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Taltos | Anne Rice
Rice's new novel continues the epic occult saga that began with The Witching Hour and Lasher. Taltos takes readers back through the centuries to a civilization part human and part of wholly mysterious origins, at odds with mortality and immortality, justice and guilt. A movie of Rice's bestseller, Interview with a Vampire, is scheduled for November release.From the Hardcover edition.
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Taltos | Anne Rice
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#WeRemember Day 18: More than the vampire chronicles, I loved #AnneRice‘s Mayfair Witches more when I was in my early 20s. Gosh. Those were the days.

Eggs Well done 👍🏼 2y
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Taltos | Anne Rice

The truth is, laughter always sounds more perfect than weeping. Laughter flows in a violent riff and is effortlessly melodic. Weeping is often fought, choked, half strangled, or surrendered to with humiliation.

Taltos | Anne Rice
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Yes, yes, YES!

The first two books in the Mayfair Witches series were almost perfect, but this one is the real deal. I could not stop reading/listening... I loved the witches (Mona and Mary Jane are fantastic characters), the peek inside the Talamasca, Rowan & Michael together again. I was slightly obsessed with Ashlar and the history of the Taltos. 😍 The story didn‘t quit, the writing was on point, and that ending! Omg 🥺


RavenLovelyReads That‘s a great series!! 📚 5y
needleminding I've been on the fence about reading this series (I have series commitment issues 😆) but after reading your review I'm feeling like I need to just saddle up and do it. 5y
sprainedbrain @jaimeisbionic These books are not without their problems, but overall very enjoyable. I want to say it‘s only 3 books, but they are sooooo long. 😂 5y
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Taltos | Anne Rice
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#NoFemmeber Day 1: The Mayfair Witches has the all #AmericanHorror Southern gothic vintage vibe to it that I devoured in my 20s. I love this series more than Anne Rice‘s Vampire Chronicles.

CampbellTaraL I did the same, and agree. The Mayfair witches series is dark and twisted, not that The Vampire Chronicles isn't, but the former goes several levels deeper. It makes you question a lot of assumptions about a lot of things, especially those having to do with family and lineage. 6y
Billypar Ooh....good to know- I always wondered if the vampire series had any competition from all the other Rice storylines. 6y
WhatThePuck Agreed! 6y
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Taltos | Anne Rice
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AmyG 💕 6y
JoScho Sweet kitty 🐱💕 6y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 6y
Zelma So pretty! 😻 6y
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Taltos | Anne Rice
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#riotgrams #nakedhardcovers day 3 make up for naked hardcovers!

RadicalReader @Taulara do you prefer books with or without covers that come around the book? (edited) 6y
Taulara @RadicalReader it depends on the book actually. Haha. Sometimes the cover sucks me in. But if it‘s something I know I‘ll want to read and is an older book esp, I love without the cover. It gives it a more well loved vibe. 6y
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Taltos | Anne Rice
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Day 16:A Book📚when I need Chocolate🍫-😂Another case of Books📚! I would‘ve featured my entire🤓Anne Rice collection, but...😳these 3 will suffice for this *Hiss*😂She‘s been my OG triple OG since waaay back so yeah that‘s a lot of chocolat au lait 🖤😋 #SurvivingDecember #BookTherapy #PhotoChallenge #Day16 #Chocolate

Taltos | Anne Rice
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My three favorite witch (and other creature) books for #halloween and #scaretober reading! In my opinion, the second of the series, Taltos, is the creepiest. Happy hauntings all! 👻🕸😈🎃

#bookmail #witchlit

BarbaraTheBibliophage I just ordered Taltos this week because somehow I had the other two from the series but not the second. They're happy (in a creepy, gruesome horror way) to be together again! 8y
Dragon Mayfair Witches so convoluted , so interesting 👻 8y
Coleen The Witching Hour was my first ever audiobook. I was driving my boss' car for work & it happened to be in there so I popped it in. I was totally consumed from that point on. It was my favorite of the series, but that series is one I really need to re-read. 8y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Colleen Great story! I listened to Taltos as audio at first and had to stop because it was too intense to hear it. Took me years to listen to horror again! 👻 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Dragon I feel a series reread coming on! 8y
Hobbinol ❤️the Mayfair witches! 8y
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