An utterly beautiful and satisfying conclusion to this series. One of my favorite parts of this series is its narrator, it has a quirky almost Winnie the Pooh charm with so much humor it's delightful ☺️
An utterly beautiful and satisfying conclusion to this series. One of my favorite parts of this series is its narrator, it has a quirky almost Winnie the Pooh charm with so much humor it's delightful ☺️
I really loved this book, though it was a slow start for me. As the book progressed I was drawn more and more into the story and grew to love the characters. I also have to admire the lushness of her writing, it was woven rather beautifully. (Excuse my lack of eloquence lately, summer is taking its toll on my brain).
Just a last minute picture for Sunday 💕. I picked up this notorious edition of the Two Towers at my favorite local bookshop on Friday. I already had The Fellowship of the Ring and am excited to have the next to go with it!
#tolkien #jrrtolkien #thetwotowers #nazgul #tolkientribe
Finished this beautiful book! It kept me guessing and I truly enjoyed it all the way through 🙌🏻
#bookofthemonthclub #amillionjunes #emilyhenry
Technically this is the three individual books, but... I read this trilogy what feels like forever ago and felt it was very good. I was impressed by how different it was from most of my other reads at the time, not that there aren't other amazing dystopian novels.. I'm rambling 🙈.
This book dropped me down a rabbit hole of delight. The language is fun and creative, the characters fun and engaging, and the land itself is a wild fusion of most of my favorite things... some of which I didn't know existed until this book! The heroine is spunky and quirky and managed to surprise me. The book was altogether satisfying and I'm delighted to say that the rest of the series was even more so! #fairyland #catherynnemvalente
This collection of Cap is one of my favorites and seemed utterly perfect for today, Independence Day.
Camping and Beren and Luthien 💕. I love having the perfect book on a trip. We stayed up in one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen this last weekend. There was a bubbling spring and sparkling stars and incredible flowers everywhere! Tolkien seems perfect to read in a place so wild and breathtaking.
#tolkien #berenandluthien
I really loved ACOTAR when I read it for the first time over a year ago now and was utterly delighted to read the second and rabid for the third book when it came out this year 🙈. I am a sucker for fairytales and retellings.
I am also a sucker for beautiful art! This bookmark is from Book Coyote Designs and I love it!
#acotar #feyre #bookcoyotedesigns #sarahjmaas
Sauron was become now a sorcerer of dreadful power , master of shadows and of phantoms , foul in wisdom, cruel in strength, misshaping what he touched, twisting what he ruled, lord of werewolves; his dominion was torment.
#tolkien #thesilmarillion #sauron #bookbiff #geekygirlscents
Happy Birthday to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone!! I didn't discover these books until 2001 when my aunt gave me the first three ☺️. I've never looked back 😉
#harrypotter #harrypotterandthephilosophersstone #jkrowling #potter20
This is one of the first Shakespeare plays I remember reading and it made a huge impact on my love for reading plays 🌸
This book is one of the few I keep handy in multiple copies, including a digital copy so I always have it. I love its quirkiness, its delightful characters, and its wonderful language.
#aliceinwonderland #lewiscarroll #cheshirecat #alice
Hoping to get started on this beautiful book before the month is over! Why do you read? 🤔. I read to escape, but I also read because I love words 💕
#bookofthemonthclub #amillionjunes #emilyhenry #botm
I'm finally starting this one! It is one of my long time TBR books 💕. Do you have a favorite Dickens? 🤔
#charlesdickens #ataleoftwocities
Finished last month's Book of the Month Club choice! It was a huge roller coaster but I loved it! Very psychological, very intriguing, and managed to keep me on the edge of my seat at the end 🙌🏻 #sincewefell #dennislehane #bookofthemonthclub #botm
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All that we have to decide is the time that is given us."
#tolkien #jrrtolkien #tolkientribe #tolkienite #fellowshipofthering #gandalf #frodo
I really loved this series, it was such a quick and engaging read for me. I loved the characters and even enjoyed the love triangle 😉. It managed to surprise me a few times, which isn't easy to do lol.
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit."
I get this exquisitely happy feeling every time I read those words, it's like coming home.
#thehobbit #jrrtolkien #tolkien #tolkientribe #tolkienite
One of my current reads... I'm finally past the halfway point, but have been struggling a bit with this one. I think it's because it is an emotional roller coaster 🙈