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Pride and Prejudice: A Coloring Classic
Pride and Prejudice: A Coloring Classic | Chellie Carroll
6 posts | 1 read
Fall in love all over again with Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice in this wonderful coloring book featuring beautifully intricate patterns and details, classic quotations, and iconic scenes to color in. Includes a fascinating guide to the Victorian language of flowers and a gorgeous foiled cover.
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Thank you to all who participated! I very much enjoyed seeing your posts. 😍 The ingenuity some put towards their daily photos, such as using only quotes or using retellings/adaptations, was super creative! You made my month by celebrating in reaching 200 copies of a most beloved book, Pride and Prejudice!

And I have to give a personal shoutout to my co-host @mabell , who put forth a lot of time and dedication into this challenge!

CrowCAH @jenniferw88 @TheAromaofBooks @CoverToCoverGirl thank you for posting EVERY DAY! I feel like I should already have your addresses, but alas I could not find them in my notebooks. Please, email me cynthiaannehurt at gmail dot com, so I can mail your party parcels! 3y
CrowCAH @Librarybelle @mabell @LeahBergen @StayCurious @rubyslippersreads THANK YOU for joining the daily theme challenge!!! I already have your address information from a previous challenge I hosted. If you think I have an old address, please, email me at cynthiaannehurt at gmail dot com. I‘ll be going to the post office in about a week to mail your party parcels! 3y
StayCurious Thank you both so much for hosting a fun challenge and though I fell behind, I had fun trying to think of how to catch up! 3y
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CrowCAH @StayCurious yes, I thoroughly enjoyed how you worked in several themes into one post! 😁 3y
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
LeahBergen It‘s been a ton o‘ fun and your party parcel at the end is the very generous icing on the cake! 😘😘 3y
rubyslippersreads @CrowCAH and @mabell Thank you both for a most enjoyable challenge. 😊 3y
mabell Such fun! Thank you! And you are too sweet sending goodies! ❤️ 3y
mabell @rubyslippersreads So glad you joined in! 3y
CrowCAH @jenniferw88 and @CoverToCoverGirl I have all the party favors, but not your addresses. Please, email them asap to cynthiaannehurt at gmail dot com. Thank you! 3y
jenniferw88 Emailed, but check your spam because it's from irene_gulliver@yahoo.co.uk 3y
CoverToCoverGirl I just emailed you my info.. twice 🤦🏼‍♀️ 3y
CrowCAH @jenniferw88 it didn‘t go to spam; I got it!!! Thank you so much ❤️ 3y
CrowCAH @CoverToCoverGirl well, I only got one email. So who knows about the twice. LOL Thank you so much! ❤️ 3y
CoverToCoverGirl @CrowCAH thanks! 😊 3y
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#AustenInAugust #MostUnusual

P&P told with pictures and phrases!


Crinoline_Laphroaig Love the fans and gloves. 6y
Linsy 💛💛💛💛💛 6y
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"To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love."

Thanks @drbethandherkindle for the lovely bookmark; I wasted no time in coloring it! ?

Wife Oooo Pretty!🌹 8y
drbethandherkindle That looks fantastic!! 8y
CrowCAH @drbethandherkindle thanks! Now they get to be proudly displayed with the collection! 8y
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@drbethandherkindle was so kind as to parcel me the 2, not 1 but 2, Pride & Prejudice bookmarks she owned!
She colored one, "I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve."
The other I get to color, "To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love."
Both are gorgeous! I can't thank her enough for the kind gesture ☺
Was this the coloring book you referenced in your letter? (Awesome markered hearts and penmanship btw)

drbethandherkindle You're welcome!! And that is the coloring book I was thinking of-not surprised that you have it! 8y
Lmstraubie Such a beautiful way to share your love of reading 💗💗 8y
Wife How nice!🌹 8y
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@Krisjericho posted this and I had to repost; so cute! I ❤ Pride and Prejudice and Star Wars!!!

sammisho Seriously my two favorite things! 8y
drbethandherkindle 😍😍😍 8y
CrowCAH @sammisho and @drbethandherkindle I have to agree! 8y
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A beautifully drawn coloring book and it actually tells the story of P&P! Book #118 and book #119 #latestbookishbuys #blackfriday #photoadaynov16