I LOVED this book. I have always loved Robin Williams and have always seen him as a sensitive soul.
This book. WOW! Made me want to dive into everything ever written on radium. This truly is the girls' story. Reads like a story so even those who shy from nonfiction would like it. Its a good reminder that even today (or even moreso today) people can be seen as a commodity or a resource to those in power who value money above all else. And that woman STILL need to band together to support and help one another.
I lived Salvage the Bones so I had high hopes for this book. Wah, waaah. I felt like she was trying to hard to create the imagery and poetic word play that flowed so easily in STB. I could have done without the POV of Richie, it felt disjointed. The first half of the book was great.
Heartbreaking and beautiful. The tenacity of love and survival in an enthropic world that is anything but kind. Celebrates that visceral connection mothers have to their children and the mark that kind of love leaves. Alaska and the spirit of the people come alive and become a breathtaking metaphor for that love.
I binged this book in a morning, yall. I cant even. It was so damn delicious. Simon's mind is just like my mind. We are thoughts twins. I felt that fluttery first love feeling with him.
Loved the history. But had to force myself to finish. I felt that by the end, time was skipping ahead so quickly that I wasnt invested in the younger characters as much as the older ones.
1Where dont I read?
2 Yes, or string, or bark, or..
3 I try to finish the sentence Im on.
4 Have to, or I might never eat or drink again.
5 NO.
6. Riiiiiiight. Once im into it, it becomes the ONE book to rule them all, untill then, ALL the books.
7. My precious
8 Silent reading pls
9 I hate spoilers.
10 Not really a thing for me. Actually, I like to be able to lay them flat sooo crackety crack crack.
11 nonfiction, sometimes.
This book was REALLY hard for me to get through. In fact, the only reason I persisted was because of my book nerd love for Ms. French. It was difficult for me to want to stay in the main characters head. I disliked her martyrdom and negativity and that was necessary for the plot. Glad I persisted, the story was fantastic and it is a nod to French as a writer that she is able to fully embody her characters in each book, but DAMN. Non stop whinging
By now, you know that Tana French can do no wrong in my eyes. That being said, this has been my favorite book so far. Frank Mackey from the insdie makes me want to reread all other books with him in ot just too see how my perspective changed. Intensley emotional with past loves, parenthood, poverty and the community that exsists therein ad well as a whole lot of family trauma are themes throughout this book. 5/5 stars.
Multiple stories connected by Rachel, a biracial girl trying to find meaning in race, culture, family and identity after surviving a family tragedy. I devoured this book in a few days. It was an easy read but I felt it was a whole lot of tell and not a lot of show.
I like the idea and I wish it was more down and dirty like Salvage the Bones stylistically. Worth the read for the premise of biracial, multicultural identities.
Murder mystery? Check. Complex well developed unforgetable characters? Check. Wondering what your "friends" aka the characters are up to when your not reading? Check. Knowing that the characters are forever changed by the stories events? Super check. I really enjoyed this book. She does A LOT of story building on the beginning of her book, so if you need fast, hook you right away stories, Tana French is not for you.
Ahhh, Tana French; how to explain the wonder that is her. This is a who done it where you follow along with the detective narrator as the case (and his life) unfold or implode as the case may be. What French does so well is she takes murder mystery and gives it steroids by way of giving her characters psychological depth and disfunction in ways that are so very relatable. Her style blends delicious prose with brilliant story telling.
Harper, R.N. finds herself pregnant and infected with the scale. Luckily for her, the fireman has been keeping an eye on her, biding his time. She ends up with many other infected, hiding from the cremation crews and trying not to burn. Joe Hill is the man. He fills his books with crazy philosophical truth bombs that if you are into that sort of thing will make you stop and think, or if you arent you can just pass them by. 🚒🚒
Tana French takes the detective murder who done it to a whole 'nother level! Well developed complex characters. I liked her poetic use of words. She takes the genre, which can be a little... basic and simple and levels it up with beautiful descriptions... I liked it. Gonna read more. I recommend it.
She really captures that transition from childhood and depending on your parents to frame your world to teen where your peers frame your world. ❤❤❤
1. My friend!!!
2. At birth... lol.
3. I love Time Travelers wife and the Outlander series. Also, Ferenheit 451 and The count of Monte Cristo.
4. Salvage the Bones. Supurb.
5. Writing. Stationary. Journaling.
6. Currently binging Breaking Bad. #yo #bitch
7. Hmm. Pass. Im gonna have to come back to this one.
8. None, really. I attempted but then.... yeaahhhhh
9. Nope. Although I always riffle through my nephews owlcrate jr.
10. My mom, def. ❤❤
1. Cooler weather.
2. Nope. I love reading year round.
3. I really like ww1 and 2 and dystopian novels. But there isnt any time period I shun....
4. Ok.... Im really, really, REALLY, trying to make use of my local library but..... sometimes I fall off the book wagon and take a few books with me......
5. Hmmmmm.... nope.
6. Either my kid or my mood.
7. 20 or 30.
This is a very poignant book about youth, friendship, and love; familial, platonic and romantic. Juxtaposing the current life of Berie and her rememberances of the summer she turned 15. The authors beautiful prose lures you into an upstate NY summer in the 60's and leads you around like a lazy summer creek. She winnows truths out of a very human experience in the most beautiful ways. It left me thinking, "Yes!! That is exactly how it is!!!" ❤❤
I liked it. Didn't love it. Saw the ending coming. This genre has to be really outside the box for me to LOVE it. I was entertained.
I had to force myself to finish this. It had some really great moments when the main character is narrating her thoughts, she doesn't pretend to be perfect and in fact is kind of a hot mess; I appreciate that. The story line with her sister and her husband were lacklustre. This book was just not my jam.
