#wintergames #snowflakesquad #christmasornamenthunt #sparkles #animalonit #giftfromfamily #reflection #remindsmeofgrandma
#wintergames #snowflakesquad #christmasornamenthunt #sparkles #animalonit #giftfromfamily #reflection #remindsmeofgrandma
I just remembered that I didn‘t return my library books on the way home, as planned. It‘s after midnight - so I guess keeping them for a few extra hours won‘t hurt 😳
Fox in the yard!
Got a lovely package from my sister-in-law for baby Craft. 💕Glad that we aren't the only ones who think baby's library is important!
Christmas Eve hijinks. Niece is showing off her foxy new socks (with pointe shoes underneath). Yes, wine is involved. This is how we live it up in my family.
I feel like I shouldn't be surprised that this was published but I am.
It is very hard to read this book without singing the song.