Sad and beautiful tale.
Great characters and story in the third tale with this wonderfully strong woman.
Great characters who went through a lot of interesting life changes.
Sad,sad,sad but wonderful as well. Sorry it is finished.
Great start to a new series for me to read. Enzo is a wonderful investigator.
Great book! Didn't think that she could another one so good.
Great investigation of a local mystery from the 80s.
It wasn't my favorite. I was annoyed at the characters more than I liked them.
Great book mystery with lots of bookbinding info.
Wow! This was a great book. A very creative bookstore and the letter library was wonderful.
Great debut novel. Full of great characters and interesting story.
Could have been so much better. I didn't finish it in one sitting so that means it wasn't as good as most others like it. I hope the second one is better.
Another in the series. Yard sales and mysteries! Perfect combination.
Very well written historical fiction about a very local murder which took place many years ago. Great debut novel.
Another Inspector MacLean mystery. Great read!
A great story about a man with determination and love for something he really believes in. This immigrant story is what our country was founded on and should continue to support. Nathan was the best of the best!
A mystery story within a mystery story. How could it get any better.
Great continuing story of a very dedicated group of investigators.
Before a trip to London, I felt the need to read this. A great treat.
Still as good as always with VI on the trail of a murder.
A wonderful book that everyone should read!
Everyone on Litsy should read this!!!!
Great mystery in one of my favorite series. I love China's herb shop and gardens.