!! 😘❤️

MinDea Yay! So glad it arrived safely and not in pieces! Did you find the role of tape in the box too? 7y
MinDea I hope you feel better. 7y
Tamra 😍 I covet that mug!!! 7y
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SilversReviews Love them both. 7y
dragondrool Feel better! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MinDea thank you!! I‘m feeling better. My heart rate was 225 today, I‘ll see a cardiologist soon. Idk why!! Never had this happen before... yes, I found the tape!!! Love it!! Thanks again so much 😘 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Tamra it‘s so awesome! 7y
MinDea Ok good! Again, no idea what you do with it, but I thought it was cute. 7y
MinDea Oh no. That is no good. I hope they can tell you what is going on! Rest. Relax. Read! 😄 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MinDea really cute!! I‘ll find a way to use it!! I will 😊📚😘 7y
Jess7 Pretty mug!! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Jess7 I love it!!! 😊 7y
TricksyTails Awesome mug and beautiful card! @MinDea is such a wonderful friend! Hope you're feeling better! ☺️♥️ 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TricksyTails thank you!!! And she definitely is!! 😊❤️ 7y
MinDea Hey, did you see a cardiologist?? 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MinDea I‘m seeing one tomorrow at 1030... thank you for asking ❤️ You‘re signing on your new house today right? 7y
MinDea Ok. I hope it goes well! We close today! Any minute I think! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MinDea thank you! Congratulations 🍾🎉🎈 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay

Can I just say thanks for the warm welcome and thanks soooo sooo much for the introduction to Litsy by my frand @Bianca. I‘m pretty much obsessed now and want to read even more. What an amazing community. #welcomewagon #listyobsessed #tbrgrowing I‘m super excited to do my #secretsantagoespostal loved my #litsypartyofone this weekend.

Sace Yassss! This place is the BEST! Welcome! 📚🎉📚🎉📚 7y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 *big hug* The #LitsyFamily is the BEST community for bibliophiles 😎🙌🏻. 7y
Avanders 🤗🤗🤗welcome!! The #litsyverse is my happy place 💖 7y
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dylanisreading ❤️ 7y
BookBabe Welcome to Litsy! We hope you love it here as much as we do! 🤗❤️ 7y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
cathysaid So glad you're here! 7y
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Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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I‘ve been keeping an eye on my Litfluence for the past week waiting for it to hit 5000 and it finally did!!! Thank you to all my friends here on Litsy! I‘m so happy I joined. I‘ve made so many online friends and even met a few of you IRL. Littens are the best!

GypsyKat Congrats! 🎉🥂 7y
rachelm Congrats!!🎊 7y
Jess7 🎉🎉 7y
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DGRachel Woohoo!!🎉🎉🍾🎉🎉 7y
Joybishoptx Yay! 7y
TrishB 🎉👍😀 7y
stacybmartin Yay - congrats!! 🎉📚🎉👏🏼 7y
ReadingRover Thanks everyone!!! 7y
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