I‘m an effort to make progress on my TBR stack this year, I decided to add reading poetry at least once a day. Nikita Gill is always a good choice. #greatgoddesses #poetry #nikitagill
I‘m an effort to make progress on my TBR stack this year, I decided to add reading poetry at least once a day. Nikita Gill is always a good choice. #greatgoddesses #poetry #nikitagill
“it takes a single wild ember to bring a whole wildfire to life.” #nikitagill #wildembers
Day 15 - #Fierce #FallFinds
#FierceFairytales #NikitaGill
This book is a modern makeover of fairytale classics.
For the first time since before the lockdowns began in March, I stopped by one of my favorite bookstores. @aeeklund and I were there to pick up the new #nikitagill book, but we ended up with a bit more. Everyone was good about staying socially distanced, masks on, and shopping windows limited to 30 minutes. My heart is happy and now it‘s back to self isolation. #shoplocal #independentbookstores #auroraburning #sistersofswordandsong
My September and October TBR pile since I'm having surgery at the end of the month and I'm going to have a bunch of free time. I've been good at reading recently and I'm really hoping I can keep it up 🥰
#onceuponariver #dianesetterfield #100nastywomenofhistory #thehandmaidstale #thetestaments #margaretatwood #wilding #isabellatree #nikitagill #poetry #fiction #richardosman
This collection is very heavy. It‘s about abuse and rape, recovery and rebuilding. Maybe it‘s just not a collection to read in the middle of COVID 19, but it just felt like it was weighing itself down in places.
I have my issues with this collection. It seems, in a way, I fell out of love with Gill‘s poetry with this collection.
I think anything that tells women to not be quiet is a good thing. Maybe that‘s just me.
#NikitaGill #YourHeartIsTheSea #Poetry #AReminderAsWeReachTheEnd
I‘ve been saying this for years. I agree with every bit of this. I wish more people would take this seriously.
#NikitaGill #YourHeartIsTheSea #Poetry #SurvivalOfTheKindest
I quite like this as well. This is probably perfect for this moment in time.
#NikitaGill #YourHeartIsTheSea #Poetry #TheSurvival