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Lies Sleeping
Lies Sleeping: The Seventh Rivers of London novel | Ben Aaronovitch
A fabulous new adventure, London under threat, and the scent of magic in the air . . . it must be a new Rivers of London mystery . . .
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How do I rave about a book in this series without saying the same things I said a few days ago about the last one? How about I just highlight my favourite bits:
-Truly delicious show of power from Nightingale shutting up a mouthy lawyer/misbehaving practicioner, got all ominous in a classy way.
- Foxglove! 🥹 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/3 -Gloriously insane action sequence involving the repeated attempts at impediment, and dismemberment of a van, then wrestling inside a moving vehicle whilst dealing with a 'stings on contact' Quality Street tin of piece of vampire (yes you read that correctly).
-Talking fox and cheese puffs!
-The bumblebee warelight!
Robotswithpersonality 3/3 Found myself laughing even more than I can recall from other installments in this series and was very satisfied with the mix of a particular story arc completed and other story threads left dangling tantalizingly. On to the next! 5mo
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#LieInTitle 🤫 #SpringSkies 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌨️☀️

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Such pretty shelves! 5mo
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Just finished this and I still have some questions so it‘s on to the next book 📖

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Good, but I'm confused - does that mean book 8 and 9 will start a new arch? It resolved a lot of things, and I really enjoyed how the gallery of characters have grown to reluctantly accept the main character. Obviously still copaganda (a Met where everyone just want what's best for the public? Please.) but so delightfully orchestrated. Plus points for lots of archeology.

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August reading update: Picked something off my TBR to pass time.

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Another great … combines a men in black with a realistic detective concept which creates an interesting storyline love the series 🥰📖

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7th in the series, not one you can realistically pick up without going back and reading the others first. Another solid entry in the Rivers collection, slightly tangled plot lines, some satisfying resolutions, genuine dread when characters I like are placed in harms way(always a sign of investment) not the best but one of the better entries- for Lesley‘s involvement if nothing else.

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Book mail 🤪📖 loving the whole book in the mailbox thing 🥰📖

Suet624 Definitely! 2y
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There is nothing as satisfying to a bookworm as when your series books all match on the shelf.


'I heard Nightingale sigh.
"Here's a comforting thought for you, Peter", he said. However long you may live, the world will never lose its ability to surprise you with its beauty.'

Simona True! 3y
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Another fun read, although I noticed I have not quite retained all the happenings in the previous books, so sometimes I was a bit clueless as to some of the names. Next up will be a novelle by this author.
TBR since July 6th. 2021; 404 pages.

rwmg I often wish authors would include a "the story so far" or "previously in ...." section at the beginning of books in a series 3y
Tineke @rwmg oh yes! Builds up anticipation too. I know there are people who read series back to back, but I'm definitely not one of them. If I'm reading your umpteenth book you can bet I would like 'the story so far' too, even though it is a bit long. 3y
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Here are the fiction books I‘m hoping to read this coming month!

Lies Sleeping and The October Man are part of the brilliant Rivers of London series. I hope to read them as part of #ProgressItNovember .


Tanisha_A Fab reading list! 4y
Andrew65 I‘m hoping to read 4y
readordierachel Nice selection! 4y
Libby1 Hi, @Tanisha_A , @Andrew65 , @readordierachel ! 👋 I‘ve gone rogue once again and have not yet read ANYTHING from this photo! I hope you‘re all having a good reading month. 😊 4y
Andrew65 @Libby1 I‘ve also gone rogue this month! 4y
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My frog friend and I are enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation on this beautiful day off.

jinxmoon I crocheted a bookmark that looks like that. My husband has it and the poor frog dies very slowly because he is such a slow reader 😅 4y
jackilynn @jinxmoon poor frog 😂 4y
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"But you can do the job without making things worse."

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We are closing in on the end game here and I can‘t help but wonder what Aaronovitch has planned next. I‘m hoping for a follow up series with Abigail- which seems to be where things are headed. In any case this one‘s a corker (to be all British-y) and my girl/goddess Beverley gets some great moments so thumbs up for me. Although physically he‘s not quite right, I‘d love to see John Boyega play Peter in the inevitable BBC adaptation.

Heideschrampf Boyega would be PERFECT! Good idea. But the way he keeps pumping out a novel a year i don't think it's ever gonna end. There'll just be a new nemesis. Remember aaronovich is originally a doctor who writer, so he knows hoe to keep a series going 4y
Mogoeg @Heideschrampf wouldn't he though!? Boyega is pure charisma & a very talented actor to boot. His Peter would be so much fun! And Daniel Craig for Nightengale! Okay, they are both probably too famous for a series at this point, but I can dream. I have no doubt that Aaronovitch will keep writing - I'm just guessing that he will pivot to spin off book series. Or he will be tapped as show runner if they do make a series. I could be wrong though! 4y
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Mogoeg Thanks @KathyWheeler ! It's already in my library queue. I have to say that *name redacted* 😉 does make for a compelling 'new' big bad so I'm excited. I just think that Peter's story is moving towards an end point in terms of this story arc. It feels like the author is setting up a few different options for spin-offs, including super-cool super-cop Guleed and girl-genius Abigail. I'm down for whatever, this world is so much fun! 4y
KathyWheeler @Mogoeg have you read the short one set in Germany with no Nightingale and no Peter? It centers on two German cops — Summer and Winter. He could flesh out those characters as well. I love Abigail and Guleed. (edited) 4y
Heideschrampf @KathyWheeler i agree, it'll be nice to see the interantional magic community start interacting and grow, that would be a great new plot arch. Imagine peter in a student exchange programme to the germans 🙈DON'T MENTION THE WAR! 4y
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Another stellar installment in the Peter Grant urban fantasy mystery series! I admit a lot of my enjoyment comes from the #audiobook narration by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, who is just so incredible, not only at embodying Peter, but every other character of different cultures, genders, and accents. This one ended on an important personal note for Peter, so I am eager to find out what happens! Also I love how the city of London is its own character.

