I couldn‘t put this book down. I loved Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, and this book grabbed me in the same way. It‘s hope in a hard time.
I couldn‘t put this book down. I loved Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, and this book grabbed me in the same way. It‘s hope in a hard time.
“Only her mother could slam down a cell phone.”
Taking this Saturday slow and really enjoying another hilarious Jennifer Crusie-and-friends story!
Soooo excited for this new book, especially on audio! I love Kobna Holdbrook-Smith‘s narration so much.
Gripping and so well written. This is the second time Tana French has reached out and grabbed my attention; I could barely tear myself away when my lunch break was done.
You guys, I LOVED this book. I got it on my Kindle this morning and finished it tonight after sneaking reading moments at work all day! Awesome characters, such great examples of people who are figuring it out together, and so much laughter. Go read it!
What an incredible book. The language is so rich and powerful, Cassie Maddox is such a compelling character and narrator, and the story is complex and twist, that I couldn‘t put it down. I will definitely be seeking out her other books! (As for the picture, the book is under the cat, so you can add “comfortable” to its characteristics)
I loved this book and sped through it! Threads of Pride and Prejudice, combined with mythical creatures, lots of adventure, and a heroine I could really relate to...I highly recommend it.
I bought these sandals because they‘re comfy, but I‘m pretty sure I grabbed them because they look like what Lucy Pevensie would wear during summer hols at the seashore!
The forecast just says “Rain will continue,” so I‘m taking the chance to enjoy some more of this very rich story.
Spending a blustery day with Phryne Fisher and an appreciative cat-friend.
I‘ve been making an effort to read more authors of color, so I was very excited to find an anthology in one of my favorite genres. It‘s reminded me that the short story isn‘t my favorite format, but I have really loved getting to hear so many different voices. Highly recommend!
Very different from the other books of hers that I‘ve read, but I enjoyed it! It reminded me of Gabriel Garcia Marquez‘s magical realism, and of fables and old stories. I read it a little bit at a time over breakfast and gradually got more and more involved and intrigued.
I don‘t know why it‘s taken me so long to get to this book, but now that I‘ve started, I don‘t want to put t down! Her writing is beautiful and evocative, and her Merlin is a fascinating boy.
“If you ignore emotion, you will be a useless and tone-deaf leader, and you will have no authority.”
Loved this! Big fan of her Ancillary books too, and this is one of those books that tells a completely original story while still connecting you to the feeling you loved about another one.
I‘ve always been unsure of how I feel about anti-hero characters, but so far I‘m intrigued enough by Jal, and loving the writing, to keep going and find out!
I have to put this down to get things done...but all I want to do is keep reading!
This book was entertaining as all hell. Lightweight, romance and fantasy, perfect for the last day of vacation and the flight back. I loved each Miss Fortune and thought their particular personalities were what made the book so much fun.
This has been a good airplane and airport book so far! Looking forward to continuing the adventure on my next flight in an hour.
The audio version is just as breathtaking and gripping as the hard copy!
Got this from the library this afternoon, and I‘m enjoying it a lot! It helps to have coffee in a Christmas mug, a cat on your lap, and a blanket, of course.
This started out as a good, fun, read, and quickly became a book I didn‘t want to put down. More conscience than some of the space opera-y sci-fi I‘ve read, paired with characters I was invested in, made it a page-turner. Well worth the read!
This book was powerful, funny, and heartbreaking. I listened to the audiobook, and I definitely recommend that--you get the full range of South African accents, names, and languages, in Trevor Noah's own voice, and it really adds to the narrative. Definitely worth a listen or read!
I loved, loved, loved this book. The audiobook is just as great and so much fun! Go read it and have your notions of gender and identity challenged while you enjoy a fun, gripping, space adventure!
A little "waiting in line for the car wash" reading, which happens to be a fascinating look at possible futures and biotech wars. Definitely worth a look!
This book is a FUN read so far! I want to go have a beer with Irene, the main character-always a good sign.
I didn't expect to get so sucked in so fast! Fascinating portrayal of an almost-Earth, with attention paid to differences in language and gesture. Right up my alley! (Also, it's distracting me from my work-super hard to put down!)
Engaging from paragraph two, great characters, alien planets...good for listening while running and knitting!
I loved this book. The writing, the images, Aristotle and Dante themselves, who are so real that I felt I was reading about close friends...all of this together makes for a story I couldn't put down and was sorry to see come to a close.
"I'm alive. You're alive. Warren's alive. Our enemies are dead or vanquished. That makes this a good day."
Sometimes I just need to hang out with Mercy Thompson for a while.
Turning to an old friend after a trying day. Books and cats are so reliable!
Made it to the library 15 minutes before closing! It should be an excellent two weeks or so. 😎
Sometimes you just need an old friend to travel with.
"For the first time he sat down, the tiller a cello in his hands, the river beneath them its music."
On my second time through this hilarious romance. Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer are now in my top 5 authors guaranteed to make me laugh!
Three fictional characters...better late than never! Milo Thatch, Harry Crewe, and Keladry of Mindelan seem to cover it pretty well. 😊
Waiting in an airport for sushi with a good book...the best way to wait!
"The march of human progress seemed mainly a matter of getting over that initial shock of being here."
"This is my problem-I clearly remember things I haven't seen, sometimes things that never happened. And draw a blank on the things I've lived through."
"Lincoln had maneuvered them into the position of having either to back down on their threats or else to fire the first shot of the war."
I may have underestimated the commitment it's going to take to read the whole trilogy (the other two are just as long!)...but the writing is beautiful and engaging, and I'll be in Gettysburg in a month, so there's some motivation.
Having a lot of fun with this one! I've passed it up in the library before, but it's provided some great lunch break entertainment this week.
Really enjoying this adventure! It reminds me of Tamora Pierce, one of my all-time favorites, and has a whole host of fascinating characters.
"But I think she would have been happy with Fabrice," I said. "He was the great love of her life, you know."
"Oh, dulling," my mother said sadly. "One always thinks that. Every, every time."
Picked up at the library, enjoying quite a lot. Funny characters, and a window into the mindset of a different time. Plus--narrator uses first person, but spends most of her time talking about one other character. Interesting!
While the scanner chews through 200 pages, I'm getting started on my own pages. Recommended by a friend after a year or so of hearing about it.
Stocking up on books for the long weekend...time to re-read the Raven Cycle before diving into book 4! I love this series because it pulls me right into its world after about one sentence.
"He preferred when there were explanations for what occurred-in the sky, on earth, within the loneliness of the self."
I love the way G.G. Kay tells stories and uses common elements between books. This one is not my favorite of his; it doesn't have the characters of Under Heaven or the intrigue of Sailing to Sarantium, but it's well worth the read.
Re-reading Whispers Under Ground while waiting in an immense line. Can't wait for the next installment! (Also, these books are GREAT on audio)