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Finding Jake
Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
I devoured Finding Jake. The tension is almost unbearable in this thriller-cum-character study as layer after layer of a fathers soul are revealed as reflected in the character of his missing son. Utterly engrossing.Alice LaPlante, New York Times bestselling author of Circle of Wives and Turn of Mind Simon Connollys successful wife has gone to her law office each day, while he has stayed home to raise their childrenJake and Laney. He has tried to do the best for the kids. For sunny, outgoing Laney, its been easy. But Jake is different. He has always been on the quiet side, preferring the company of his small group of friends to popularity and organized sports. Now that his children are in high school, Simon should be able to relax, to worry less. Hes never given that chance. On a warm November day, he receives a text: There has been a shooting at the high school. Racing to the rendezvous point, Simon is forced to wait with scores of other anxious parents as one by one, they are reunited with their children. Their numbers dwindle, eventually leaving Simon alone. That is when he learns that Jake is the only child missing. As his worst nightmare unfolds, Simons thoughts race. Where is Jake? What happened in those final moments? Jake could not have done thisor could he? Did Simon miss the signs? As rumors begin to ricochet, amplified by an invasive media and the fear swallowing their community, Simon must find answers. But there is only one way to understand what has happened . . . he must find Jake. Harrowing. New York Times Book Review
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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When you co-worker hands you a book and says to have tissues ready you just know you are about to be taken on a roller coaster of a ride.

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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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I thought this was great, a very thought provoking book with a heartbreaking outcome.
#ReadtheUSA2020 #Delaware (39th state) #Murder2020 (book 77)

Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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This was so hard to read yet I couldn't put it down. Allll the feelings.
#BookSpinBonanza @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! And I don't know what your plant is called, but I have one as well and yours is looking SIGNIFICANTLY healthier haha 4y
Jennaree3 @TheAromaofBooks LOL. I had one like this that sloooowly died over like 2 years, one leaf at a time 😂😂😂your comment cracked me up 4y
bookandbedandtea @Jennaree3 @TheAromaofBooks I don't know what it's called either but for SOME REASON 🤔😉 my plants are looking better than ever this year. Except the fern in my kitchen I should have known better than to buy because ferns and Colorado are not a good match. 😬 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Jennaree3 - Mine is somewhat making a comeback now that it's in the right amount of light and I'm actually watering it regularly... funny how that works! 4y
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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Loved it! The version I had misspelled Sylvia Plath, a slightly egregious mistake on the part of the editor......but then again I got it at a used book sale and it was probably a copy sold to Ollies bargain outlet or something. I read it in two days. Loved every minute, from the flipping between past and present, to the beauty of the story. Left a few tears in my eyes toward the end. THIS is a great YA read! They will actually enjoy it!

Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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My travel companion, Roar, has started to take an interest in my books in between photobombing pictures during my current trip. 😂
Finding Jake was an emotional rollercoaster. I figured out Jake‘s story pretty fast but still was not ready for when his father, Simon, started to put the pieces together and eventually finds him near the end.

Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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I didn‘t realize that this was about a school shooting when I picked it up. It was very sad and a different take on what could happen, but it missed a lot of the heart and I just didn‘t feel connected to the characters. Not bad, but definitely could have been better.

Cinfhen I REALLY disliked this one😬😬😬 7y
Victoriahoperose @Cinfhen there were things that were unique which is why I stayed in the middle, but yea I didn‘t care for it much. I was pretty disappointed. 7y
Cinfhen It was recommended to me as a cross between Defending Jacob & We Need to Talk About Kevin and it was no where as good as either of those books 😔 7y
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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This book has a high rating on GoodReads but for me it missed the #🎯I was told it was similar to KEVIN but told through a dad's perspective. This book lacked the psychological, emotional and intellectual depth of Shriver's work. It's a fast read but I wasn't fully invested and even though it's short, I did skim at parts. Not a pan but a very underwhelming so-so. #emojinov

TrishB Not moving up the tbr any day soon then! 7y
Reviewsbylola Skipping this for sure. Kevin is a book I wish I could read again for the first time. 7y
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Cinfhen I‘m curious about the Shriver book, thanks for posting @Suet624 I LOVED Kevin, this one didn‘t even come close @Reviewsbylola @TrishB 7y
Suet624 @Cinfhen I‘ve read a number of Shriver books and Kevin and So Much were the best of them. 7y
Reviewsbylola I have not. The only other Shriver book I have is The Post Birthday World but I haven‘t read it. I will add that one to my list! 7y
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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Starting a new book and this dedication got me, #GutPunch #TruthBomb "With limitless love comes limitless worry...To Lily and Ben, of course. "

