The movie was great! Any Marvel fans out here?😃
The movie was great! Any Marvel fans out here?😃
Doctor strange. Marvel's “Doctor Strange“ follows the story of the talented neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a tragic car accident, must put ego aside and learn the secrets of a hidden world of mysticism and alternate dimensions.
“Yes, we did it. By also violating the natural law....You think there will be no consequences? No price to pay? We broke our rules...The bill comes due. Always!” #Account #QuotsyMay19
its fun seeing everybody‘s #bookishscreen! i usually alternate these #bookishscreens :) i used to have a Sherlock wallpaper phone case but the design rubbed off 😟
Finally watching Doctor Strange. DAAAAMMNN 😍😍 It has action, drama, and some well-timed laughs. And no PhD in comicbooksology is required to know who everyone is and how they are all connected (looking at you. Avengers and friends movies).
#seasonsreadings2016 #notinEnglish #day4
No picture because it doesn't yet reside in my home, but I happen to know that my parents are giving my 14yo daughter an assortment of Marvel comics in French for Christmas. ☺ My parents recently celebrated their 50th anniversary in 🇫🇷 & my daughter is not only an MCU geek, but also is taking her 3rd year of French & has become fairly proficient. 📷 to come! @RealLifeReading
Benedict Cumberbatch with an American accent--who is this person?? I knew nothing about this Marvel character whatsoever, which was kind of fun. The movie was good--different feel than some of the others, but kind of Batman Begins-esque. Also, Rachel McAdams was in it...who knew? Recommend if you're into superheroes, magic, and/or action.