There were some beaitiful insights at the end but getting there was painfully entitled and somewhat off putting.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Here we go.
So. Fing. Good. About 3/4 of the way through I found myself wondering wtf am I reading and how did we get here, and also, what is happening!!! I love the way the author sets the scene as a regular, normalish and then with a slow insidious brilliance plunges you into something so crazy you cant even believe it; probably would not even be interested if someone told you this was where you would go but once you're there, all you want is MORE!
Coffee is a neccesity this morning because I was uo so late reading and then had crazy dreams about the Southern Reach. I have so many crazy ideas gaaah!!!!! I wish I knew someone who has read thos series irl so we could geek out together. 📚📚📚😁
Ok guys.... Im taking the plunge into weirdville.
I really liked this book. It was clever and entertaining and kept me reading. Guy who a year ago was suspected but never accused of murdering his girlfriend, wakes after a drunken night with horns that make people tell him their deepest desires and ugly thoughts. What could go wrong??? Man, that is a super power I would NEVER want. Nothing deep or heavy here, just a really enjoyable read.
I finished this a few days ago and I still dont know how I feel about it. Maybe there was some deep existential meaning that I totally missed. Maybe this is a multiverse thing or a we are all apart of a whole... or maybe it's just a freakin weird sci fi book. I want to read the other two just to find out what the heck is going on, but Im also afraid that it will be totally lame. 3⭐'s.
I liked this book up until the end. I feel like she put all this effort into the bulk of the book and then just lost her mojo at the end. It was like uh huh, uh huh, UH HUH, AAANNNNDDDDDDD end. Wah wah. I mean, a whole chapter about the brother but NOTHING about Ichimei or what happens with Seth and Irina. Also, I thought the big reveal was lack luster... hence the wah wah ending.
Beautiful. Her prose is pure literary candy that you cant stop eating. Her descriptions are poetry. This is one of those books that you want to absorb so it is always with you. I feel like I cant really do it justice. The plot isnt a anything new or ground breaking, it is the authors writing that takes the ordinary to extraordinary. One of my favorite books ever. I will be buying it so I can reread again and again.
The way he blends funny moments and very serious social commentary is brilliant. I learned about apartheid while still feeling that at times he could have been talking about the town I grew up in. This was a fantastic read. I highly reccomend it.
I. Love. This. Book. Great world building. Its kinda a 4 layer multiverse, that were once connected but have since separated but there are doors that can only be traveled through by very specific magic. I love the flawed, relatable characters. Also, the cover is really beautiful. Can't wait to read the rest of the series.
3⭐ Like a walk through several characters minds, inner dialogue and struggle. We see that it is in the small, mundane, seemingly inconsiquential moments and the choices we make in them, that our lives are lived and died in, rather than the large memorable momentous ones. Good read, not fantastic.
3/5 ok, this book gave me seriously old PTSD fears and I considered bailing but I just had to know what happened. Ware is a master suspense builder, but the characters did some stuff that was so unbeleivable. Who just goes back to bed when they have been woken up by a banging previously locked but now mysteriously unlocked door with snowy footprints inside the house? Oh, these characters. It was meh for me. Also, who the hell doesn't being coffee?
4/5 Very interesting take on the multiverse and how our choices shape our experience, which in turn, molds how we evolve into the current versions of ourselves. The science was easy to follow and I loved the imagery Crouch used to explain the basic idea of the multiverse. I gave it 4 stars because although I wanted to find out what happened, my personal preference is for a greater blend of character vs plot driven stories.
So deliciously good. Root for the underdog (underqueen). Pine for the forbidden lovers. Stay up till 2 am finishing "just one more chapter" and totally not regretting it in the morning. Have angst about what you will do when you finish the third book and have to wait..
#teamwarden #teampaige
I loved this book. Great dytopian scifi mix. Awesome characters, not your typical has it all figured out, cool, calm, and collected bunch. Their follies and failures make them relatable. Also, Warden is my new literary crush, except I dont want him, I want him to have Paige. ❤❤❤
Took me a while to get into it maybe because I have to read in 2 minute intervals since my child seems intent on obtaining the world record for saying "momma" as many times as possible in a 24 hr period. I loved the poetic way the author phrased things. It made me pause, absorb, and then reread to reveal in the beauty. The alternate history aspect and the writting were the highlights for me. It was somewhere between pick and so so for me.
Almost done with my book. Its the last of the Crossfire series...... Im already suffering end of book dilemma, where you have to move on from the characters but you just dont wanna and no other books seem good enough. Always puts me into a small reading lull after finishing a series. Even though I started this series not totally loving it, Gideon and Eva grew on me like a symbiotic lichen. Sylvia Day is an excellent story teller.
ok, ok, so I know I was not a fan of the first book.... I am still bothered by the fact that they seem sooooooo well adjusted and self aware for two people with abuse issues. But, I am going to finish the series and I make it a point to NEVER read for pleasure books that I dont like and Im bummed the library is closed today.
Needed some light reading so I picked this up. Its ok. Feels like its trying to be 50 shades of Grey but with two fucked up characters. Also, I think that for their crazy abusive pasts they both seem pretty well adjusted. Eva especially has some amazing self insight which I find hard to believe. That being said.... I AM reading the second book because it is very light reading and thats what I need at the moment.
I absolutley loved this book. I found myself rereading certain passages because I was captivated with his use of language. The language is poetic and dreamy, picturesque and really resonated with me on an emotional level. I have returned to book to the library or i would quote some. The story itself is also captivating, switching povs between several characters and also different periods of time. ❤❤