86% of the way through my yearly reading challenge and finally got around to checking out CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber!
#goodreads #goodreadsreadingchallenge #fallreads #octoberreads #book27 #caraval
86% of the way through my yearly reading challenge and finally got around to checking out CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber!
#goodreads #goodreadsreadingchallenge #fallreads #octoberreads #book27 #caraval
Can't wait to dig into #thelastmagician from my July #litjoycrate! All these fabulous goodies made this box that much more amazing (especially the print of my girl Inej from #sixofcrows)
#julyreads #sleightofhand #thelastmagician #litjoycrate #sharethelitjoy
Not a big fan of the series, but I'm a huge fan of the pool.
#poolside #poolreads #junereads #empireofstorms
"...Every story has worth, since a person takes the time to tell it. They key is to listen." Wonderful and inspiring memoir by my favorite monster hunter-slash-TV host.
#destinationtruth #joshgates #junereads #goodreadschallenge #book17
Also, here's a tattoo I got from one of my favorite books in preparation for meeting Laini Taylor at BookCon. Fun fact: she loved it and took a photo of it. "Wishes are false. Hope is true. Hope makes its own magic."
#littats #daughterofsmokeandbone #lainitaylor
Hi Litsy, it's been a while. Here's my copy of DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE that Laini Taylor signed at BookCon. This was truly a special moment for me.
#bookcon2017 #daughterofsmokeandbone #lainitaylor #favereads #autograph
In some ways better than the first 2, in a lot of ways subpar. I felt like Maas was trying to hard to be GRRM or Tolkien, and it was not quite as successful as she hoped. Same cyclical plot, though Celaena was slightly less irritating here.
#marchreads #heiroffire #ontothenext
Got my February LitJoy Crate featuring this fancy (and awesome smelling candle) and THE EDGE OF EVERYTHING. Interesting concept so far!
#marchreads #theedgeofeverything #jeffgiles #candlelight 🕯📚
Sometimes you just need Reese's and Diet Coke to get through a book. This was better than #throneofglass but only marginally better. Celaena reminds me of Tris from Divergent...and that's not a good thing.
#februaryreads #crownofmidnight #needmoredietcokeforthis
I completely forgot to post my tattoo in honor of THE RAVEN BOYS series! I loved this series so much I decided to immortalize it on my forearm 😊
#theravenboys #maggiestiefvater #littats
A quick read filled with witchcraft, love, friendship, and betrayal. Wasn't too bad but definitely not my favorite. If you're looking for a filler book in between a series, etc. then this would fit that bill.
#februaryreads #hawkweedprophecy
Received CARVE THE MARK in my January LitJoy Crate. I wasn't a fan of Divergent, but we'll see how this endeavor in space turns out.
#carvethemark #veronicaroth #litjoycrate #pleasedontsuck #heregoesnothing
I've been annotating my 4th read of the year in preparation for a blog and I have some harsh criticism. Less than 100 pages in finds me sorely disappointed in THRONE OF GLASS. Here's hoping it picks up. #throneofglass #worstassassinever #readingchallenge2017 #underwhelmed
Here's to you, Your Worshipfulness.
#ripcarrie #theprincessdiarist #princessleia #tomeshesroyalty
I have to admit: I wasn't in love with the first book, but this more than made up for what had been lacking. I'm looking forward to seeing what Carson delivers next! #likeariverglorious #raecarson #decemberreads
😰👍📚 I'm practically weeping with excitement over THE FATE OF THE TEARLING. I was shocked by how much I fell in love with this series and I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for this! Long live Queen Kelsea! 👑
#thefateofthetearling #erikajohansen #nook
🍻 When your beer matches your book. Almost done with CROOKED KINGDOM by Leigh Bardugo and I remain completely and utterly devoted to the stories she weaves together. I'm going to miss this ragtag group of thugs. 📚 This book was spectacular and everything I desired from Kaz and crew. If you haven't read this yet, please do.
#beerandbooks #crookedkingdom #troegs #madelf #leighbardugo #nomournersnofunerals
Got a leftover October #litjoycrate today and was super excited to see a celebration of Poe! Also, can't wait to dive into IRON CAST by Destiny Soria. my to read list is getting a bit overwhelming!
#litjoycrate #edgarallanpoe #ironcast #ireadya
Starting VASSA IN THE NIGHT by Sarah Porter, an event made even more exciting by the fact that I have a copy with an autographed bookplate!
#vassainthenight #octoberreads #ireadya
😭😍💪➡Just a few of the emojis that represent my feelings about holding this book in my hands. GOLDENHAND by Garth Nix is my next read. I can't wait to return to the Old Kingdom and to the world of the Abhorsen.
#goldenhand #abhorsenseries #garthnix #currentlyreading
#1984 #georgeorwell #bigbrother #chapterone
"It's like walking past a mirror you've walked past every day of your life, and suddenly it shows you something else, something troubling and strange."
#neverletmego #kazuoishiguro #currentlyreading