Read this só quickly. Enjoyed it. Anyone else read it?
Read this só quickly. Enjoyed it. Anyone else read it?
Thoughts? I liked it can't wait for second book.
Absolutely loved this book! Worth a read!
Didn't enjoy this book. I had to skip so many pages! So many clichés. Disappointed.
I was so into this book but it felt so forced! I'm so disappointed. Anyone else read it?
A decent page turner but story and characters lacked depth.
Another linwood barclay book that I couldn't put down. Can't recommend enough.
This book had me gripped from the beginning. Really enjoyed it. Only disappointment was the rushed ending.
Not sure how I feel about this book! I really enjoyed the beginning but then I found it really long. I'd really like to know what people think!
I quite liked it. Bits I didn't enjoy but overall OK!
Nowhere near as good as books 1 and 2. Too wishy-washy and not much on the crime. Its a shame!
Read in less than 24 hours! Wow! Can't wait to start book 3!
I found it hard to get deeply involved in the story and then suddenly I had finished it! A bit too descriptive for me but I really enjoyed the story!
I quite liked it but unsure on the story. Has anyone read this? I'd live to discuss 😊
Lots of characters and we know who the villains are from the beginning. I bit long for the story. But overall an enjoyable read.
944 pages very long book. Quick read because you get really involved in the story but rather disappointing.
I normally really enjoy Isabel Allende books but I was a bit disappointed with this one. I found it hard to get involved in the story even though it was a very interesting topic. Has anyone else read this? I'd love to know your thoughts!
What a terrible a book. Didn't learn anything. No suspense. Definitely don't recommend
Amazing! Loved it. Had anyone read it? Currently on amazon's top list and I definitely deserves uts place there!
Loved loved loved this book! Original, and read in a day. Recommend!
Another aushwitz book. I love reading these stories I feel like I'm helping them keep their story alive. Anyone else read aushwitz survivors stories?
I found it way too similar to the hunting party. This greatly disappointed me. Similar surroundings, similar scenario and mostly same quickly tied up ending. The hunting party was a fun quick read this one was just too similar.
I don't know what to think. I'd love to discuss this with people? What are your thoughts? Questions? Ideas?
Another true story. I find reading about these people makes their story live longer and makes us realise what really happened to them. There's a lot of them coming out now but they're all as important as each other. Hope this is something that no one else will have to experience.
What a horrible story. A short book page Turner and one I want to reread to realise how lucky I am! Lockdown is nothing compared to what these people went through.
Couldn't finish it, way too cliché.
I enjoyed the beginning but the ending was very long. Anyone else read this book? I'd love to hear your thoughts
Just an amazing story. One that should be read by as many people as possible to open their eyes to the current situation in our world. Definitely recommend!
I love linwood barclay though disappointed by the ending this book is full of twists and plots and keeps you turning those pages!
Page Turner but not sure I liked how quickly everything was settled. Apparently its based on a true story but the author has not stated this which seems strange! Anyone else read this? Thoughts?
Wow! Wow! Wow! I'm so sad this is over 😢 I don't want to be done with their story! Don't know how I'll be able to move on! What a read over 4 books. I'm going to have to read the other 3 again so as to understand everything fully. I definitely recommend it!
Ahh maybe in expecting too much from this book? Either way I'm excited to start!
Interesting book to read. Not all of it is unbiased but still an eye opener to a lot of subjects. Definitely one to read as a building block to learning about human nature.
So many people have spoken to me about this book so I thought I'd give it a try!
I absolutely loved this book. Could not recommend it enough. We need to open our eyes to the world of materialism that we live in. Somebody has to make the things we buy. The profit driven world we live in means there are people who suffer for our choices. Definitely read this book! A story that needs to be shared ☺