Not all those who wander are lost... especially those who have awesome nerd manicures 📖💅 Get 15% off your first order with my link:
#tolkienite #nerdmanicures #espionagecosmetics
Not all those who wander are lost... especially those who have awesome nerd manicures 📖💅 Get 15% off your first order with my link:
#tolkienite #nerdmanicures #espionagecosmetics
#hobbitweek — Favourite theme or subplot. To me this will always be adventure. 🐞
Tolkien has always been about that facing your fears, taking a leap of faith and going on the adventure to your destiny. I felt this immensely when reading the Hobbit for the first time when I was a mere child of eight. I still feel it now whenever I reread the Hobbit. It‘s almost inspiring, and I find that all of Tolkien‘s books have this. #tolkienite #tolkien
So, it‘s #hobbitweek and In The Hobbit I‘ve always been a touch impressed by Thorin‘s Map (invisible moon runes and all!) and Kili‘s rune Stone. Yes, yes, they‘re not I suppose magical artefacts in the way this is meant but they show clearly to me both the magic of intention (Kili‘s stone) and the magic of words/runes and the moon (Thorin‘s map), and really they‘re very real kinds of magic. 🐞
#jrrtolkien #tolkien #tolkienite
It's here!!!!! And it has a fold-out map 😍
#YearofTolkien #tolkienite
Litsy family!! I just became a rep for Espionage Cosmetics, the best nerd manicure shop out there 💅 They have cruelty-free nail wraps from all your favorite stories & fandoms: Wizard of Oz, LOTR, HP & a whole lot of others! (& they're on sale for $2!! ) Here's my affiliate link if you'd like to purchase: http://bit.ly/2PDLvjK
#nerdmanicures #harrypotter #tolkienite #wizardofoz
I started reading Smith of Wooton Major last night and it‘s my first time reading this one. It‘s faerietale elements are just gorgeous and I almost devoured it in a sitting. I‘ve got a couple of pages left because I fell asleep but I‘ll finish today. What a beautiful book. I love it 🖤✨
Have you read this one? #jrrtolkien #tolkien #tolkienite #tolkientribe #inthereads #johnronaldreueltolkien #bookstamums
{Tolkien Find! 🖤✨}
I came across this today at the charity store and it‘s pristine, hardcover and illustrated. I have to say I was very excited about it. I also found this marvellous scarf that is used as the background here and I think I‘m in love. It‘s gorgeous!!
What was the last wonderful thing you found at a market or thrift store? #tolkien #tolkienite #jrrtolkien #fantasy #tolkientribe #bookstamums
Just sent out my Tolkien package for the #tolkienite (is that even a hashtag? I don‘t remember 🙈) swap! It should arrive on Monday! I forgot to take a picture of the package so have a picture of my dog Sassy instead 😁 @Sorceryandswords
Good morning my lovelies! 🖤🌻
I‘m in a great mood today because of various things. Also, I am really excited because it‘s opening day this time next week 🙊 I‘m so so excited about it and hoping for a copy Beren and Luthien to be hiding in my surprise box. Has anyone not received theirs yet?
Gandalf the Grey by @polywaxpotions and you can use my code SORCERY10 for 10% off at checkout! #tolkieniteswap #tolkientribe #tolkienite #jrrtolkien
#thereandbackagain Day 6: I love so many quotes from Tolkien's works, but these are two of my favorites 💚
#yearoftolkien #tolkienite #lotr