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Red Sister (Book of the Ancestor, Book 1)
Red Sister (Book of the Ancestor, Book 1) | Mark Lawrence
It's not until you're broken that you find your sharpest edge A brilliant new series from the bestselling author of PRINCE OF THORNS.
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Red Sister | Mark Lawrence
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This book's magical system is the most obscure I've ever read. I still don't get most of it. And I know the author warns that his books are quite different from each other, but I expected something more along the line of The Broken Empire trilogy (which I loved). Well, my bad. I'm not saying this was a complete waste of time, definitely not, but I don't think I'll continue to read this series. 💔

starlight97 "A book is as dangerous as any journey you might take. The person who closes the back cover may not be the same one that opened the front one. Treat books with respect.” 8mo
JuliaTheBookNerd I felt that same way, this book was just okay. I finished it but didn‘t feel any desire to continue on. 8mo
starlight97 @JuliaTheBookNerd I'm glad I'm not the only one! 😄 8mo
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Red Sister | Mark Lawrence
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F*cking COVID finally caught up with me. Managed to evade it for more than 3 years while working with hundreds of COVID patients. Well, shit happens. 😷 Trying to get some reading done while every swallow hurts like a bitch. Sirius is here with me though 🖤 and of course hubby is working his miracles, providing hot soup and hotter tea. 🫖

Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! 8mo
Jari-chan Get better soon! You've got lovely company. 8mo
starlight97 @Librarybelle @Jari-chan thank you! 🥰 8mo
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Soubhiville I hope it passes quickly and you enjoy some reading as you recover. 8mo
starlight97 @Soubhiville I hope so too! 💕 8mo
dabbe Oh, no! Hope you're on the mend soon. Sirius, take good care of your momma! 🖤🐾🖤 8mo
EKonrad Same story here - avoided it this whole time and then just got it! So awful! Hope you‘re feeling better fast. 💕 8mo
starlight97 @dabbe thank you 💕 8mo
starlight97 @EKonrad so annoying, right?! 8mo
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Girls are taken to a castle on the hill for magic training; they're split into four groups and have daily lessons in spirits and poisons; and one of them might be the chosen one and keeps making trouble.
Familiar? Yes, but Harry Potter has nothing on these witches, and Mark has woven a fine tale of friendship and sistership, treachery, intrigue and good old-fashioned kick-ass nuns.
Next up, Interview with the Vampire for #Scarathlon buddy read

StayCurious good review! 2y
HubBen @StayCurious thank you! 2y
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Red Sister | Mark Lawrence

I had high hopes for this book. It was reasonably fun but it didn't jive with me as much as I expected. Will still finish the series.

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Nothing wrong with it, but it‘s collecting dust more than it‘s getting read. Just not holding my attention. Maybe some other time. For now, it‘s time to move on.

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Fighting girl nuns? Yes please.
I enjoyed this the writing is clear and concise, often in fantasy books I struggle to follow the action but this is so well written I can see it all play out.
I appreciate the sprinkling of humor throughout and the strong characters.

Red Sister | Mark Lawrence
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Really enjoyed this book, I am a sucker for a good magical/fighting school so this ticked all the boxes. Excited to continue the series.

Twainy This is on my TBR, so many awesome books! 3y
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There were definitely some parallels to Jay Kristoff‘s Nevernight trilogy, but an awesome book that was still original. I‘m eager to read the second book! Very badass and definitely epic. I‘m super intrigued about the mythology of this world.

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Read 3/4 of this since last night at 11 pm. One of those books where you are angry that your eyes need a rest. Methinks this is the best fantasy I've read this year.

readordierachel Oh good to hear! I have a copy of this one waiting to be read. 4y
vivastory @readordierachel It's so well-written! Nona is such a memorable character. BTW I'm sending your package your way tomorrow. I meant to last week 😬 4y
MsMelissa I must move it closer to the top of my TBR pile! 4y
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NikkiM5 May be my next book 😊 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa I hope you like it as much as I do! I will def. be reading the next book soon. 4y
vivastory @NikkiM5 This is only my second M Lawrence book but I can see why he is such a big deal in fantasy! 4y
MsMelissa I have books two and three of his Broken Empire series on my summer to read list. Once they are done I‘ll move to this series for sure 😊 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa I should give book 2 a chance. I didn't love it, but it does contain one of my favorite plot twists in a fantasy novel of the past year 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa Book 1 of Broken Empire that is.. 4y
MsMelissa It‘s not my preferred type of fantasy, since it is so so dark, and the main character is such an awful person, but I was drawn to it nonetheless 😂 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa I def think that Red Sister is leaps & bounds better than Broken Empire. I agree that the MC is pretty horrible! 4y
readordierachel No rush 😊 4y
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A quick reread before reading the rest of the trilogy... I enjoyed Red Sister more the second time around! It's rare to have a fantasy books where pretty much all the characters are female with nary a love interest in sight. Oh, and the women all kick ass and take names.