Centique I love this series too! But I have yet to try the audiobooks. I‘ll make that a priority now thanks to your review 😍 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Centique I hope you love them too! 4y
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Did some #AudioBaking this morning and made some pumpkin muffins. The magical action is getting very exciting!! #AwesomeAudiobooks #audiobook

AlaMich At first I thought I was looking at a swimming pool...😂 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @AlaMich I wish it was warm enough to be in a pool! 4y
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Happy 6th year anniversary to me and my partner Jorge! I listened to the tagged audiobook while making this cake. It doesn't look too pretty, but it is delicious. #AwesomeAudiobooks #AudioBaking

LiteraryinPA Are you kidding? It looks delicious! Happy anniversary to you and Jorge. ☺️ 4y
brennahawleycraig Yum!!! Congrats! And also I looove this series but the newest is just staring at me from my bedside because the latest installment (full-length, not novella) didn‘t hold me like the others did. But I also was really super pregnant, so that might have figured into it. 4y
Megabooks Congratulations!! 🥳🥳 4y
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CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @LiteraryinLititz Aw thank you! You can't tell from the picture angle, but it is a bit lopsided, haha. 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @brennahawleycraig Thanks! Sorry to hear you didn't get what you wanted from the last book. I have the newest one on hold in audiobook from the library and hope it draws you back in when you get to it! 4y
brennahawleycraig @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian I think it was because it was only about the overarching story and not a separate mystery in addition to it. Some of the novellas have been taking interesting directions, so I will be curious where it goes! 4y
Christine Congrats!! On your milestone and on your cake - the slight lean just makes it avant-garde in addition to delicious. 😋 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @brennahawleycraig Ah, I see. That makes sense. I haven't read any of the novellas as they aren't available as audiobooks from my library and I am so attached to the narrator. I am excited to catch up and get to the most recent full book! 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Christine Thank you on both accounts! 😀 4y
allureofbeauty I want that cake. I think it looks great and happy anniversary 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @allureofbeauty thank you and thank you!😀 4y
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Well hello again my future husband Kobna Holdbrook-Smith. (I actually gasped when I first heard his voice as the #audiobook began--it's been a few years since I finished the last one and I LOVE him as Peter Grant). #AwesomeAudiobooks

BookmarkTavern If I could marry a voice, I would marry his! 😂 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @ozma.of.oz Yes exactly! 4y
KathyWheeler He is just amazing! 4y
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Does anyone else get stressed out when Libby tells you how many people are waiting for a book after you? Like, I know people are waiting don't rush me! I'm trying to finish my other #audiobook first!

BookmarkTavern Yes! One of my holds had ten people waiting, and I was kind of sure I wasn‘t going to be able to finish it in the three days left, so I ended up just returning it so I didn‘t keep seeing that number! 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @ozma.of.oz So annoying! 4y
BookmarkTavern Right?! It‘s like, let me run that clock out without guilt tripping me as well as my mother does! 😂 4y
SW-T Yes! The bigger the number the worse it is.... 4y
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Full review here: https://wp.me/p21txV-GG

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ of 5 ⭐️s

This review is based on an #ARC given to me for free by the publisher via Netgalley


After I got into it, it was very good! I had to read up on several characters in the follypedia (wikia), which annoyed me at first. But it was totally worth it! This is a very good ending to a long plot with the main villain.

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Indeed! 😍😍

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Christmas decorations are up! 🎄

ImperfectCJ I love the spiral staircase! 5y
Deifio @ImperfectCJ Thanks! I just hope the kids don't fall down the stairs because they're too distracted by the garland 😅 5y
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I was so angry at this book yesterday! I couldn't remember what happened in the last couple of books and was frustrated that I couldn't place the characters.
Tonight my hubby filled me in, he has recently read this book and he recommended the wikia for the series. Finally I started reading and got into the book!

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Went off list with what I‘m referring to as Book 5a of my #12booksofsummer challenge because this library reservation came up. Not my favourite of the series but, let‘s face it, I‘d happily read any book Aaronovitch writes about PC Peter Grant.

