A real thriller.
“He told me that war needed to be fought by real men. Real men had to bleed and die. Only then would we not want to fight wars. If we could create robots to do our fighting, he thought, we‘d be at war all the time.”
And done! I really liked it. I'll read more Baldacci for sure! 10 points for being on theme, 1 point for participation, and 1 point for the scavenger hunt matte cover. #scarathlon #teamslaughter @Clwojick
Today, my company is hosting its fourth annual event working with the local animal shelter to raise funds and get some furry babies a new home. Before the madness hits, I'm going to try to finish the last few chapters left in this one. Was planning to start it last month, and then as usual for me, I never did. Ha! But I'm glad I saved it because it'll rack up points for #teamslaughter !
@Clwojick #scarathlon
Reading material for my sleep study. Waiting my turn to get hooked up to find out why I'm an insomniac. Is it apnea? Is it depression? Is it anxiety? Something else? Who knows!
Enjoyed yet another David Baldacci book. I must say his books are great and Chief Puller is one great character
Absolutely loved the entire book. Captivated me from the first to the last page, with a few surprises. The characters are well-developed, story line is easy to follow. Great casual read
I love the John Puller character. The story centers around the disappearance of Puller's mother when he was a child. There are several storylines going on that culminate in the end. This book was hard to put down.
So I showed you the First Level prizes, which one gets after reading 350 pages. Second Level, after 700 pages, is a ultimate prize raffle ticket and a small booklight. Third Level, after 1,050 pages, is a book-bundle (varying sizes) in excellent condition. Here's the two Baldacci bundles: NML & The Guilty, and NML & The Forgotten. Which would you pock? #LitsyLovesLibraries
Finally finished it! The length of time it has taken me to read this, is in no way a reflection of the book, just been a crazy busy Xmas! Anyway, a great read as usual. I love the John Puller series so much. Action packed and cheesy but just the way I like it ❤️📚
#seasonsreadingd2016 #hotdrinkandbook I really wish I was able to read now but instead I'm wrapping gifts. I've just had to clear space on the floor to take this pic. At least I've some books to wrap. 😩
#currentlyreading John Puller is the US Army's most tenacious investigator, but he is not equipped to face the truth about his mother's disappearance thirty years ago. New evidence has come to light suggesting that Puller's father - a highly decorated army veteran - may have murdered his wife. When Puller's friend, intelligence operative Veronica Knox, arrives on the scene, he realizes that there is far more to this case than he first thought....
Listening to this book will get me through my chores today. I've been looking forward to this next Puller book. #multitasking #cleaningandbakingandreading
#bookmail I love David Baldacci's John Puller series! So looking forward this one ❤️📚