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I have been making masks like crazy so I have lost some reading time. But I made sure I got some in today with this delicious brownie

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I‘ve decided to drift away from RED SISTER at 54%. It‘s not BAD, but I‘m not at all invested in the characters or the setting—and at this point in the narrative, I should be.

Don‘t let me put you off trying it if you‘re in the mood for a fantastical school story set in a world whose inhabitants came from the stars but have lost most of their advanced tech and treat the remaining vestiges as magic. (It sounds cool, yes?) Sometimes I‘m picky.

Kimberlone I‘ve been “reading” this for months on my kindle and it has been such slow going. While there are things to like about the book, I just feel like the plot is lacking in any real momentum. I‘m determined to finish, though, since I‘m almost done (80%). I don‘t think I‘ll be picking up the sequel though... 4y
Laughterhp I read this book and struggled to get into at first, but ended up really loving it. However, I never have a desire to pick up the 2nd book. 4y
xicanti @Kimberlone I think if the plot had been stronger, I might‘ve kept going. As it stood, the lack of momentum just took the whole thing down. 4y
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xicanti @Laughterhp I might wander back to it someday. It was a freebie, not a library book, so it‘d be easy enough to download it again and keep going. 4y
BehindthePages Compared to his other books, this took a while to pick up for me. The second book was much better. 4y
xicanti @Letora I still plan to try one of his other series, after a bit of a break. 4y
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I‘ve just finished another round of #audiosewing. This makes two face masks per immediate family member, so I‘m gonna start experimenting with other projects from tomorrow on. Re-learning to sew has been a seriously fun!

I‘m about 40% into RED SISTER after today‘s activities, and I don‘t dislike it but I‘m not really feeling it, either. Sadness. I‘m hoping for one of those MOMENTS that snaps the whole book into focus and makes me love it.

AceOnRoam Love the masks. Sadly, I didn't love 4y
xicanti @AceOnRoam I feel like I‘m trending that way myself, but I‘ll cling to hope a bit longer. 4y
AceOnRoam @xicanti I hope it works out for you. 4y
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Quote number two...loving that the Kindle app has this option to share a nicely formatted quotation now!

Lcsmcat How do you do that? 4y
Kimberlone @Lcsmcat you just have to highlight the quote you want then tap the “share” icon and the quote image options should pop up. 4y
Lcsmcat @Kimberlone Cool. I‘ll have to check that out. 4y
JenlovesJT47 That‘s so cool! 4y
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Quote from my current read...this book took me awhile to get into (I had to renew it on Libby more than once), but now that I‘m about halfway through, getting more into the story.

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It is important, when killing a nun, to ensure that you bring an army of sufficient size.

KarouBlue I sooooo need to read this book! 4y
Pumpkinandegg313 It‘s a pretty awesome book. Well worth reading. Loved every page lol 😝 4y
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Red Sister | Mark Lawrence
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Absolutely amazing book. The author captures readers with his wit and plunges them into the midst of characters whose heartbeat you feel as your own. Both sadness and joy are written in a way that gives vibrant life to an imaginative and unique story of strong women.

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First book in a SF/fantasy hybrid series, featuring girls training to be killer nuns in a world teetering on the edge of a climate catastrophe. It's long, but moves nicely, and it's engaging enough that I'll continue.

UCLAoso “Killer nuns” that‘s something I haven‘t come across before 🤨 4y
swynn @UCLAoso If the idea sounds intriguing, I recommend the book! 4y
UCLAoso @swynn 👍🏽 4y
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About to pop this bath bomb into the tub and enjoy a nice #bookandbath

jeannasser This one is on my TBR list for the year 😊 4y
ljuliel Does it seem to be easier on the eyes to read with the black background ? I‘ve never tried it before. 4y
Kimberlone @ljuliel I like it, especially for reading at night in the dark 4y
ljuliel I‘m going to give it a try tonight. 🙂 4y
twinkletoes74 I either read with the black background or the sepia one. I find they have less glare on the screen. I don‘t know if it‘s because I wear glasses. 4y
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In position on the couch with iPad for reading and Schitt‘s Creek on the TV. All rigged up to fight off my sinus infection.