SilversReviews Very true. 7y
AmyG My life...as a Mother. 7y
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TrishB Always 7y
minkyb This is so true. 7y
ValerieAndBooks So true...it never stops! 7y
TriciaO Yes! I can definitely relate! (edited) 7y
Cinfhen It never stops is SO TRUE @ValerieAndBooks @SilversReviews @DrJAdMerricksson @AmyG @TrishB @minkyb @TriciaO someone older than I was once said to me; “the bigger your children get, the bigger the problems become, the greater your worries grow...” 😔 7y
TriciaO @Cinfhen Sent a piece of my heart off to college in September. I didn‘t know I could worry so much! 7y
TrishB My Mum said that to me. I have thought about it a lot lately when it has been very true!! 7y
Cinfhen Same @TrishB ☹️I completely understand your sentiments @TriciaO I have 2 kids living VERY FAR away...it‘s terrible & terrifying 7y
AmyG @Cinfhen "Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems" 7y
Reviewsbylola Something you truly don‘t realize until you have kids. 7y
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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Some books from my TBR #ThrillerThursday although this genre is beginning to disappoint me....it's been a while since I read a really juicy thriller @Jess7

MicheleinPhilly Agree. Particularly BOTM thrillers. I'm burned out on them. I would definitely recommend either of Clare Mackintosh's books though. 7y
Cinfhen Thanks @jhod I've added it...I tried reading Clare Mackintosh's newest thriller this summer, but it wasn't grabbing me @MicheleinPhilly 7y
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Reagan That's why I genre hop. I'm into thrillers right now but if I don't hit a winner after 10 or so, I tend to veer off. I liked 7y
jhod Ha! One of my few one star reviews! Not sure why, think it was that being on the tube all the time I found it a bit ridiculous! 7y
Mdargusch The Lehane was interesting since it started so slow. Then 👊🏼, the craziness is nonstop. 7y
Jess7 A lot of people were impressed with this one - you should read it if you haven't already: 7y
Jess7 I definitely prefer psychological thrillers vs regular thrillers 7y
Reviewsbylola I feel similarly about thrillers right now. I thought the Lehane was pretty good though! 7y
Hollie I really enjoyed the Lehane book. I read it in one sitting because I couldn't put it down! 7y
Cinfhen I really liked I let you go & The kind worth killing @Jess7 @Reagan-reads 💕💕but both of those authors follow ups were duds for me 😖I'm glad I'm not the only one who couldn't enjoy the new Mackintosh @jhod 😜 7y
Cinfhen I'm gonna read the Lehane soon, it's on my #TBRbingo and I like the approval committee @Hollie @Reviewsbylola @Mdargusch 7y
Mdargusch Well I will be very interested to see what you think about the Lehane for sure. I'm thinking about starting The Kind Worth Killing. 7y
MicheleinPhilly Bummer. I found it deliciously creepy. I like her stuff because it doesn't feel gimmicky. Every "hot" thriller these days reminds me of every M. Night Shyamalan film following The Sixth Sense. ? 7y
emilyhaldi 💯 agree!!! Thrillers have been so disappointing to me this year 😞 hoping I will pick some good ones for #ripxii 7y
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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Books 📚 and baseball ⚾️❤

Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon

Loved this book. Such a moving take on a very tragic situation. Really puts the media and how people jump to conclusions into perspective. Not many take the time to consider the innocent families of these criminals.

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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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This was a quick easy read. It was a pretty compelling narrative with a decent conclusion. Stylistically it wasn't particularly adept, but it kept me entertained for a few evenings.

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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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Easy reading library find

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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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Fictional account of modern day school shooting. Emotionally gripping. Read in one sitting. Appreciated the perspective of the stay at home father... 📚

KrisConstantReader I read this one a while back, I really liked it. 8y
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon

Wow, just wow... I'm numb, and reading the last chapter was very difficult through my tears. May need a few days to wrap my mind around the possibility of the reality of this one and come up with a better review.

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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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I can not put this book down... I am completely enthralled with finding out what happened then, and what's gonna happen next. And I'm in awe, this is fiction? It's so believable its scary. One of my biggest fears in today's world is school shootings. I've done active shooting training in the past, and even tho I knew the guns had blanks and it was just a training, it was very intense!

marixa Have you read the book 8y
marixa I keep meaning to read it, but not sure if I can handle it? 8y
Cupofjo I have not, I've wanted to, but like you... I've been skittish. Maybe I will now that I've read this one 8y
Jennaree3 Supportive pupper ❤️💕 4y
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon

Holy s@$#!! I've barely started this .. And... Wow...

Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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Gonna try again to get a little reading in before dinner needs made and kids need taxied around... Shh, don't tell the cat...

MrBook 😼 8y
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Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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This was so incredibly well done. Flew through it, to the detriment of my work productivity.

Finding Jake: A Novel | Bryan Reardon
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What an emotional and tragic story which had me in tears.

BibliophileArtichoke Literally have been meaning to read this. Thank you for the reminder! Added to stack!!! 🤗 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 Read this last year. Quite a book, right? A little different perspective. Flew through it. 8y
Suzze I really liked this one. A page turner for sure. 8y
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Trina_L Good book! 8y
Sweettartlaura Just got this on my Kindle 8y
MyNamesParadise This is one title I never got around to! I'll have to add it to my list! 8y
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