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Guardians Of The Galaxy
Guardians Of The Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon And Groot Steal The Galaxy! Prose Novel | Dan Abnett
14 posts | 5 read | 2 to read
Marvel's first original prose novel, featuring the stars of Guardians of the Galaxy! These are not the Avengers or the Fantastic Four - in fact, they're barely even famous - but Rocket Raccoon and the faithful Groot are the baddest heroes in the cosmos, and they're on the run across the Marvel Universe! During a spaceport brawl, the infamous pair rescues an android Recorder from a pack of alien Badoons, Everyone in the galaxy, however, including the ruthless Kree Empire and the stalwart Nova Corps, seems to want that Recorder, who's about as sane as a sandwich with no mustard. Join Rocket and Groot on a free-for-all across the stars while they try to save all of existence-again!
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😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🦝 #LitsyHumor 🦝

Bette I love these. 😆 4y
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#7Days7covers #ComicCoverCrush Day 1

@GrilledCheeseSamurai and I are doing a comic book twist on the 7 days 7 covers challenge. Feel free to join in!

GrilledCheeseSamurai Classic! Before the general mass even knew who the GotG were! Remeber when the first trailer came out & people were all like, "a talking Racoon? Wtf." And now they love him. ? 5y
Eyelit Ooh! I‘ll join in! 😁 5y
Leftcoastzen Nice! 5y
TK421 @GrilledCheeseSamurai Abnett's run on Guardians is might be my favorite comic series of all time. This and the Nova series that came out of Annihilation were some of the best cosmic Marvel stuff ever. 5y
TK421 @Eyelit Yay! 😃 5y
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3.5 mile 🏃‍♀️✅
Shower 🚿✅
Comic and a cozy chair ......we‘re there man 😁🤯🎉

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OMG! 😍 My little Groot planter arrived today! I completely forgot that I ordered it weeks ago! It‘s like a surprise present from myself! 🌱❤️😂

Cinfhen Sooooo cute!!!! 6y
Rachbb3 😍 6y
Craftylikefox 😍😍😍 where did you find it???!! 6y
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tracey38 Oh that's really cute. 6y
Deblovestoread ❤❤❤ 6y
GypsyKat @Craftylikefox I found it on Amazon! There were a ton of them listed at all different prices up to $35. But I found one for less than $10 💪 6y
Craftylikefox Thank you!!! I will have to check this out!! 6y
Craftylikefox I have never ordered anything so fast! I have the perfect plant for this! Thank you!! 6y
Leftcoastzen Super cute Groot! 6y
xicanti I love it! 6y
Melissa_J That is soooo cute! 6y
KirstieE Omg I've been wanting this for ageeees !! 😍💘 6y
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This Groot pumpkin 🎃 at my library!

BooksForEmpathy Baby Groot!!! 7y
Andrea4 😍 7y
ericarobynreads So cute!! 7y
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I'm trying a new thing! #guardiansofthegalaxy #marvel mcu

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My daughter Rocket Raccoon and her boyfriend Star Lord at Comicon!

mom2bugnbee They look great! 🌟 7y
Sace Love it! 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Very nice! I feel very old, bc I'm clueless to the characters, but now I know this is called Cosplay. That I learned from Geekerella-which was a very cute YA Cinderella retelling. Trying to stay hip is time consuming...lol 7y
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RanaElizabeth Amazing! 7y
398.2 They look awesome! I hope they had fun! 7y
Zelma @JanuarieTimewalker13 I have no idea who the characters are either. But I appreciate good cosplay and the effort it takes! 👍 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @Zelma yes, I agree, that takes effort. It's a different era-when I was in late teens, early 20s, it was all about the disco...getting dressed up for that alone was cosplay...Bowie's Let's Dance just cemented I had made the right choice in buying red pumps which were coupled with anklets, oh and of course the mini skirt. I have to say I did get my exercise in- constant dancing is good for the body. 7y
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Really thought the theater here would be packed. Good thing I brought my book.

Suzze My son was in The Phillipines for 10 days recently on business . I asked him if he got to see anything while he was there, and he said "Guardians of the Galaxy". Not exactly what I meant. 7y
Cinfhen 😂😂😂 @Suzze 7y
minkyb @Suzze that is hilarious! 7y
Megabooks @Suzze 😂😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ 7y
LibrarianRyan @Suzze 😜😂🤓 7y
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If you love comics, action, space travel, aliens, and humanoid trees, this is totally a book for you! Be wary of repetitive story telling elements and being addressed as a gentle, faithful, kind, understanding reader by a robot. Awesome pick for a serious Sci Fi fan, though!!!

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We had to move out for the night because of home renovations and I was really torn about bringing only one book...I debated grabbing Are You There God, it's Me Margaret but went with this in hopes of finishing this weekend.

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I'd rather be reading but there's a baby who won't wait for me to finish my book! NO, not MY baby...the factory is closed for business but a good friend is due any day. 🌻⚘🌹🌺

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Not that I'm expecting this book to be hit by an iceberg and sink, but I'm going to be angry if I continue being referred to as "loyal reader" on every page... #4thwall Wait, can there be a 4th wall in a book? How does that work???

ValerieAndBooks A one time thing such as "Dear Reader, I Married Him" is ok but on every page is probably overkill! (edited) 7y
IamIamIam @ValerieAndBooks It sure is!!! Trying to skip over the frustrating repetitious lines & press on! 😂 7y
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My husband suggested I get through this before Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 comes out. I'm game! Bonus for the awesome book cover under the dust jacket! #nopressure #IAmGroot #ihatedustjackets Litsy Fun Fact: I'm the first person to tag this book. Hope that's not a bad omen!

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Equal parts bonkers, sweet, and utterly confusing. Just like a Guardians story should be.