Rachel_Anne789 I hope you feel better soon!! 4y
blank Feel better! 💜 4y
JoScho I love that journey for you 😘 (edited) 4y
audraelizabeth Feel better. I know those are rough. 4y
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Whelp, went to the doctor today and I have a sinus infection. Glad I don‘t have the flu, but I‘m still feeling pretty miserable. The upside is now I have an excuse to do nothing but read (working on tagged book on my kindle) and binge watch season two of You on Netflix all weekend.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you feel better soon 💕 4y
LinesUponAPage That stinks. Get better fast! 4y
xicanti Boo sickness, but yay for excuses to read! 4y
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TheSpineView Sorry.. it sucks being sick. Hope you feel better soon! 4y
readordierachel Hope you feel better soon! 4y
Kimberlone @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Lifeisasnap @xicanti @TheSpineView @readordierachel thank you! I‘ve taken some medicine and am feeling a little bit better! Looking forward to just laying low this weekend...hopefully catch up on my reading! 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Get well soon! 🤗🤗 4y
TheHeartlandBookFairy Sure hope you feel better real soon ☺️ 4y
KT1432 Those are the worst! I had too many in 2019. Hope you feel better soon! 4y
Ddzmini I get those they suck... hope you recover quickly 📖😋 4y
WJCintron Hope you are feeling better!! 4y
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Big world, big cast of characters, great story. Despite the number of characters most have unique voices and the world-building is top-notch. A sisterhood that raises assassins and other specialized arts. There are also those with blood from 4 older tribes with power. Roll those together as well as villains who want those with such blood, and throw in typical 'girls in school' issues and you get a great tale 2019, no 7

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This just reignited my love for fantasy. Highly recommend! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

TrishB Love his books 👍🏻 5y
tealwish @TrishB This is the first of his that I have read, and I love his writing style. I want more! 5y
TrishB He‘s written 4 trilogies and they are all quite different, but great fantasy. The Broken Empire is my fav- it is quite (very) violent but the story is brilliant. 5y
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I found the pacing uneven at times, but otherwise it was a satisfying read and I‘m intrigued to see where Nona and her fellow sisters go from here.

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Earlier this week I was telling a co-worker that maybe I had “outgrown” fantasy novels because I‘ve been having a heck of a time finding a book that grabbed my attention from the get-go, then this little gem pops up! So glad because fantasy novels were a staple for me from my teens until a few years ago. 💕📚🧚🏼‍♀️🙌🏾🧝🏽‍♀️

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Red Sister | Mark Lawrence



Love love love. Immediately put the next book on hold, even though my TBR this month is already out of control

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FINALLLLYYYYYYY!! I have been looking every where for this book in hardback! (I have Mark Lawrence‘s other works in hard back so I wanted to keep the theme going) and Book 1 of this trilogy was almost impossible to find in hardback and then I got an email from Bookoutlet saying what new arrivals they had and there it was listed. I never bought a book so quickly before!! I can‘t wait to have it! I‘m so excited!

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After a prolonged absence, I bring you an update! Extremely excited about this book. I love assassins, although I‘ve yet to find an assassin book that I really like. Wish me luck!

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Didn‘t enjoy this one as much as I expected. The story and the settings are unique & interesting. However, the main character and her narrative voice (too mature & sophisticated for a poor uneducated 9-year old) made it very difficult for me to engage with the book. My decision to listen to the audiobook was a mistake as I really hated the narrator and her circus of accents.
Moving on to the ebook of Grey Sister
#fantasy #series #3stars #mehreads

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Can‘t wait to finish the book and post a more thorough review

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I just reached level 52 by reading 1276 hours in #booklyapp

cookreadsleep I have resisted the bookly app because of the paid subscription. Is it worth the investment? 5y
Niso For me it‘s definitely worth it. It‘s great especially if you struggle to read daily and for longer time. It is also great for keeping track of your reading trends and stats 5y
PaperbackPirate I can‘t find where the levels are explained. Any suggestions? 5y
Niso @PaperbackPirate they will just appear now when you read certain hours or certain number of pages. There is no special tab. The whole thing is part of the new assistant feature 5y
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Would you recommend the audiobook for this one?

Derf YES, stop what your doing and start immediately 🤦🏻‍♂️🙌🏻😂 5y
Niso I started it and so far it‘s such a great and intriguing fantasy 😍😍 5y
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I didn‘t feel like taking a picture of 17 books, so just text for May stats!