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Another rollicking installment in a fun and entertaining series. Can‘t wait to see what‘s up next! 😊

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Productivity is over-rated, especially on the weekends. Know what isn‘t overrated? Reading 😍

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A good instalment of the Rivers of London series. Aaronovitch always does his research and cleverly uses history to shape his stories. I like the characters and how the plot flows from one book to the next. The only thing with this book it felt a little disjointed in places and I often felt like I'd skipped a page as suddenly the subject changed or the action began. For that reason it is a 3.5 🌟 review for this book.

#Books #BookNerd #Bookaholic

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Only halfway through but really enjoying it. Always fun to find yourself back in a fictional world you recognize from earlier books

BookmarkTavern I love this whole series! 5y
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How is it Monday? Kick starting my week off with a few chapters on my way to work. I'm really enjoying the 8th book in this series, Aaronovitch mixes history, magic and police work brilliantly. I had to use my Gandalf bookmark for this book about Met Police Wizards 🧙‍♂️

#ReadingCommuter #books #BookNerd #ReadABook #Bookaholic #Wizards #Detective #Fantasy #History #London #SeriesRead #Magic #CaseToSolve #BookNerd

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Loved this, although they‘re definitely getting more and more tied to the overarching plot. I think we‘re at a point now where they wouldn‘t make sense if you started here. I do love the nods to the graphic novels too.

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Book 7 in the Rivers of London series is fast & fun! I was slumping a bit and these adventures of Peter Grant snapped me out of it big-time. The underlying magic of modern London along with major progress in the ongoing diabolical plans of the Faceless Man make this an excellent installment.
#seriesread #riversofLondon

Bradleygirl ooo i will have to stack the rest of these, I've only read book 1! 5y
Ericalambbrown I love this series so much! I got the first one from blind date with a book - I wouldn‘t have heard of these otherwise. 5y
BookmarkTavern I‘ve bought this entire series on Audible! I love it so much! 5y
elkeOriginal @Ericalambbrown I stumbled on this series too - and haven‘t looked back! 5y
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Another enjoyable adventure tagging along with Peter and the Folly crew. I love how the magical and the mundane interact (esp. when Nightingale is using modern tech 😍), and as a process nerd I am ridiculously intrigued by the little glimpses of how they're documenting Folly processes and procedures.

Centique I agree! I‘d be quite happy to read about the most mundane parts of this world, it‘s just fun to be in it. 😍 5y
rabbitprincess @Centique And Peter makes such a charming protagonist! I love that he is so curious about magic and very down-to-earth as well. 5y
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Look what arrived!

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📚: tagged
🎥: Robin Hood (Disney cartoon version)
🎶 : Fox on the Run by Sweet


JoScho 💙🦊💙 5y
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OMG! My fav. Now I'm all caught up!

The Faceless Man's final plans are coming together, and Peter and all his allies must rush to save London. Arthurian mythology makes an appearance and adds greater depth to the demimonde, but the story didn‘t get swamped by a ton of Arthurian history.

Enough got wrapped up for a satisfying conclusion, but also left enough for, hopefully, a new phase of stories.

ALSO! MOLLY! I love Molly so much. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗


As usual, great fun read but my memory of details of events in the earlier books has faded so sometimes I don't really get what is being referenced

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Swe_Eva Fantastic series! 6y
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It looks weird to me as well

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I sure hope this is not the last book in this series; it reads like it could be. Peter and Lesley meet face-to-face and there‘s an ending to the story of the Faceless Man.

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“However, should you spot a window of opportunity to deploy your undoubted talents at bolloxing things up for Chorley et al, feel free to proceed. But carefully.” - Seawoll

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1 hour and 52 minutes left of this book; a couple of good walks should finish it up. We went to the beach today because it was such a lovely day. Now I feel relaxed. 😊 #audiowalk

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It kept threatening to rain, but it never did — probably because I was prepared for it with my umbrella. If I‘d not been prepared, it would have poured. #audiowalk

wordzie 😄 6y
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Today‘s lesson in spells in Peter‘s world. Spells can be written as equations because each spell is actually cast by combining “forma” in various ways. For example, “Luxe” forms light; “Impelo” moves an object — Luxe + Impelo forms a fireball that‘s thrown at something. There‘s more advanced ones that use parentheses and other things. Nerdy stuff; I know — magic through math. 😊 #audiowalk

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There‘s no map for my walk because I had to walk on an indoor track because of the rain. I did learn more about the history of wizardry in Peter Grant‘s world. I really want to comment on the Rivers of London narrator‘s (Kobna Holdbrook-Smith) skills — he is fantastic and deserves all the narration awards. I can easily distinguish all the characters because of the distinct voices he uses for each.

CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Oh man Kobna Holdbrook-Smith is so good!!! I developed like an audio crush on him after listening to a bunch of this series in a row. 6y
KathyWheeler @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian now that I‘m almost finished with what‘s out in this series, I‘m looking for other books he‘s narrated. Another narrator I really like is Xe Sands who narrates Juliet Blackwell‘s books. 6y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @KathyWheeler ooh, haven't heard of Xe Sands I'll have to check it out! 6y
KathyWheeler @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian To me there‘s just something right about her voice for the books she reads. 6y
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