"READING" Still reading this one il tell you what I think after its done
"READING" Still reading this one il tell you what I think after its done
This book I'm still reading but so far I really recommend it. It's a good tale of good a tale of evil a tale of heros but if you haven't been reading the books before this it wont make sense.
This book is my favorite so far I contains a fish called flippy and he does die not gonna say why and petey makes a clone of him self but it goes wrong and the fish comes back to life and try to destroy the world
This book is Dog Man Unleashed its the second dog man im still reading it and you need to read the first one to get this one or else it wont make sense. I would recommend this book im only have way in it and I would already recommend the series "dog man" the author is trying to explain how two kids would write a comic book together.
Life is Awsome!!
"Dont wish your precious life away"