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Moving right along in this series! #ontothenext

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Cinfhen Yay!!! 5y
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This wasn‘t my kind of book, but I‘ve ✔️off the prompt, I‘m 👊🏻. On to other books!

I found the content repetitive and the writing lackluster. Not surprisingly, I liked the Baba Yaga story the most.

Full review www.TheBibliophage.com
#booked2019 #fairytaleretelling

Cinfhen At least you got to look at a pretty cover💙#OnToTheNext 🙌🏻 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen It is. And the first 50 pages were lovely, then it was the same thing over and over. No matter how valuable the insight, someone needed to edit her! 6y
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I usually try to get to the end of every book as quickly as possible so I can start the next one. However, I enjoyed taking my time with this book. The Sisters Blythe were quirky and relatable. Edith and her mom also were great in how they demonstrated how the ripples of a tragedy could effect more than just the immediate players.

#theunreadshelf #christyread2019 #ontothenext

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Blue ocean strategy was repeated so many times throughout this text. After it‘s been introduced and explained and touched back on a few times enough is enough, we get it do something different that others don‘t. That‘s the entire premise for this book. #So-So #OnTotheNext

The Somnambulist: A Novel | Jonathan Barnes

2.5 ⭐️...maybe 3. I finally read the copy of this book that‘s been sitting on my shelves for years, now. Not what I was expecting...not a read I really enjoyed. The narrator was amusing, but I was left feeling underwhelmed. 🤷🏻‍♀️📖 #ontothenext #cantallbewinners

booksandsympathy I didn't particular enjoy this book either. 6y
JackOBotts @booksandsympathy - I had high(ish) hopes from the back cover...I was entertained at points, but overall it was “meh.” 6y
booksandsympathy @JackOBotts Yes. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. 6y
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Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo
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Boy oh boy oh boy. I don‘t know what to say right now. I have some questions I feel the author failed to elaborate on and some of the terms (seem really Russian) confused me a bit with very little description of what they meant. But, overall, I love the story and I cannot wait to get the second book! #finished #ontothenext

King of the Murgos | David Eddings
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“No day in which you learn something is a complete loss” , today I learned I like to nap 😂 #fantasy #epicfantasy #wisewords #anitherbookfinished #ontothenext #need somereccomendations

TK-421 I love Eddings ❤️ 7y
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The Daughters of Ireland | Santa Montefiore
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Awhile ago, I saw this book all over GR and IG with rave reviews. The reviews talked me into a book I was pretty sure wouldn't be my cup of tea. It reads like an Irish telenovela. Seriously. All the angst over love, unrequited love, adulterous love, etc. with some shady business dealings and half hearted revenge plots x2. Just not for me... especially with the ending lining up an equally eye roll worthy third book.

#OnToTheNext #NotForMe

Tamra 😶 Me neither - not my kind of book. (edited) 7y
Jess_Read_This @Tamra whew... l'm happy to know I wasn't alone in my pan. I think she tried to do too much with this one and it ended up as a poorly written soap opera. 7y
Tamra @Jess_Read_This to clarify, I haven't read it, but it sounds exactly what I don't want in a book. 😏 Thank you for the heads-up! 7y
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Jess_Read_This @Tamra 😂I'm glad I could save you hours of your life that you couldn't get back. 7y
Tamra @Jess_Read_This 👍🏾 My thoughts exactly when I finish something I'm not crazy about. I was really mad when I read The Goldfinch & Gone Girl. Unpopular opinion, I know. I'm all for bailing & am still practicing listening to my instincts. (edited) 7y
Jess_Read_This @Tamra Not at all- unless we are the only two people that think this.. then we can be unpopular together. I read Goldfinch and was perplexed on the hype. I thought it was ok.. my mind was hardly blown by it. And I just skipped Gone Girl all together... 😉I figured I'd be mad at all the wasted time on that one. 7y
Tamra @Jess_Read_This 😆👌🏾 7y
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