Waffled grilled cheese -- it was very good, but you can't really go wrong with grilled cheese, amiright? #cookbookproject #cookbooks
Waffled grilled cheese -- it was very good, but you can't really go wrong with grilled cheese, amiright? #cookbookproject #cookbooks
🎉 Kindle deal for 1.99 USD. I haven‘t read this but I assume it‘s great - it‘s all about waffles after all.
After paging through Will it Waffle? to find ideas for a teen summer event. I‘m officially hungry for waffles #passthesyrup
I don‘t think cookbooks can have spoilers. This ending entertained me. This would be a super fun way to cook if you have the time and interest to experiment with your waffle iron and make things from scratch. I have the time but not the interest so it probably wouldn‘t get much use at my house. #libraryreads
Deep thoughts on a Thursday... 😅
#BookNBrunch! Accompaniment this snowy noon hour was: WAFFLES!!!!, bacon, and peach juice. MMMMmm 😋! Went a bit Southern today, just missing the fried chicken, lol. This has been another presentation of: #MrBookBookBabeKitchen. Happy reads & happy eats! 😎👌🏻
Happy holidays everyone! This is Christmas morning breakfast at our house! Presents included a new waffle iron and waffle cookbook❤📚☕🎁
#inspiring--- Does it get more inspiring than a cookbook about all the foods you can waffle?!😍🍯🍴#photoadaynov16