This was hysterical and so so discouraging at times. When she says “you can‘t outrun your gender” I feel she is sadly very very right. Highly recommended.
This was hysterical and so so discouraging at times. When she says “you can‘t outrun your gender” I feel she is sadly very very right. Highly recommended.
Not reading this whole book and I totally disagree with the author‘s “peer contagion” nonsense regarding trans identities… but I have to say this graph is striking. So even though I think Haidt is wrong on other things, maybe we should all go out and spend more time with friends?
Still haven‘t read this but there is a book 2 and I 💗 Dan Santat‘s work so I think I will love this…
Borrow this from a library if you can, skim it for what applies and ignore the rest. I liked the authors‘ attitude but recognize that some things won‘t work everywhere. For example, in a lot of places in America, you just can‘t reliably get to work without a car. I‘m lucky to use the bus but it‘s not possible in so many places! I appreciated other ideas though and am glad I borrowed this.
“A life liberally strewn with satisfying mini-challenges” Haven‘t finished this yet but so far so good! I like the authors‘ attitude and approach!
I haven‘t had a chance to read everything here but really appreciate Dr Tang‘s inclusive and clear approach. The third section tackles treatments including birth control and abortion. And hope her message spreads as far and wide as possible: it‘s NOT hysteria!
Wild and interesting but characters die on the page and there are old technology references that would probably confuse some readers. It helps to know what an old public pay telephone looked like for example or maybe what a microfiche reader was. Glad I borrowed this.
My pictures aren‘t the best but this is a lovely good-for-all-ages light read. Clementine fox goes on a little adventure with her friends. Although I could do without the “I hate math” trope, I have no other complaints. Loved this and hope to see more soon!
The trees help in this lovely graphic novel 🤩 that I‘m really enjoying!
This desperately needed a good editor and much more self-reflection. I‘m not a huge fan but I‘ve enjoyed some of his country hits. I was hoping for insight into that part of his new musical direction but there wasn‘t much at all. I‘m sorry I asked my library to get this for me, ugh!
I loved this and was not much bothered by the nonlinear way he went about it (totally get that some readers will feel differently so no criticism meant to others‘ reactions). However I did have to skip some parts so check the TW on this one before reading or prepare to skip portions as I did. I loved this: “Let me just exist with you. Happier than ever.” Really glad I read this.
“Child-free libraries” is a terrifying thought! https://bookriot.com/donnelly-public-library-adults-only/
Don‘t want to spoil some details here…but the kindness of some of the ordinary Russians she meets is just making me tear up. This is an incredible read.
WNBA players “earn about 250 times less than NBA players and have a hard cap on salaries. In the WNBA that year I made around 220,000. Overseas, I earned a million plus. That pay gap is why I was in Russia in the first place.”
On the idea of forcing kids to eat whatever we say they need to eat: “Without ever intending it, we‘re normalizing the idea that it‘s ok for somebody else to dominate your body, to decide what you put inside it - if they love you.” !!!
Huh, this cover was super cute and I didn‘t at all expect cat eating monsters. Um. Not sure how I feel about this one.
Her first call to her father after she was shot and the doctor told her not to cry. After she woke up she was constantly worrying about her father and how her family would pay for her medical care. I‘m reading this on my lunch break right now and that is the ONLY reason I‘m not bawling my eyes out!
One of Malala‘s prayers: “Help us appreciate the school days that are left to us, God, and give us the courage to fight even harder for more.”
Future books from LeVar Burton!! Someone sign me up for these 2026 and 2028 pubs - especially the inspirational memoir 😍
Heart warming, filled with great illustrations and an innocent first crush before high school. Really good read that I recommend highly.
John Paul Brammer is publishing a new children‘s book called Samara. He wrote: “Samara is, among other things, a love letter to those weird kids sitting in the very back of the classroom with their heads in the clouds, who doodle and take cracks at poetry and find comfort and refuge in language.” 🥳🥳🥳
“He‘d definitely popped up in her dreams dressed as an old school sexy elevator operator…” is HYSTERICAL to me for some reason 😂
This book is so galvanizing. I finally finished it and hope everyone will read it.
“Poverty isn‘t simply the condition of not having enough money. It‘s the condition of not having enough choice and being taken advantage of because of that.”
“You are as good a cause to invest in as anything else, and your capacity to do good in the world around you heavily depends on your ability to live well.”
Forgot to post a review but this is an excellent workbook style text for grownups trying to get their financial stuff together. You complete steps as Aliche guides and encourages you. I appreciate the clear way she lays out everything. Check this out if you could benefit!
💕💕💕 “Instead of exerting all of your energy trying to convince someone of a truth you hold dear, spend more time living a life that exemplifies your values in a way that makes it difficult to refute the power of your perspective.” I love this! This would make a good daily meditations book.
Finished this finally and loved it 🤩
This book is phenomenal and everyone should read it. I LOVED it SO MUCH! 💗😍
This is so so good 💗💗💗
Found a lot to agree with here, even as someone whose family doesn‘t fall under the LGBTQIA2S+ identities. Glad to see more diverse perspectives being published (at least in some places) and hope this book reaches as many readers as possible 🤞🏽
I LOVED this book and am so glad I finally got to finish it. Encouraging advice for families of all kinds 💕🌈 I also liked the illustrations a lot and actually thought they added to the text (something I don‘t always feel in books aimed at adults). Highly recommended!
Ok my picture (at a roller rink no less so the lighting is pretty weird) is terrible but this book is so SO GOOD 🌈🤩🥳
I LOVED THIS so much because Hollis is hysterical 😂😂😂. Even enjoyed his short “Worst of the Worst” section which included this revolting little recipe for Pickle Cheesecake 🤢
OMG I LOVE this 😂😂😂. I had no idea who Rock was before I started and the audio is incredible 💕💕💕
Ram Dass on the death of a child: “Is anyone strong enough to stay conscious through such teaching [meaning great suffering] you are receiving?” Not from the tagged book but another compiled by Usher called Grief.
From French writer Colette on finding a letter from her long dead mother: “How strange: one can successfully “hold” oneself very well in the hardest hours. But then, someone makes a friendly gesture behind a window, one notices a blossom which was just a bud yesterday - or a letter slips from a drawer - and everything falls apart.”
I swore I posted this already but maybe I just imagined it? Anyway this is a great read about a girl who has recently moved from China to New York City by a woman who did that in her childhood. It‘s so sweet and the mom pulls the little girl out of bed “like a giant turnip”! 😍
This is of course the absolute least of their worries but it‘s still so sad. It‘s 1975 and Saigon is now under Communist control and her family is trying to figure out how to survive…
LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Book 1 ends on a cliffhanger!
Cool YA sale! Wish I had room to get some of these…https://pangobooks.com/bookstore/heyella
I‘m on page 15 and I already LOVE this and have to get book 2 💕💕💕
These illustrations are so lovely!! 😍 Also this book has very little text - like a few lines every 10+ pages? but it still tells an interesting story 💕
If you love Carle‘s illustrations, you‘ll love this book. It is just so beautiful 😍
This is amazing and deserves all the hype. CW: sexual assault / rape, and repeated mentions of substance abuse (although addiction is not depicted on the page).