First giving Honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Book 18 is now available. Be blessed.
First giving Honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Book 18 is now available. Be blessed.
First giving honor to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Book 17 is finally available. Be blessed.
My updated catalog. Also, First Kiss has been rereleased and is now available. Be blessed.
I almost forgot to tell everyone, but the finale of Love Don't Come Easy has been out for a month now. Please forgive me. However, I am finishing up Book 17. Coming soon. Be blessed.
Free book sale again. So Am I will be free on the 26th. Be blessed.
Hello. These wonderful eight books will be free today in honor of my angel's birthday today. Be blessed.
Hello. Books will be free 1 November 24 November.
Hello! I know it has been a while, but for my birthday today, I will be hosting a free book promo event. So, First Kiss will be rewritten and Shattered did not meet the cut. This year, I will be hosting five free book promo events. 19 October, 1 November, 24 November, 7 December, and 25 December. This is my way of giving back to you all as well. Be blessed.
Calling all readers! In honor of my angel, Tyshon Dye, these nine wonderful masterpieces are free today only. Tyshon starred in all nine of these. Enjoy Reading!
First giving honor to God, Who is the Head of my life. Book 15 is now available. Click on the link in my bio to download and read. Be blessed.
Calling all readers! Please subscribe to my email list to get updates on my wonderful upcoming masterpieces. Be blessed.
It's giveaway time! If you know the answer, comment it below.
First giving honor to God, Who is the Head of my life, Book 14 is now available. The link is in my bio. Happy Reading.
Happy Blessing Month. I am always in the mood for giving, but this month I will be doing a giveaway promo where one winner will receive a free digital copy of You Are the Reason once it drops. To participate you must read or have read all 13 books in order to answer all 13 questions correctly (1 question per book) and email me the answers. If you are interested in wanting to participate, please email me and I will send you the questions.
First giving Honor to God, Who is the Head of my life. This happened 29 November, but this was my biggest challenge yet. I decided to focus on my final draft into of coming up with a new rough draft. At the end of the day, I gained so much discipline that I pray I continue to keep this discipline up.
Hello, my lovely readers! I am only back for a minute to inform you all about my Annual Black Friday Sale. However Love Don't Come Easy Part One and Misunderstood will not be free today, but I do highly recommend you download the rest, for 1 December, I will make two huge announcements. Enjoy.
Yes. I only have 12 that are free, but Can You Stand the Game will be free tomorrow along with Misunderstood. Enjoy
Hello, everyone. I have a free promo for the month of October. It's my eighth novel, Never Trust a Thug. Five days starting on the first and ending on the fifth. Enjoy
I am so grateful to announce my thirteenth novel is now available. Link is in my bio.
My sixth novel is free til the sixth. Download and enjoy this beautiful masterpiece.
Look what is free today all the way through Friday. My tenth baby, who will be one on the 22nd of August. Download and enjoy a copy today.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my new baby. Book 12 is finally available. The drama continues, but with secrets threatening to shatter ShaToria, who will she choose, Trenton or Tyler? Link is in my bio and enjoy the wonderful story.
While we all wait for the anticipation of my twelfth novel, I am doing a free promo starting today all the way through the sixth. Link is in my bio. Enjoy my very first novel.
In honor of the Duke and Ducchess of Sussex wedding anniversary, Love Don‘t Come Easy Part Two is free today. Wishing many more for my favorite couple. Link is in my bio.
It is my annual Resurrection Sunday free book sale. Yes all 11 of my babies are free today. Download and enjoy a copy of my wonderful masterpieces. The link is in the bio. Enjoy.
First giving honor to God, who is the head of my life, I am grateful to announce my eleventh novel is finally available. The link is available in my bio.
Calling all readers! If you are on Facebook and you enjoy reading my books, please feel free to follow my reading group. It shall be a reading group like no other. Not only will there be sneak peeks and freebies, but daily words of encouragement shall be added as well.
Coming soon, I will have twelve novels underneath my belt. Truth be told, it has been a wild roller-coaster. In the meantime, enjoy my ten babies while we wait on the arrivals of the new books.
I am happy to announce Book 10 is finally available in paperback. Click on the link in my bio to purchase a copy.
Link is in my bio! That‘s right. All ten of my babies are free today! Download and enjoy a free book by yours truly! Sale ends 3 am Pacific time.
Last night, I completed my eleventh novel and won my seventh NaNoWriMo. I have decided Book eleven will be a 2022 release. It was a long time coming, but I can‘t wait to share my new artwork with everyone. This Friday, I will even be having my Annual Black Friday sale where all ten of my novels will be free. Time I start working.
I enjoyed reading this book so much. Just like the author and Chloe, I too have a love for dance. Before becoming a novelist, I was a playwright constructing dance stories. Chloe and Elijah definitely captured my heart, yet it was hard for me to finish the book knowing they will always live in my heart. This book has made its way unto my Recommended Reading List and Recommended Book Club.
It is not like everyday I whip up and create characters like Yvette, but it is everyday that I read characters like Yvette. Yvette captured my heart, and I love it when a character captures my heart despite the back story. It is without any further ado, Dear Yvette has been added to my Recommended Reading List and Recommended Book Club.
My tenth Book is finally live. Link is in my bio.
This story gave me so much inspiration that I placed myself in the shoes of the protagonist. Writing allowed me to express my voice, and Xiomara wanted her voice to be heard. I am grateful to have read the story about a young poet, who goes through this navigation called life. I am also even more proud to have this book in my Recommended Book Club.
In honor of Harry and Meghan's third wedding anniversary, Love Don't Come Easy Part Two is free today and today Only. Link is in the bio.
That's right. All nine of my books are free today and today only. Hurry and get them while you can. The link is in my bio.
My ninth novel at the lower right hand corner is now available. Link is in the bio.
Today my beloved book is on sale today and tomorrow for free. My book is only three years old, but no matter what, people stay reading my baby. Link is in the bio.
A holiday where I have the opportunity to give. Yes! I would rather give than receive anything on Christmas. If you have missed my Black Friday special, now is a second chance for you to get all eight of my books for free. The link is in my bio. I hope you all enjoy. Merry Christmas.
Definitely one of my favorite novels. I am an author of young adult romance as well, for it was this story that inspired me to write my fifth novel. Maddy definitely stole my heart, but Ollie swept her off her feet. I remember watching the film first before actually reading the book, and while on deployment, I read and finished a great novel. I am so ready to read more by this wonderful author.
First giving honor to God, who is the Head of my life. Family and love ones, the Queen has done it again y‘all!!! I have finished my ninth book and won my seventh NaNoWriMo. I am so happy. This is my fourth book I have finished for the year. I will forever be thankful for this moment. #nanowrimo2020 #authorlife
All eight of my wonderful babies are free today. Yes. You read it right! My babies are free! Click on the link in my bio and download today. Don't miss out.
So, my eighth novel is finally available. Yes, I am also an aspiring model. I wanted to see change, and the only way to see change is to make change. This is a young adult novel, and I hope many will actually enjoy this book. #Litsy #Book8 #newrelease
So Book 7 dropped today. The link is in my bio. I never thought I would have seven books underneath my belt, and I am ready to celebrate! This is Book 1 of the Finding series. I hope everyone enjoys it.
In honor of the Duke and Ducchess of Sussex's wedding anniversary, I want you to know that Book Two will be free today only. It was on this day last year I made the announcement where I will create a couple, Mia and Hank, whom the couple inspired me to write about. Get it today while it is free.
Normally, I participate for the annual big show, but I learned something during this month is to always try something new. Now, all I can do is celebrate.