Now that‘s how you open a book.
My book had an accident with some poop water but it‘s still a book and I am super enjoying it! Been crazy busy this summer but have decided to take a step back and get back to my books. I even rented a movie tonight, put it in the DVD player, and was like...what am I doing?! So I went outside (where it is cooler) and am reading with a lovely glass of rosé. Cheers to you, Litsy! May you have a summer full of good books!
Mark Z Danielewski liked my picture on Instagram so I‘m kind of a big deal now. ☺️☺️😉😉
Anyone else have that happen and feel so flattered?!
Does anyone else read a book but get distracted by your TBR shelf? I have multiple TBR shelves (3!) spread around my house but the one in my bedroom is calling my name right now. Aahhh I love books!! ❤️📚❤️📚❤️📚
Just started this. Only about 5% in but I‘m liking it so far. I‘ve heard so many mixed things about these books... What are your thoughts on it? No spoilers please! :)
Listening to this book the past few days and I‘m still undecided as to whether or not I really like the writing/story. I don‘t dislike it. But I‘m not sure I‘m totally sold. Honestly, I think the main character feels unreal to me. I think her emotions are valid but not portrayed in a way that‘s consistent with what‘s trying to come across? Hard to explain...
Anyway, got lost at a bookstore yesterday. I blame my bff who took her eyes off me. 😂😬
I love this. My books are my babies. Every time I move the movers look at me in horror when they see how many boxes I have of just books. I have gotten rid of the majority of my belongings over the years - even some books, I swear! - but most I have needed to keep close. I don‘t feel good at a new place until I‘ve unpacked my books and can lie on my bed and look at them, safe in their square wooden homes.
Enjoyed it. Definitely spends a lot of time character building but I‘ve been told the rest of the books have more story and action. Enjoyed the ending of this one too. It‘s a fun world. Reminds me of something... 😬
Went by my local library for their used book sale. All book $1-$2! Went a little crazy and had to put a bunch back. Hehe. So excited for my haul though! Any recommendations on these? I‘ve read some about some of these but nothing about others...