A poem I will never tire of! ✨💫✨
A poem I will never tire of! ✨💫✨
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5/5)
This was my first book of poetry that I read from Nikita Gill, and it won‘t be my last. I absolutely adored the nature themes and chapters in this collection and the poetry within is empowering yet soothing. I loved the nature parallels throughout the book, even if some of it is mildly repetitive. Overall, I‘m glad I picked this one up and gave it a try.
This book was great. This collection of poems is wonderful. I can‘t believe how quickly I got through it. I just inhaled this collection of poetry. I think I have more of this collection dog-eared than not. I will absolutely be reading this again, and again. This book is just what I was looking for and just what my soul needed. I recommend this to everyone.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry
I love this. I love everything about this.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #StormChildILoveYou
I think I read this like 12, 13 times. I just kept taking it in and wanting to take it in more.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #FourLessonsILearnedAboutLove
Well, somehow I‘ve ended up at the beginning of the final chapter. Where did this book go? What on Earth is happening here? I am so in love with this collection.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry
I don‘t think I can fathom just how good this collection is. I can‘t stop reading it. I think I might actually be a fan of poetry.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry
I‘m just inhaling this collection.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #wild
I have the vast majority of this section of the book dog-eared.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #TheMoonAndTheSea
This is me.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #FourPoemsAboutChaos
What a burn. This one should have been in the “flames” section.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #AListOfThungsToComeToTermsWith
@TheBookHippie this one is also not about the ocean, but not in the same way Whitman wasn't about the ocean. 😏
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #IfTheyTrulyLoveYou #NotAboutTheOcean
OUCH. Seriously.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #burn #inthisroom
I wish I could get this whole poem into one post. It‘s so bloody good. I love every word. I am so very glad I chose this as my next book of poetry. As of right now, Nikita Gill is my new favourite poet (actually, I didn‘t have one before so...)
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #WhatYouAreWhatYouAreNot
I love this. I absolutely love this. I can‘t even express how very much I love this!!!
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry #LessonsFromTheNightSky
This is almost something we should teach little kids in like 2nd grade science about their bodies. It‘s scientific and brilliant.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry
Love this!!! This almost feels like science poetry, but it sure works.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry
Somehow this was on a list of nature poetry. I guess, in a way, it is. It‘s far more “human nature poetry” if you ask me. Still a very nice collection so far. I‘m going to have to try not to share the entire collection on Litsy. I promise, I‘ll try. lol
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry
If nothing else, the graphic nature of this book is fun.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry
My continued adventure with poetry is now in this direction. It‘s not exactly nature poetry, but it looks interesting.
#NikitaGill #YourSoulIsARiver #poetry
#QuotsySept18 Day 29: Women who #save wolves and run away with them. Am probably the type who will eat them for breakfast.
I was expecting a constant rush of feelings when reading but that didn‘t occur always. Your Soul is a River is such a compelling title. I was instantly drawn in. My main criticism is that the poems became repetitive in some sections as if I was reading an alternative version of a poem in this collection. However, at the same time, I rather loved the repetition of some of the motifs, but I'm conflicted so it's 3 stars for me.
This poetry was written for my soul! Loving this so much!
Update: Finished in one sitting. Loved. Will return to again and again!
My very first read this year. I enjoyed this poetry collection. It was divides into eight parts and I thought the astronomical theme was brilliant. My only problem was some words and messages were used repetitively and it somehow loses the poem's meaning as well as the connection to the reader. Overall, Nikita Gill's writing is beautiful and her poems are heartfelt and inspiring.
My Rating : 3.5 out of 5 stars
I come back to this book of poetry often. It is moving and hits a range of emotions on any given day.
This was a good poetry book. I‘m new to poetry but I liked the layout and the subjects she talked about. I don‘t think I read poetry right, I just read them all at once and finish the book but I get the jist and enjoyed it quite a lot. If you have any other poetry recs for me that would be great!