Let‘s go Mexico! ⚽️⚽️⚽️
Let‘s go Mexico! ⚽️⚽️⚽️
Hi Litsy! Remember me? I haven't read a book in over a month (February is SO BUSY in the teaching world), but I'm heading off to Mexico with two coworkers for spring break in 3 weeks! I'm looking for recommendations for vacation-y books to load on my Kobo before I leave! I don't like romance and I'm VERY picky when it comes to YA. I'm hoping to find a series or some really great thrillers! #litsyrecommends
I couldn't control myself. As soon as I put this book down, I went on Biblio and purchased 3 more of his books.
I'm with Bookdodger. This book is hilarious! If, you can find a copy, read it! It deserves more attention. His prose is superb and his wit leaves the reader engaged to the end of the journey.
Why, oh why was I not born at such a time that I could have met this man?? His descriptions leave me in hysterics! You really must find a copy of this wonderful book! He loved Mexico and its people.
This is an oldie but goodie. Written in 1908 it still rings true today. Some parts -such as this- are utterly sublime. This passage is written about the advantages of living a solitary life.