Favorite Reads: Tagged book, Beyond the Point, Big Little Lies and The Indigo Girl

Current Challenge Totals:
11/24 #Booked2019
15/24 #ReadingWomenChallenge
14/24 #ReadHarderChallenge
8/12 #ProBookNerdsChallenge
20/50 #ReadingUSA2019


Megabooks You‘re doing great! 5y
TheLibrarian Great job!! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Amazing! 💖📚💖 5y
Freespirit Wow amazing.. 5y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 5y
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How a sunny Sunday should be spent 😊

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I loved this book… when I was just thinking about it and not actually reading it 😬 It has lots of ingredients that I love. Fascinating worldbuilding, a setting at an all-girls‘ religious boarding school with instruction in magic and martial arts, and a kickass, queer heroine. But I could just NOT get into the writing. The POV was a little bit all over the place and character decisions often came out of nowhere. By the end I didn‘t really care.

ravenlee Well, that‘s disappointing. I hate it when a book should have everything to make me love it and then just craps out. 5y
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So does anyone else think that the abbess is basically Dumbledore? She‘s the wise old leader of a school where magic is taught, willing to sacrifice her own hand and manipulate lots of people—including a child in her care—for the (ahem) greater good, Nona is urged to go to her with serious problems… and now she‘s been conveniently called away and they decide they need to stop a thief without her.

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Excellent advice. I‘m not sure Nona‘s reaction to it is consistent with either her actions or experiences thus far, though.

I really want to love this book—I certainly love the worldbuilding—but the writing is just shy of working for me.

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This book was soooo good!!! OMG! I absolutely loved this fantasy. It‘s one of those books that gets you in the first pages and you don‘t want to put it down. The pacing was great and it‘s a story that I got completely sucked into it. I was even thinking about the book and Nona while I wasn‘t reading it.

Thanks so much for the recommendation @monalyisha !! And thanks for the book @Kayla.Adriena

TrishB Love Nona ❤️ 5y
monalyisha RIGHT?! I‘m so happy you loved it/so perplexed as to why it hasn‘t gotten more attention! 🖤 5y
Laughterhp @monalyisha Yeah, I don‘t know why it doesn‘t have more attention!! I hadn‘t heard of it until you recommended it. I‘m going to start telling everyone to read it. 5y
wanderinglynn I‘m always looking for good fantasy reads. Stacked! 5y
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Just finished Red Sister - I raced through this one and now have so many theories I'm badgering my sister with. Going to have to get my hands on a copy of Grey Sister quick!

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A bit late but life has been crazy busy lately.

Red Sister is an amazing first book in a fantasy trilogy with a kick-ass female character.

And The Quiet at the End of the World is a wonderful science fiction book with an apocalypse. But it‘s hopeful, light and I recommend it to fans of Station Eleven.

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Absolute class. This book had me from start to end on a hook. So much so that I‘m 10% into book 2 already 💪🏻🙌🏻👌🏻 The style of writing suits me perfectly and the world building and characters are great. Not too much, but enough to keep me wanting more!! I expect to see a lot of stack adds on this
👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 You need it in your life 😂 #fantasy

readordierachel I have a copy of this waiting to be read. Will move it up the tbr! 5y
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I‘m sure she‘s been waiting for this all day, I know I have!! It‘s 6pm and I‘m in bed reading ☺️😊🤗 if only I didn‘t have work tomorrow 🤦🏻‍♂️ I‘ve got a 4 day weekend starting tomorrow though 👌🏻💪🏻 #fantasy

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This dog 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ I wish I had her life 😂 as she gets older she‘s staying in bed longer and longer. Could be doing with a lay in and a book 😤😤🥺 #fantasy

Andrea4 Omg so cute!!!! And yes, don't we all wish we could be a well kept dog? Best life! 5y
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I have so many unread fantasy series sitting on my shelves so what do I do? I check the first book of a trilogy I don‘t own out from the library after reading some glowing Litsy reviews. Do I regret it? There are warrior nuns in this book so not at all. It does drag in parts but overall it has everything I look for in fantasy- great writing, compelling world building, and strong characters. Looking forward to book two.

Suet624 Warrior nuns! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
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Absolutely flying through this at the moment! It‘s the best book I‘ve read this year!! Off to work to find a dark corner and read 😝😂🤗 #fantasy

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💫Hmmm don‘t have one yet, I love wild camping though 🙌🏻
💫Pizza ( all year 🤗😂 got to be loyal)
💫Anywhere outside 🙌🏻

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Loving this connectivity 👏🏻 there is laterally no excuse for me not to be knee deep in a book at any given moment. Besides work ... Family ... Life 😂😂😂 Minor disturbances 🤗😝 #fantasy

Red Sister | Mark Lawrence
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Meahahahaha #audible streaming on my Mac (before you had to download the book and it was a nightmare to sync) with Goodreads and Litsy. Work today may very well be productive 🤗😂😂😂

Andrea4 Weird to see Litsy not on a phone lol 5y
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